96: Don’t STOP After Reaching Your GOAL

What Is This Episode About…

It sounds silly, but a lot of people STOP once they reach their goal. You can’t stop, and you can’t go back to the old ways that got you into this mess, to begin with. But you can pivot, shift and move into a new phase.

We have noticed that many people stop doing what they did to reach their goal, they just stop and become lazy. We don’t want you to do this, we want you to reach your goal and stay there. What you did to reach your goal, you got to keep doing it.

Pivoting to your new phase once you reach your goal requires a change of plan and a shift in mindset, but you have to stay committed every day for the rest of your life. You ain’t never going back to your old ways.

At Code Red, we are playing the long game. Hitting your weight loss goal is just one piece of the puzzle. Once you get there, we shift and pivot into the maintenance program because we believe that America doesn’t have a weight loss problem, but a weight regain problem.

Listen in and learn more about pivoting to your new phase once you reach your goal and how we can help you here at Code Red!

Key Takeaways

  • Shifting and pivot once you reach your goal weight (04:58)
  • The Code Red Maintenance Program (05:50)
  • What you did to reach your goal, you got to keep doing it (07:16)
  • You need to stay committed every day (11:22)
  • How we are playing the long game at Code Red (16:22)
  • The three non-negotiables of maintenance (18:02)

Learn More About The Content Discussed…

Get the Code Red On-The-Go Guide here.

Join the next 10-Pound Takedown Challenge here.

When Was It Released…

This episode was released on January 20, 2021

Episode Transcript…

The Transcript Is Auto-Generated And May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors

Cristy  0:00  

Code Red, we’re playing the long game. And once you hit your weight loss goal, that is just one piece of the bigger puzzle. That is the time we’re going to shift and pivot into a new plan. It’s not drastically different. It’s not going to be oh my gosh, it’s just gonna be okay. Good, we’re gonna celebrate you. We’re going to honor you, we’re gonna, we’re gonna hug you, we’re gonna cheer for you. We’re all going to be so proud of you. But it’s you’re entering into a new phase of life. You’re not going back to your old ways.

Intro  0:32  

I’m Christy Code Red and you’re listening to rebel weight loss and lifestyle where we believe food holds the power to heal or poison and we believe our society has been misled regarding proper nutrition and weight loss. You’re in the right place if you’re looking for some straight up truth, because I’m here to shed light on the lies and brainwashing that has taken place over the past five decades. Thanks so much for listening. A very warm welcome back to rebel weight loss in lifestyle. I’m your host Christy Code Red author, entrepreneur, retired professional boxer. I am the official owner and host of this podcast however, Cari is on so much with me that it’s pretty much like the Cristy and Cari Show so thank you Cari once again for taking your time to podcast with me. Thank you again.

Cari  1:21  

I love it. I can’t I know I say that every time. What can you imagine if I came on? And I was like,

Cari  1:26  

what are we talking about today?

Cristy  1:29  

No. Well I tell you and I’m loving it now that I have my new home office here at the cabin. It’s beautiful Thank you I can work efficiently and just keep my life going whether I’m at the cabin or Boise you know Cari I want to mention you guys to you guys Cari and I are huge fans of Redmond Real Salt and it’s not because they’re a close-knit family site kind of a company but because they put out a just a premium superior product lots of products and Redmond Real Salt. And so Redmond Real Salt is out of I believe it’s Heber Utah Hebrew University Hebrew Utah. Yep, yeah. And they mine salt from the earth but it’s high quality. It’s not that overprocessed Morton’s table salt crap is high quality salt products and salt is so important for our health.

Cari  2:22  

What I never want to hear from a rebel is getting that nasty disgusting. bleached, over-processed. Table crap salt, guys Redmond Real Salt is affordable. It’s not boozy. $27 a bottle salt guys. I bought a 10 pound I kid you not 10 pound bucket. And it was super reasonable. I use it for everything. I don’t even want to hear about you using crap salt. Oh, plus, they give a discount. I order stuff from them all the time and use our discount facial masks, they make great toothpaste. It’s just a great way to start making better choices. And an easy way to do that is great tasting salt that is not bleached.

