Inflammation is a serious problem that affects a lot of people.
Symptoms of inflammation can be really obvious, like swelling, bloating, or pain.
There are also lower levels of inflammation that may not have any obvious, external physical symptoms, but that slow burn is going on, and it’s only a matter of time before symptoms show up.
The thing is, those symptoms may not be in the form of swelling or pain, because swelling and pain are not the only symptoms of inflammation.
See, inflammation is thought to be the root cause of obesity and disease.
In other words, if you’re sick and have a weight problem, you’ve also got some form of inflammation going on.
Whatever the cause, or symptoms, of your inflammation, the answer is the same:
Real food, water, and sleep.
Specifically, the real food we eat on the Code Red Lifestyle™, which is meat, vegetables, nuts, eggs, seeds, seafood, and dietary fat.
Food is a major contributor to inflammation. The best way to minimize (if not outright eliminate) inflammation and flare-ups is with proper nutrition.
Unfortunately, the standard American diet is FULL of inflammatory foods. Inflammation LOVES sugar and grains!
Plus the fillers and low-grade oils found in almost all processed food also feed inflammation.
Bottom line: The “secret” to eliminating inflammation and flare-ups is that there is no secret. It’s not about finding one magic food, powder, or pill.
It’s about NOT eating the food causing your inflammation in the first place. That is the fastest and surest way to free yourself from both the obvious, and the not-so-obvious (but just as dangerous), effects of inflammation.
That’s exactly what you’ll do on the Code Red Lifestyle™. It’s why Code Red works so well to drop weight and help you feel better than you have in years – because you’re getting everything your body needs, AND eliminating what’s hurting it (such as inflammatory foods).
Experience this for yourself on the 10 Pound Takedown, which you can join by clicking the red button below this post. Help your body out, and it’ll do AMAZING things!