What Is This Episode About…
It’s always fun to get questions directly from the listeners! So thank you for submitting your questions from chopping wood to pregnancy to choosing goal weight to our favorite sister moment!
Every once in a while, we do an Instagram Q&A, and we always get some great questions that we are happy to answer. To start us off, we have a few questions about our custom program. The question is, how do you decide on someone’s goal weight? We have a proprietary formula that we use to determine your goal weight based on 25 years of experience and tens of thousands of people who have come through the program.
Another question we get asked a lot is about pregnancy and Code Red. Should someone who is pregnant be in the lifestyle. We believe that everybody should be eating real food, water, and sleep. We don’t want pregnant women to lose weight, but they can benefit a lot and give their baby a good start by eating real food, water, and sleep. However, we are not giving medical advice; we recommend you talk with your doctor about what’s best for you.
Tune in to this episode and hear us answer some more amazing questions from our Q&A
Key Takeaways
- How we come up with a goal weight for you in a custom program using a proprietary formula (02:56)
- Cristy’s eerie ability to be right on goal weight (07:14)
- Does artificial sweetener stevia and monk fruit cause an increase in insulin production (08:38)
- Are LDL and triglycerides bad? (11:33)
- Our favorite sister memories from childhood (16:09)
- Pregnancy and Code Red (19:11)
- The best ways and types of exercise to incorporate when you are ready (25:11)
- Can people who don’t drink tea or coffee take MCT oil (28:57)
Learn More About The Content Discussed…
Get the Code Red On-The-Go Guide here.
Join the next 10-Pound Takedown Challenge here.
When Was It Released…
This episode was released October 21, 2020
Episode Transcript…
The Transcript Is Auto-Generated And May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors
Cristy 0:00
This is so much fun for us to do a q&a from Instagram. I love your questions and we hope you love the fact that we’re going to answer you raw and honest and real. And we’re not going to sugarcoat anything ever. You’re going to get the real truth. Awesome. I love Q and A’s I thought you’re gonna say something else. So I was waiting for it. I love q&a is because I get to know people and Christy, we get to know what they’re thinking.
I’m Christy Code Red and you’re listening to rebel weight loss and lifestyle, where we believe food pulls the power to heal or poison. And we believe our society has been misled regarding proper nutrition and weight loss. You’re in the right place if you’re looking for some straight up truth, because I’m here to shed light on the lies and brainwashing that has taken place over the past five decades. Thanks so much for listening. And welcome back to rebel weight loss in lifestyle. I am your host Christy Code Red joined by Carrie Thompson, we are so glad to be here. This is literally our favorite thing to do. All week long. This is what we look forward to Christy. Yeah. And you know, we set up these podcasting times. And then we were like, we’ll stay in touch. I’ll be I’ll be I’m just gonna run and put some lipstick on. I’ll be there in five minutes. And we’re always really excited, like our favorite thing of all the things that we have to do for Code Red. Isn’t that funny? It is my favorite thing to do. Because I’ve ratted you out, then I know whatever chaos is taking place right here inside outside in the house. Yeah, I know. It’s kind of our escape. Guys. Hello, hello. So what we are doing is every once in a while Carrie, and I like to do this. And this is the Instagram q&a. And what happens is we put out this little thing on Instagram. And it we ask people to give us questions and people send in their questions on and actually, Carrie and I both got a lot of great questions. We did. Can I read something somebody wrote to me about our last podcast real quick. Let’s start off with that. Okay,
Cari 2:00
I think you’ll like it, Christy. Thank you, Carrie. I really need to hear that podcast today. And this is in reference to our rustic podcast about finding your tribe. It made me cry to think that you Chrissy and the team do love all of us rebels. Sometimes I feel so alone today. I felt truly loved. I know you can’t know all of us personally, but your love came through. Hmm.
Wow. What a nice message. Thank you for bringing that back. And I said so. Did you feel more love for me or Christy? No, I didn’t I did not. I did not do that. I did not. not say that. But that was Shelley Shelley, thank you very much. It was awesome to hear from you.