Cristy  3:08  

Yeah, it’s a good quality organic, no chemicals. They don’t use anticaking agents there. And it’s funny because everybody just thinks salt. No, they have seasonings. They have the toothpaste, the facial and I have all kinds of stuff. And so you can get your salt and kill forms if you don’t want to put salt in your water. But guys salt is when you’re having sugar cravings, that 99.9% of the time means you’re getting too low of salt so that we gotta keep that sodium up that magnesium, the potassium and Redmond Real Salt. That’s the company that we use. That’s what we endorse. So if you want to, I’ll link them up here. But if you want to check them out, Code Red 15 will get you a discount. They’re a wonderful company. We wanted to mention that. I don’t think we’ve ever mentioned them on a pod. Yeah, they’re amazing people, they

Cari  3:51  

sponsor all of our code, red events, as you know. And also on our monthly challenges. We do a q&a I do a q&a towards the end of the challenge. And they always send prizes to people just send prizes to people. They even guys have Christmas gifts. Like they’re just really genuine people.

Cristy  4:09  

I couldn’t believe that when I saw that.

I was like, wow, I

would have taken a couple of things salt, I would have been happy. I’m gonna take it anything.

Cristy  4:16  

I know it like I’ll just take the little travel you guys they have the cutest little baby travel salts and it’s like a little and look like they just keep me supplied in salt. I’d be happy as a clam. So right here on salt Code Red 15 for 15% off. We all could use a discount my buddy Chris Gethin. You know, I always text him and say, do you have a discount code for this year for that because I know he’s got like, Who cares? You know, I know that we are getting a percentage of your sales so thank you. Because that money comes back into Code Red  and helps us keep the lights on keeps us creating new programs keeps the company keeps paying employees. So thank you for using our discount code you get it’s a win win. You get a discount we get a little bit of Amen. Amen. Thank you that we are Talking about this is gonna sound so simple, but hear us out. Don’t stop after reaching your goal.

Cari  5:07  

Right? Right. We have found this to be true about so many aspects in life. But Christie, the biggest one that we have noticed here at Code Red is people that get to their weight loss goal, and they don’t know what to do next. So they just stop, it’s like, they go facedown in a pile of Krispy kremes. Or they start going crazy back to their old habits. And this is why in this country, we don’t have a weight loss problem, we have a weight regain problem. That’s why we created the maintenance page that we do exclusively at Code Red . Other places don’t teach you how to maintain. It’s because of what Chrissy just said, people get to their goal and they stop.

Cristy  5:49  

Yeah, we do. We have a whole full on maintenance program that has training modules, and unit trainings. And it is specifically designed I believe, I mean, the our weight loss game is strong. But our maintenance game is just as strong. And there are not a lot of C programs. And look, I’m a capitalist, okay? I’m not knocking programs that are in business, they want to what do they want to do, they want to continue to sell you their program. So you reaching goal is not going to serve the company because they want you to continue to buy their product, right at Code Red. We don’t want repeat offenders, we want you to reach your goal and keep your goal and stay there. But what we noticed that people do is when they get their goal, they stopped doing whatever it is that got them there. And they just get they get lazy. Once they get that victory. They just get lazy.

Cari  6:39  

Yes. And if you can think of it in other senses in the life. Imagine the man that comes from a foreign country to the United States, and he’s gonna run a marathon. And he crosses the 10,000 meters. he crosses the finish line first. And he just sits down, just sits down right past the finish line. No, they go over, they lean over they stretch they I did not think I was going to make it but I did you know what I mean? They’re all excited. And then they do interviews and they stretch and guess what they probably do in the next day or so. They go back to training. Yeah, they keep running. They keep running. Because what you did to get to your goal you got to keep doing after your goal. And I think that can you imagine a bodybuilder Christy? We don’t talk about exercise a lot. But can you imagine a bodybuilder they get all ready for the competition? You’ve done fitness competitions, you know?

Unknown Speaker  7:28  

What did

Cari  7:29  

you do? the Monday after your competition? Did you sit in a recliner for a week?

Cristy  7:35  

You had a gym Monday, I took Sunday off and then went right back to training Monday.

