I used to let my clients have a cheat meal once a week. Made my head explode week after week after week, until I finally put a stop to it.
So why did I stop it? What’s “the harm” in letting people eat crap just once a week while they’re in weight loss mode?
“The harm” goes way beyond the weight loss.
First of all, one cheat sets you back a week. You focus and lose weight, then blow all your progress in one meal, and have to re-lose everything.
No wonder weight loss with cheat meals takes a million times longer than it needs to!
But a cheat meal doesn’t just ruin your weight loss progress.
It also triggers you. It causes cravings.
And worst of all, it builds momentum in the wrong direction.
See, you didn’t get heavy and sick overnight. It took back to back to back months – probably years – of choices to get you there.
Cheat meals are just repeating those same tired choices that got you into this mess in the first place.
The great news is, new choices will get you new results…choices like no cheat meals in weight loss mode!!
Watch my video below to learn more about why cheat meals are a hard no if you want the weight off once and for all.
Does that mean you can “never” eat pizza again?
Watch my video below to learn what it DOES mean.
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