Cristy 2:44
I never get good messages like that sis, I always get the mean ones that people like they either hate me or they they want you know, actually I get a lot of questions like the first one I’m going to read off and this is a good one. To start off with. It’s quite a few I there are three of them. I almost identical to this first one. So let’s knock this one out. Now if you know if you know this and you know this, if you don’t know this, we offer a fully customized nutrition program called a custom program. It’s 997 you can go to our website Code Red lifestyle comm you can click on programs, you can scroll down to coaching, you can read about what comes with that it’s really, really great. And we have a high success rate and you can lose 10% of your body weight every month. Well I write the custom programs carry medically screens them. We have a gal that does math that does all our math check. And so we have three sets of eyes that the custom program goes through to make sure that it’s correct before it goes out the door to you. Now if you watch my Instagram stories, you’ll know that people often choose a goal weight that is too high for them because it is the goal weight they think they can achieve not the one they actually should be at like carried on like when you tell the story carry when you were 250 pounds. If someone asked you what your goal weight was, you would say 190
Cari 4:02
right? Because that was as low as I thought I could get to is achieveability. Not really what you think. But Chrissy Honestly, I do think when people get this wrong all the time, I think do you really think five foot seven and 190s? Okay, do you know what I mean? I know people really do know, in their heads and in their hearts
Cristy 4:22
carry? I don’t know, because really, they’ll be like five foot three and 165 is my goal weight. I’m thinking, are you kidding me? You know, and so I get the question a lot when they see that I’m filming of course I would never show someone’s name. But I filmed the examples sometimes while I’m writing these programs, and I’ll say no, no, no, you know, you’re This is too heavy. And so this lady at Kim Reeves asks, How do you decide how much someone should be on their goal weight? So question. Good question, Kim. It’s a good question. I’ve got three of them just like it just on this little section. So how do I choose the goal weight it has to do with 20 Five years I’ve been in this industry, it has to do with 10s of thousands of people that have come through the program, I made mistakes. In the beginning, I was able to hone the program, Carrie and I have worked together. And we have come up with a really great proprietary formula on figuring somebody’s goal weight. And also it’s a gut feeling that I just can’t seem to Can’t I just can’t seem to teach that part. And so there are a lot of factors that go in. It’s not just your height, your age and your weight, it’s not so easy to just be able to put it into computer and pop it out. That’s just not that easy.
Cari 5:32
We’ve got a staff member who is the same height as Chrissy and I, but weighs 20 pounds less at least 20 533 is that her goal weight the staff member is that their goal weight so it’s not fair for me to have been put, let’s just say Christie was writing custom program for me today. It would not make sense to put Carrie at the same goal weight as the staff member, nor would it have been okay to put this staff member at the same goal weight that Christie is both of them are similar sizes, Chrissy carries around a lot more muscle. But do you see what I mean? Guys? It’s impossible to know without kind of getting to know you, which is why it’s a custom custom program. 33 questions you guys. And it is designed for us to be able to hone in on these. It’s incredible.
Cristy 6:22
I always am amazed with the custom programs, because I’m always like, I mean, we nail it every time we nail it, I nail your numbers. And what I say to people, they say, Well, I want to be you know, I’m five foot five, and I want to be 165. Okay, that’s still way too heavy for you. But if you get to 165 and you send me pictures of yourself in a bikini, and you prove to me and that you are not still overweight, I will change your goal weights. But I mean, you guys six pack abs and beautiful straight head and shoulders and a nice separation through the head of the muscles. And like if you can prove to me that that is not still overweight, then I’ll change your goal weight. But I’m telling you right now I’m always right.
And we don’t go just on the shoulders because otherwise I’d be at goal weight all the time. No, right I’ve got that’s why I want to be swimsuit. You know,
I’m still teasing. I’m just telling you.