Cari  7:40  

You cannot stop once you get to your goal. Oh, how

Cristy  7:44  

about newlyweds? Boy, we’ve all dated a few people, some of us who have been married multiple times. And I’m gonna hold my hand up. Yeah, Gary, Gary and I both we know something about marriages. And what do we do when we meet this guy, you know, everything is so wonderful. And we’re on our best behavior. And we’re putting our best foot forward and we want to you know, and they are too and everybody’s working so hard, and they’re communicating and we’re all getting along and, and they’re texting each other on my way home, you know, I have dinner started, go in everything is communicate, communicate. And then you get married and you start putting in some time together. And then those things to do to honor respect and love each other, they stop doing them.

Cari  8:25  

And it’s so funny, because the minute if your goal is to get married, the minute you’re done, you can’t stop working on that relationship. Just like Cristysaid, you know, you’ve seen the memes, they’re all over the internet. They’re hilarious, like six months before you get married. No, you can have half my meal. And then six months after it’s like, well, I guess you should have ordered it yourself. But you have to keep working. The goal. If the goal is marriage for you, you have to keep working towards it. Whatever you did to get there to strengthen that relationship has to continue afterwards. The same is true of weight loss. The same is true of education. The same is true of exercise, so many facets of our life. And we find people get there and they’re like, I’m out.

Cristy  9:11  

Yeah, yeah, they do. And and the same is true with your wife, your walk with Christ. And people say like, I want to, I want to be closer to Christ. I want a better relationship with Christ. I want to I want to be closer to Jesus, but you didn’t even crack it. Open your Bible. And I’m not judging you, by the way that you wouldn’t even crack it open your Bible. So how are you supposed to get a close relationship with Christ when you’re never studying the Word? You’re never praying until you need something, Lord Jesus, and go ahead and pray when you need something. It’s just that people call out to God when they’re in a crisis. But nobody wants to talk to God about normal stuff about doing your hair or about going to the grocery store. And it’s just funny to me. You don’t want to maintain that relationship or build that relationship. And by the way with marriages, I am terrible about this with my husband like we’ve been together almost 10 years. I have really not held up my end of the agreement as Code Red has grown. I’ve just kind of like Yeah, yeah, that’s my husband. Yeah, yeah.

Cari  10:08  

And the problem is, if you don’t continue to maintain, you’ll lose ground. So let’s bring it back around to weight loss. Christy, I love the idea of weight loss. Because whatever you did, to maintain whatever you did to get to your goal, you’re gonna have to do some form of that to maintain now, I’ll tell you Code Red has it down pat, coach, Andrea, all the coaches do, but Andrea is kind of the head of the maintenance page. And she, we have it down, I’m telling you, they’ve got a formula, how to introduce foods, how to get to where your life isn’t all about eating, how to you know, live this life, but there is still some form of being cognizant of what you’re eating, you can’t just go back to your old ways. And that is true with working out. I can’t too are on let’s just say deadlift, and the next day be like, Okay, I’m gonna take three weeks and sit on the couch. That’s not going to get me anywhere. Now we do believe I don’t want you to think that we don’t believe in some time where you don’t have to, maybe, I don’t know, let me think about that, Christy, because you can’t really take time off with your eating. You know, there’s you can’t do that. But there’s got to be, you’ve got to, you’ve got to be mindful of what it took to get to your goal. That’s what I mean.

Cristy  11:22  

Well, I like to say you ain’t never going back to your old ways, and you are gonna have you’re gonna have to live the Code Red  lifestyle and in every day for the rest of your life. You need to stay committed every day and that means you need to recommit every day just like you recommit to your marriage, you recommit to your relationship with Christ, you recommit to being a dog parent, I commit to walking Annabel every day, it wasn’t like walking her last week was good enough. She needs a three mile walk every single day. And so when you get to maintenance, the rules are not that different than weight loss. But we do have a different shift of a program. And so but you can’t just like I’m out or to go back to ordering Domino’s, which is what everybody does see diets will work. diets will work. You will lose weight on the lemon and cayenne pepper diet. I promise you you will you want to drink some shakes, you’ll lose weight. But can you keep that weight off? You won’t be able to if you quit ordering Nutrisystem food. So that’s what it is. You’ve got to stay committed to the program and people just aren’t they just when they get their gold, they let everything go and bam. You want to watch Wait, come on quick. You’ll get fat again, quick,

