Are you ashamed of your body?

Do you avoid looking at your body in the mirror?

If not, how do you feel about what you see?

If you’re like an unfortunate number of people, you aren’t happy with the way your body looks.

It doesn’t help that we’re bombarded with images of fit, Photoshopped bodies, then told that’s how our body has to look in order for us to have value and feel good about ourselves.

To be clear, I don’t support taking horrible care of your body and calling it “beauty,” because feeding your body garbage is not a beautiful thing to do.

Starvation is not “beautiful,” either. The answer to overeating isn’t to go to the complete opposite end of the spectrum and live on lettuce.

The beautiful thing to do for your body is to nourish it with enough (but not too much) nutritious real food, hydrate it with water, and help it rejuvenate by getting adequate sleep.

It’s beautiful to appreciate your body.

It’s beautiful to use your body.

It’s beautiful to love your body.

It’s beautiful to respect your body.

Running around believing that your body hates you…

Running around hating it back…

Being ashamed of it because it doesn’t look like Photoshopped, airbrushed fitness models (who still have to be Photoshopped and airbrushed)…

It’s only gonna make you feel like crap and put you at odds with your body, instead of getting you and your body on the same page.

Feeling like you’re at war with your body makes you feel horrible and, mentally, makes weight loss (and weight maintenance) problematic.

Instead, give your body some love, by getting a massage, taking a bath, moving it (not to “burn calories,” but to use it the way it’s meant to be used), and most importantly of all, feeding it real food, drinking water, and getting sleep.

Please start loving your body, instead of shaming it and hating it because it doesn’t look the way so-called “beauty” and fitness magazines say it should.

Yes, it’s fine for people to have fit bodies. I love fit bodies!

AND, it doesn’t mean you should feel ashamed or inferior if your body doesn’t look like some 20-year-old fitness model’s, okay?

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