I am always right on goal weights, you have to trust me. And I’m not going to tell you my proprietary formula. If that’s what you’re wanting to know, I’m not going to do it. Because I got to make the living I got to keep the lights on this place. We have 61 employees with Code Red, and everybody this is how Code Red makes your money as custom program. And we want you to get your customized numbers because that’s what’s going to help you lose the weight completely and keep it off the rest of your life. So
Cari 7:37
I hope I’ve met two people in my life that have a very eerie, kind of like a Barker at a Christmas like a carnival barker. That’s Christie and one of the person that I’ve met in my life or like Carnival Barkers. I’m
going to tell you guys this so I worked with this
really old ICU doc like we were all it was sketchy like is this guy going to kill people or this has been years ago and he would walk up to a patient and take his hands and like go like this on their tummy. Like for those of you that are listening like push on it push on it like like you’re kneading bread. And he would say oh they weigh 65 kilos and we would literally look at the scale on the bed and he would be right. Christy Code Red also has that very eerie stuff on the scale about I can get within one pound of your weight. That’s exactly how Christie Christie has an eerie, eerie, eerie ability to do that. Just like this old ICU doc. So you can run but she can’t
Unknown Speaker 8:34
Unknown Speaker 8:38
You want to hear a question I got? Yes, let’s hear it. Okay, this is from Rachel. Rachel messages me quite a bit on Instagram. So I’ve gotten to know her She’s awesome. Hi Carrie does artificial sweetener stevia and monk fruit cause increase of insulin production? That’s the first part then she says does it trigger an increase of appetite and sugar cravings as a general rule? Or is it just me? So does the crispy approved stevia and monk fruit trigger insulin? Absolutely not. Or we never would have we would never approve it. Correct. But that don’t mean Rachel that it won’t make you crave sweet stuff for some people. Anything sweet. Even a legal I’m using my quotes in the in the thing. Even a legal sweetener can cause cravings and I’m sorry for some people gum like a fruit. Sugar Free gum will make them want to have cookies, bread cakes, stuff like that. Other people could have something and do absolutely fine. So I’m so sorry. Everyone is individual. And for some people it does seem no matter what the sweetener, it does seem to trigger cravings. So I would really limit those for you, Rachel. But again, other people Christie they can they can walk by a whole table full of cake and be like me, you know what I mean? It’s just everything. When is so individual?
Cristy 10:02
Yeah. And I want to reiterate that this is Christie’s approved. Yes. Non GMO organic raw stevia. I am not endorsing the other products that have stevia in them. There are lots of products out there, there was so much filler like maltodextrin multi dextran has a higher glycemic index and table sugar. And yes, it will trigger insulin. But if you get the one from my website, that is one that I approved, so just any old stevia no Christy’s approved stevia and Christie’s approved monkfruit are the two that I recommend.
Unknown Speaker 10:36
Which doesn’t mean that even if you get crispy stuff, you could still have cravings from it. Some people you know, it’s interesting on that exact same note, Christy and I don’t think Rachel’s doing this. She’s awesome. But a lot of people are getting stevia. I’m gonna make this up. But Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. Oh, what I mean, you don’t? Like you can’t like I’m not saying people do. But you can’t do stuff like that. Like you can’t just because it says sugar free guys. That’s dirty code read, don’t do dirty code read, do clean code read. It doesn’t make any sense. If you’re eating candy and it’s sugar free, you’re still eating candy and Cristy and I like to call that the
Unknown Speaker 11:15
Cristy 11:19
it is. And you know what, that’s the difference between Code Red and Keto. Keto lets you do those keto snacks and crap like that. And we don’t for this exact reason. It is the workaround if I’ve ever seen.
Cari 11:29
Yeah. Okay, that was my question. I’ll look for my other one while you’re pulling up your next one.
