The questions people interested in Code Red come up with surprise even me sometimes. But answering them is a lot of fun. Here are answers to 5 of the most common questions I get on the Code Red Lifestyle™.
What is ghee?
Ghee is what’s called clarified butter. Real butter is strained through a cheesecloth, which removes milk solids and water. What’s left is pure fat.
Many people who are intolerant to dairy can eat ghee, due to the absence of inflammatory milk compounds, like lactose. Ghee is a phenomenal source of healthy fat you can put on your veggies and in your bulletproof coffee.
What’s Code Red-approved that I can put in my water?
Frankly, I’d rather see you get used to drinking straight-up water. But if you’re new to Code Red, it can be a bit daunting at first (though you will get used to it!).
A couple Code Red-approved things you can put in your water include: – A tea bag. That’ll add a little flavor, and with all the tea flavors out there, you’ll enjoy some variety. (It has to be a tea bag – no powdered tea.)
You can also infuse your water with lemon or lime slices, or approved berries like strawberries, raspberries, or blueberries.
Stuff like Kool-Aid and Crystal Light are not approved. Stick with what I’ve mentioned here.
Can I eat too many vegetables in weight loss mode?
Since the volume of food you eat matters, too, you can get fat eating just about anything, if you eat enough of it!
But in the case of Code Red-approved veggies, honestly, you’d have to willfully overeat them and make yourself sick before you’ll eat so many it’ll interfere with your weight loss.
Veggies are packed with fiber, which makes them very filling. You’ll know when you’ve eaten your fill!
What time of day should I stop eating?
Code Red Rebels need to stop eating by 6:30 p.m. Our bodies need time between our last meal of the day and when we go to sleep to recover from digestion.
Digestion uses about 65% of your body’s energy, so if you’re always eating, your body has to devote two-thirds of its energy to digesting, instead of directing that energy toward things like healing and burning fat.
Plus, your body does its best healing while you’re asleep. It detoxes your liver, resets hormones, and does many, many other good things. Going to bed with a full stomach robs it of energy it needs to do those things.
Can I have cheese on the Code Red Lifestyle™?
The traditional ketogenic diet (which Code Red is often confused for) allows all forms of cheese.
The problem with hard cheeses, like cheddar, is that it’s incredibly easy to overeat them. Cheese is extremely calorie-dense, and after writing over 3,500 custom nutrition programs, I’ve learned that allowing clients to have cheese in weight loss mode just prolongs weight loss mode. And who wants that?
So until you hit maintenance, abstain from every kind of cheese except full-fat cream cheese and full-fat cottage cheese.
If you’d like more details on any of the questions listed above, make sure you watch my full video on these topics, by clicking on the image below.