Cari  12:30  

Chrissy, I just got a ticket on our help desk, and I’m going to tell you about it without revealing any sources. She said I recently lost 40 pounds doing a plant based diet, which isn’t whatever. It’s not something that Christy and I necessarily agree with. Well, Christy will say she doesn’t agree with it. I’m just like, What did you eat? No wonder if you say plants. And that’s it. said now I’ve gotten to the dreaded maintenance. She called it and she said it’s not going well. And then she wrote something interesting, she said convinced me that I should do your program, which of course, I I think the program speaks for itself. I don’t think I need to convince anyone. First of all, I don’t agree with the way you’re eating. I do believe in eating plants. But I don’t believe that’s the only way to eat. And I’m just like, you aren’t even eating an egg like oh, like, I mean, yeah, you start 40 pounds off for you. And then you want me to convince you. So this is the problem. This is somebody who got to goal with no idea what to do next. So you have to have a plan once you get your goal. So you’re not going facedown in the Krispy Kreme so you’re not being like, yeah, husband like you, you just you water and feed yourself, right? Like I don’t need to do anything here to this relationship. We just stay married, right? You’ve got to have a plan a goal. You can successfully continue down that road. And this person is a great example of somebody who got to a goal. Like Chrissy says you can do shock therapy and lose weight. I mean, God bless. Losing, I thought the problem, they just stopped

Cristy  14:00  

out of the blue after getting to goal. Yeah, and I’m just completely I just completely lost what you were thinking about

Cari  14:09  

what you would say that lady is what you were thinking about, because I know you you were like, Well, after we get off this call, I’m going to ask Cari what she said, because I can’t wait to find out.

Cristy  14:17  

Oh, that’s exactly what you know, this is why I talked about my evolution book maintenance. I talked about maintenance, my code red revolution book, because I don’t want you to be so shocked about maintenance. I don’t want to have it be so foreign. And then all of a sudden you get to it. And now it’s completely like we’re just now talking about like a secret until you get to the maintenance program. And so I do talk about here are the top three non negotiable rules of maintenance. And that way, you know, it’s just like talking to your kids, you talk you start talking to your kids about post high school education, whatever that’s going to be, you start talking to them about that. What do you want to be when you grow up? You know what you know, you but you start talking about that early on. Don’t just six months before graduating from high school, say, Okay, now here’s what you can do, we start introducing that that way, it’s not so much of a shock. Well, same thing with our maintenance program, we’ve got to get people conditioned that it ain’t stopping. It’s just shifting a little bit once you reach goals. Exactly.

Cari  15:17  

So here’s another great example that doesn’t have to do with weight loss. So my daughter Courtney is in graduate school for microbiology. Now, let’s say that Courtney gets her PhD master’s degree, you know, whatever she’s going to stop at. And let’s say she goes out into the world and starts working. Now Christy, let’s imagine that Courtney never reads another journal article. She never goes back for continuing education credits, she never meets and goes to a conference of all those little microbiology nerds. Sorry, Courtney, if you’re listening, let’s say that you go to that point, and you get there and you absolutely never, ever, ever continue that education. So then what happens? Does she learn and grow in her field?

Cari  15:58  

No, like, she doesn’t know, Oh, my gosh, they’re

Cari  16:00  

doing DNA sequencing different, Oh, my gosh, they’ve got different proteins that she wouldn’t have no idea. So she can’t even know she reached the goal of getting a graduate degree. She can’t stop learning just like nurses. Just like when you are a trainer, Christie. Just because you learn how to teach a kettlebell class, doesn’t mean you can never ever, ever learn anything else.

Cristy  16:22  

I like that example. That’s a good one. And you just need to get it in your mind right now that code when we’re playing the long game, and once you hit your weight loss goal, that is just one piece of the bigger puzzle. That is the time we’re going to shift and pivot into a new plan. It’s not drastically different, it’s not going to be oh my gosh, it’s just gonna be okay, good, we’re gonna celebrate you, we’re going to honor you, we’re gonna, we’re gonna hug you, we’re gonna cheer for you, we’re all going to be so proud of you. But as you’re entering into a new phase of life, you’re not going back to your old ways.