Cristy 11:33
Okay. I’ll pick kind of a tough one here. Can you talk about LDL and triglycerides and how they’re not bad. I’m still trying to grasp this concept. So I guess when we start off here we have articles on our help desk about this you guys carry has put a lot of effort. If you go to support dot Code Red lifestyle.com you’re good and type in LDL or type in cholesterol, you’re going to get a lot of support here. We have been grossly misinformed and we have misunderstood all types of cholesterol. Cholesterol is not bad. We make cholesterol in the body. Cholesterol is needed to make every single hormone in the body. So the fact that we have demonized LDL that is so wrong in it’s absolutely it’s wrong now in the presence of high blood sugar, and I’m really simplifying this number one, it’s not in my wheelhouse to be able to go into great detail about this. I’m not a cardiologist. But number two why we it’s really complicated stuff. In the presence of high blood sugar. Your LDL particles become sticky, and then they stick together they can cause a plaque buildup or a blockage. That’s a problem. So yes, if you’re going to have pancakes with syrup and butter and bacon, so you’re having this sugar with the fat you’re gonna need to take a Staton so don’t do that. But yeah, if you eat just a high fat diet with your your blood sugar’s down where it should be, there’s no need to worry about LDL.
Cari 12:58
If you do like what Christie says, but yeah, if you eat crap, yeah, you should be worried about your cholesterol levels. The other thing I want to say is there’s something called is an outlier called a hyper responder, I believe it’s called a responder. Dr. Hyman talks about this. This is a familial type, I wrote it down. So I wouldn’t forget Christy because I wanted to mention it. This is a familial high cholesterol, not dependent on diet. This is a hereditary thing. This is this is not something you want to mess around with. If you are one of those hyper responders, you absolutely need to take a stand. So please, Christine are not giving medical advice. But if you are eating Code Red, if you are not taking in sugar, if you are get your body weight down, you do not need to be stressed about your numbers unless you have a familial hypo responder kind of situation. So it is really crispy people that are eating right, eating clean, their cholesterol goes up a little bit when they lose weight, and then it comes back down and they freak out. Please. Those are the people I want to say, calm down, go to help desk, read all the articles. Please watch all the videos and then you make the best decision for you. Knowledge is power. We’re not going to tell you how to decide. But we are going to give you information so you can make the best decision possible for you. Now dad had a heart attack. They put them on statens unfortunately, I love our dad but he doesn’t keep his diet as clean as he should. So guess what, Christy? Yeah, you need to take that stat and then if you’re gonna have um, you know, if you’re if you’re gonna get bread from the dollar store and eat it with Grandma, then guess what? And I’m not being mean to our dad. I love our dad. But yeah, you need to take your staten and then because you’re not eating clean, does that make sense to everybody?
Cristy 14:45
Yeah, but that’s the hyper responder. That’s actually like a half a percent of all people. It’s a real small percentage. So don’t automatically think No, that’s you. I just
Cari 14:54
don’t want somebody to be like no one said
Cristy 14:56
anything about that. But you don’t get it. High cholesterol from eating bacon. I don’t get it from eating ice cream at night you get it from poor food choices over time. I have high cholesterol and i i love it I celebrated. It doesn’t bother me, it doesn’t worry me, but I don’t have the other markers and are not worried your body. I don’t know why we’re demonizing something our body makes naturally. And if LDL was responsible for cardiovascular disease, then it would have done that to the human population for the last 15,000 years. And so the fact that it’s only really a cardiovascular and heart disease has gone up in the last 70 years. That should tell us Hey, what did we change in the last seven years? Your our bodies are incredibly smart, wasn’t it? Dr. Barry Christie that said, Don’t blame fat for what sugar did? Ooh, that I love that.
Cari 15:47
Yeah, or something like that. Sorry, Dr. Berry if I got that wrong, but
Cristy 15:51
something like that.
Yeah, that’s a great question. We love talking about I wish I knew more about cholesterol is extremely complex, very complex. You need it. Don’t demonize it just as long as you’re eating the proper human diet. You’ve got nothing to worry about. Most of us. Are you ready for one? Yeah.
