The biggest question I get is more a reflection of the person asking it

The biggest question I get actually has nothing to do with weight loss.

Surprising, isn’t it?

Because I so often dress nicely, and do my hair and makeup almost every day–even if I’m not leaving the house–people are constantly asking me, “Cristy, why do you always dress up?”

Depending on your age, you may remember a time when everybody “dressed up,” even around the house. They most certainly did when they left the house.

But at some point things changed. And now anyone who takes pride in their appearance–even with no obvious “reason” to do so–baffles the crap out of so many people.

For example, I went to lunch with a friend not long ago, and the waitress asked us if we were going to the Garth Brooks concert happening later that night.

Neither of us even knew about the concert, so we told her no. And she said, “Oh, because you’re both dressed up, I just assumed you were.”

If the concert hadn’t been happening, maybe she wouldn’t have said anything.

But the fact she even searched for a reason to explain why we were dressed up proves my point.

I get this “why do you always dress up” question so often, I finally decided to film a video about it.

Click the image below to play the video and hear my answer…plus learn what I think it says about people who’re puzzle by my pride in my appearance.