Cari  16:56  

Christy, maybe we should call this podcast goal, then pivot, like on friend’s


Cari  17:06  

call it golden pivot, maybe people should think of I got to my goal. And now I just shift and I move forward. But you’re moving forward

is always going to include

Cari  17:18  

components of what you did to get to goal and I think that’s really important to understand people stop taking the prepackaged meals, when they did whatever, you know, whatever. Protein crazy when they send you that nasty crap food in the mail? They, what do they always say, Cari, I look at all the programs. I mean, Cristywrites them, I medically screened them. They all say, as soon as I quit eating the prepackaged meals, I gained my weight back because nobody showed them how to stop

and then pivot. Nobody showed them how to stop and then adjust and keep going on a different path. But your new path, just like maintenance has to include parts of your old how you got there.

Cristy  18:02  

It has to Yeah, it absolutely does. And, you know, we do enter into a different mindset, a different type of program. When we hit maintenance, we talked about loose skin, we addressed your loose skin, we start building muscle, we addressed exercise, we do we have different ways of controlling your weight, we tried different methods, we actually tried different protocols. And so but we have the top three non negotiables that will never change with Code Red  through weight loss and min maintenance. Let me just tell you what those three are. The number one non negotiable rule is that you will always drink your water every single day 100% of your water every single day. Number two, you will always stay on the scale every single morning through weight loss and through maintenance. And number three, you never never never allow sugar to stay in your house. It is not allowed. Most of us pretty much all of us are recovering sugar addicts. So those rules carry and this is in my code red revolution book from weight loss all the way through maintenance all the way until Jesus calls you home. That does not change. So you just want to get in your mind. You’re going to be still doing the same thing. We just pivot slightly.

Yeah, pivot.

Cristy  19:16  

Pivot. I love it. I’m a big

Cari  19:18  

guy. I saw a T-shirt once that had like a picture of a couch and it said pivot exclamation point. And it was you guys, maybe some of you are too young to know about friends. It was this great show that was on like in the 2000s Oh,

Cristy  19:33  

I love that show. I love the reruns. Sometimes I’ll still catch little blips of reruns on YouTube and stuff and I would love it pivot. But if you think of it as pivoting, it’s a great visual 10 power take down.com guys is the place to get started. Of course you can always jump to the front of the line by getting a custom program and all of this can be found on our website CodeRedlifestyle.com we have a lot of programs we have Code Red, we have loved the new you. We have what’s eating you we have digital programs. The Code Red app is fantastic. You go to coderedlifestyle.com/app, you can learn how to download the app. And that’s where we really and you can listen to this podcast in the app. And that’s really what we want to do. We at Code Red are pivoting, from social media and to the app. That’s what we want to deliver all our content to you. We don’t want to be reliant on social media platforms anymore, like Facebook, or Google, those are the two main ones. We just, we want to use those as fun, but not use them as a requirement to run code red. So please download the code red app if you haven’t already. And Cari, thank you for this podcast. You’re welcome. Thank

Cari  20:38  

you, everybody for joining us. It was fun.

Cristy  20:41  

We hope you have rethought your goal and gotten to your goal and stop acting like it’s like you guys are dreaming pizza. Well, let me tell you something. I mean, you just got to shift your thinking a little bit. Because you can’t stop once you get to your goal. You’re just gonna hit it.

Cari  20:56  

She ain’t lying. She ain’t lying, folks.

Cristy  21:00  

I love that. That I no lie. I like to say that you’re done. No lie.

No lie.

Cristy  21:05  

You guys, we’ll see you in the next episode. Bye. Bye, everybody. Thanks so much for listening to this episode of rebel weight loss and lifestyle. Do you have a question that you’d like me to answer raw and uncut on the podcast? Then all you have to do is head over to Apple podcast on your phone or computer and do three simple things. leave a rating and review telling me what you think of the podcast. And in that review, ask anything you want related to health, weight loss or mindset. And if you want a shout out, leave your Instagram handle or name, that’s all. Then listen in to hear your question answered live raw and uncut on the next q&a episode, so I’ll see you on the next episode of rebel weight loss and lifestyle.