Cari 16:09
Okay, Courtney. Also, I talked to her a lot on Instagram says, What is your favorite sister’s memory from childhood? Oh, I have one. Okay. Okay. You go first.
Cristy 16:21
Okay. My, my memory is when we had a whole What? 40 acres worth of bailed up hay laying in the field. And we it was just Carrie Christie, Laura. Laura was pretty little. I think she was about 10. Carrie and I were a little older, but not that old. And dad called us from work. And he said, You need to get all that hay picked up and put in the barn. Because it’s going to rain and it can’t rain on the bales of hay. it’ll it’ll turn the hay moldy. And so we jumped up. And we got all that hay put in the barn. And it was the it was so exhausting. But us three girls, we did it by ourselves. And it well, you and I did it. And Laura drove and she was crying about having a drive. And I was like whining Alicia, you weren’t picking up hay bales at way more than you do. Exactly.
Cari 17:05
Mine is similar. Our dad got a job with the prison system when we were in high school. Yeah, yeah. Junior High High School. We were young. And he had to go to Boise for training which was like six hours from us and going to Boise was not like going to Boise now you just jump in the car you go back then it I don’t know why it seemed like a two day journey. It probably wasn’t. But to us going to Boise was like a thing. So once he went to Boise for training, he wasn’t going to come home until training was over. So Chrissy and I. And by the way, I don’t know how Laura got out of it. We had to put the head those heavy hay bales on the plastic toboggan in the middle of the winter. And by the way, it used to snow Not now. But you know, back in the day, it used to snow like eight feet, we had to pull it toboggan in the freezing cold with deep snow. And I’m not making this up and drop off hay to all the cows and at the crack of dawn before we can get ready and go to school or anything. And I remember being like, if I know if Christie will just do it with me that we can get it done. Like I didn’t think I could do it by myself because it was cold, our hands would hurt when we would come in or that Christie, yes, our toes would be cold. And we also put bread bags over our feed. You know, didn’t get wet, we had to do chores. But dad did the majority of those real hard chores like feeding the animals in the dead of winter. Because to him a grown man picking up a 90 pound bale and throwing it over a fence is not a big deal. But to two little girls, like it’s a lot to put two big bales on a toboggan and pull it through the snow and then try to get the strings off and then push the hay over. It’s like right now I could do it. But back then that was a lot of work. And I remember thinking if Christie will just get up with me and do it with me and never failed. Chrissy every time got up every morning. And she never made me do it by myself. And I will I will always remember that I never had to suffer out there alone.
Cristy 19:01
Mom and Dad told us if you want to have animals, you got to take care of them. Yep, no, I didn’t really know there was an option to get out of it. That’s a great, that is really great. Those were my favorite memories. Next question. Please talk to me about pregnancy and code read. People call me crazy all the time, but I feel so good and babies are healthy. So Cari’s cringing right now you guys can’t see this, but Kerry’s got her hand up because she handles the liability insurance for code right beep boop boop Hi, this is Code Red lawyer
Unknown Speaker 19:31
Cristy 19:33
- Now, I’ll answer what I think I want to say Don’t worry, someone will say anything. Okay. And then Carrie, you say what you think we’re not giving
Cari 19:41
you medical advice. Let me just say that.
Cristy 19:43
Yes. We’re not giving you medical advice. I love this subject. But unfortunately, we liability wise we aren’t legally allowed to talk about it. But I can say I think I can say this. Let me just say this. I have a lot of respect for the medical community. I mean, if I break my leg or if I come my thigh on a softball, take me to the ER, I want a surgeon. I have a lot of respect for medical doctors. But when it comes to nutrition, medical doctors, traditional medically trained doctors do not understand nutrition they are not properly taught. And what they are taught is driven by industry. And it’s wrong. It’s just flat out wrong. They’re taught a pill for every ill. That’s the medical paradigm. I don’t agree with it. It’s show. I believe that we believe that real food, water and sleep is healthy for everybody. Whether you’re growing a fetus, or whether you’re old. That’s probably about legally as much as I can see, I’ll just tell you that if I was pregnant, I would never touch a link cuisine or a hot pocket. I don’t think there’s ever a place in anybody’s diet for chemically processed food.
Cari 20:45
Wait, you’ve actually never had pregnancy cravings. I’m just gonna put that out there. Christy. I’m just teasing you. You’d probably crave a pickle or something. like you’d be like, Oh, I just feel like ham. The rest of us were like,
Unknown Speaker 20:57
give me me.
Cristy 20:59
But if you would have known back then what? Yeah. Would you assume anything that that’s not given that baby, the best start that it possibly can give it?
Cari 21:08
It’s easy to go overboard with that. Like, I’ll never be anywhere where there’s any toxic air. I’ll never ever get my hair colored when I’m pregnant. I won’t get my nails done. So it’s tough. I will say that Nisha Berry, we met Dr. Ken Berry and Nisha berry in Dallas. No, no, Austin. And they’re amazing people. And I have followed her online ever since. And she was pregnant with Christie and I met her. And she did eat very clean kind of code read esque all the way through her pregnancy. So if I have people that write into me, and ask me about eating this way, I say I can’t advise you. Number one, talk to your doctor. Number two, go follow Nisha, she is amazing. I like I like her perspective on everything. And also they’re feeding their baby meat. I love it right off the bat baby chews on meat on the bone. I’m like, I love this. So I will say that. The other thing is that as I will agree with Christie, if I found out I were pregnant today, I’m just teasing. If I found are pregnant today, it would be Jesus and I will be having a talk. And then number two would be I absolutely would eat this way. However, I would not try to lose weight, I would probably incorporate some other things into it to where I work. We just don’t want anybody pregnant and losing weight. That’s very dangerous. But we do support, we support you, if you are pregnant, and you are eating healthy, we are okay to be in our groups, we want you to be a part of it. We just don’t want you losing weight. That’s the biggest thing, right? Same thing,
Cristy 22:39
drinking your water that’s going to help the placenta that’s going to help the amniotic sac and that’s going to help so many Yeah, what doctor is gonna say go No, no, no, don’t eat, don’t eat real food, water and get your sleep when you’re pregnant. You need to have fast food. I mean, no doctor is gonna say that. But I say to the doctors gonna say that it’s not a big deal if they have processed food. And that’s where I got the problem is a big deal. It is a big deal to have processed food, your body doesn’t know how to break that down. And you’re transferring that to an innocent child that didn’t ask to be born.
Cari 23:12
So know that, that you know that the microbiome, meaning all the bugs that are in your gut, come directly from your mom when you are just dating. So our mom was very healthy. She You know, this is the 70s she didn’t smoke pot. She was not an idiot. She didn’t drink. She also had us when she was like 10 I know she was really young. Yeah. Which is why she still looks so good. But she was very healthy. She passed on really, I would say she wasn’t on antibiotics, Christy. So she passed on really healthy gut bugs to all three of us. And maybe a little bit more stress, like when she had our little sister and that might kind of account for her having a little bit more health struggles in her years as well. But if you pass it on to your kids make no doubt about it. So you know everything from how much how much antibiotics you have. It’s just it’s a very big world and we’re just
Cristy 24:06
he scratching the surface. But if I were pregnant,
Cari 24:08
I would eat right. I would
sometimes I’ve been asked to be an embryonic carrier for people, Sis, and I kind of thought, but you know, trashing my body for a kid. I don’t get the keep. I don’t know. Being pregnant is a pretty cool experience. I gotta tell you, it’s weird. But it’s pretty cool. Like people like it’s pretty you feel very special. You don’t I mean, people, you’d be great at it. Like if I couldn’t have had kids. If I didn’t get pregnant. You know, every time I turned around, you would have been you would have been great. And sec, I still would do it if I weren’t probably getting ready to have grandkids in the next couple of years. So I probably
Unknown Speaker 24:44
should not have any more children.
Cari 24:47
That’s true. Plus up and I think I’ve been having some hot flashes lately, so I’m sure I’m getting close. Okay, I know that you are. Are you out of questions? Yeah, I have one more about chickens, but I won’t bring that one up. I don’t think it has anything to do with this podcast.
Cristy 25:00
This girl wants to know how do you take those action shots when you are running? Have someone with you? Yes. I have the pop Razzi. They follow me everywhere I go.
It’s crazy. It’s hard. It’s hard to be Christy Code Red. Next question away. Next question from s Perkins 2011. The best ways and types of exercise to incorporate when you are ready. First thing I’m going to say, which I know all of you have access to is the code red revolution book. I do talk about basic exercises in there that all of you can start doing right now. The next thing is when you’re ready, you’re going to want to start with my program called from the couch to the gym. It is a 12 week at home workout where I take you from zero all the way to where you are ready for pretty much to begin anything. And
Cari 25:54
it gets challenging towards the end. Like when I was doing it, I was like can you slow down a little bit Christy. But it starts out very basic, very basic, and it is what you need. So you don’t go to the gym. I just read a custom program. The other day Christy someone was a you might have read the same one that we You and I were writing, I was doing the medical review. And they were like, I tried to do beach body beach beach, Happy Happy Bikini Body Workout number 2.75. And now my knees are swollen. Stop when you haven’t worked out in 20 years stop. You need to do couch to the gym. So you don’t kill yourself. You want this to be an enjoyable thing of your body getting better not your body freaking out. So Christie does a great job on Can
Cristy 26:37
I work out with you every day. So we do it together. And it’s funny because the very first workout is like six minutes long. And the lady asked me, can I do that three times a day? No, I’m designing it to where it’s a gentle, gentle start. I mean, it’s 12 weeks. So you do it every day for 12 weeks. And it’s designed to gradually progress you. So you want to start with body weight only. Those are my suggestions right there. You can get that on Code Red lifestyle.com forward slash programs, and you’ll find that there. Ah, next question, what would happen if I got pregnant during my custom program? We cannot pause your custom program for any reason. If you got pregnant during your custom program, I think Carrie we would just have you we would take you out of weight loss mode, but you can still eat right?
Cari 27:23
What this is generally what I say to people I say congratulations, of course you know, I had three pregnancies, three live births. I breastfed all my kids. So I completely support breastfeeding moms. I’m practically lol ha man, I’m loving it. I’m loving it. I’m here for you. That’s what we do we support you. I don’t want anyone to think that. So what they will do generally Christy is stay in the group for support and encouragement to stay on track as far as not going facedown in a bag of Swedish Fish and sour ropes every two days, you know, but they won’t report any losses or they sometimes don’t even report their weight. They just stay in because honestly, just like we talked about on the rustic edition of finding your tribe, guys, it’s your tribe you found your group people that love you. There was a gal who on our program whose name is Dina who had a baby early. And I followed that baby’s progress all the way through the Nick you to just coming home a couple of weeks ago. So we are and she kept me posted. She kept sent me pictures. It’s been a beautiful thing to follow. So we support people like Dina we support everybody. But we just don’t want you losing weight until after you’ve had the baby and you’ve talked to your doctor. And you may need to add in some foods as well. So that is something else they talk about. But that’s between you and your doc but yeah, yeah,
Cristy 28:40
I like that. I mean really, there’s really no reason for you to ever eat sugar or chemical processed carbs, or soda, or Redbull or alcohol. Like, you know, the water is the real food in the sleep. I mean it’s gonna be really good for you.
Cari 28:57
Carrie, how do you recommend using MCT oil for people who don’t drink coffee or tea? Hmm. GNC has some MCT oil that is not a beverage flavor. You know what I mean? Something you wouldn’t put in coffee and tea. It’s more of a savory MCT oil but for those of you that don’t know MCT stands for medium chain triglycerides and it is a kind of fat that is derived from coconut and it does bypass digestion. Sometimes it can give you a little bit of loose stool and some gas so always start out small on that one it goes straight into the liver. It is used for energy production in your clls. So it’s a great product. It is power packed with calories and lots of good fat only at mornings. Yeah. You know one rebel that I used to work with. She used to put it into her salad dressing to kind of cut it down with MCT oil and I mean not cut it down but thin it out MCT oil and a little bit of ranch and put that on our dressing. Some people add it into their Note meal people add it into their Greek yogurt people put it again on a salad with a little bit of vinegar a little bit some pepper yeah spoon Christi your hardcore just it’s just if you get the tasteless Kinder you can get the tasteful kind like I didn’t matter I’m just Yeah, the drizzle on your veggies. Yeah, it’s a it’s a great product Just be aware that it does have some gi some of it has some gi effect. You’re definitely going to want to take it slow. Yes. And just start out little start out with a quarter of a teaspoon and see how you do. Yeah,
Cristy 30:34
yeah, chop little. And if you’re on a custom program, make sure that you are pre measuring pre planning and pre logging that MCT the night before
Cari 30:44
right it’s not the kind of product that you want to just willy nilly dump into whatever I mean it is it but it’s a great product and it’s a good way to get people or Chrissie people I can’t get my calories in really because a half a teaspoon of MCT will hook you right up let me tell you
Cristy 31:01
I never understand I don’t understand that. I had
Unknown Speaker 31:04
a one time I had a client Christie that got her hair in her food. And she said she was you know really conscious about she wanted every bite because it’s exciting. It’s you know, it’s fun all that so she said I almost like the salad dressing off my hair. I’m glad she didn’t. But I mean, I feel you. I feel you. That’s all I’m saying.
Cristy 31:24
I have one more question that I’m completely out of question. It’s kind of a funny one is miles worried about running out of wood? If you guys know this, yes, at our Tamarack cabin, we have put up a ton of wood together Myles and I have and then he went out and made his stack clear across our both sides of our deck. I just and then he went out and he freaking got more wood. He really yes carry and I’m like where are we get a lot of wood. Oh, goodness gracious. And he says, I said why don’t you keep doing this? He said because it’s fun to get wood. I said you need to build a funnel and start selling some of those wood. And he just he loves getting wood. I know I think it’s a guy thing. Our dad is the same way. For you good movement. I mean, he’ll never he’ll never he’ll never rust out sitting on the couch, Willie. That’s the last question. Both of us are out of questions. You guys. I hope you enjoyed. This is so much fun for us to do a q&a from Instagram. I love your questions, and we hope you love the fact that we’re gonna answer you raw and honest and real. And we’re not going to sugarcoat anything ever, you’re going to get the real truth.
Cari 32:29
Awesome. I love Q and A’s. I thought you’re gonna say something else. So I was waiting for it. I love Q and A’s because I get to know people and Christy, we get to know what they’re thinking. And that’s the important thing. We can sit here and talk about, whatever all day long. But if they really want to know about pregnancy, or they really want to know about miles and his firewood, then let’s do it.
Cristy 32:49
Yeah, let’s do 10 pound takedowns calm is always the best place to get started, join one of our monthly challenges, dip your toe into the lifestyle and figure out if it’s for you at $47. But if you are ready and you want to skip to the front of the line, just jump right on the custom program. You will not regret it. But I want to say ready I want to re re emphasize that phrase, you’ve got to be ready before you do it. I’m not going to fight with you. We’re not going to argue with you. You don’t get to do the workaround, you got to do it our way. So if you’re ready to do it our way and lose 10% of your body weight every month custom program is for you if not join the challenge and learn about us.
Cari 33:25
I’m excited Christy I Love New people on the challenge every month. It just makes me excited. I love new challenges when we get over 2000 people a month so it’s really pretty cool.
Cristy 33:34
All right, guys. Thank you for joining us on this episode of rebel weight loss in lifestyle. We will talk to you on the next episode. Have a good one.
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