69: Is Your Weight Holding You back?

What Is This Episode About…

What have you missed out on because of your weight? Zip lining? Horseback riding? Karaoke? Or even something bigger like going back to college? It’s time to take a long, hard look at what your weight problem is robbing you of.

Your weight may be robbing of you some important things in life and other fun activities too. However, many people are scared of starting the journey to lose weight. When people begin our 10-pound takedown challenge, they are so nervous. They are afraid of failing. However, Cristy advises that they should be more afraid of what their weight is holding them back from.  Holding you back from the person you were designed to be.

When you are overweight your confidence goes down. Even the most confident person, will be affected. Your thoughts are consumed by your weight and you are always worrying about little stuff that might not even be true. Being overweight not only affects us physically but also mentally which can take a toll.

Losing weight gives us freedom from the burden of the weight and the diseases that come with it as well as mental freedom. You no longer have to worry about stuff that may happen. It sets you free. It opens up many opportunities that were passing you by. It is hard to live your best life if you are heavy.

Take a hard look at yourself and be honest with yourself. What is your weight holding you back from? You may be confident and act like you don’t care about being overweight, but deep down, you know the struggles you go through.

Key Takeaways

  • How to protect your sleep by blocking the blue light from all the devices you are using (01:32)
  • What is your weight preventing you from doing in your life (04:19)
  • Don’t let opportunities pass you by and moments go because of being overweight(09:14)
  • Being overweight holds us back physically and mentally (15:07)
  • Life is about experiences, don’t let your weight hold you back (20:49)
  • Taking a deep hard look and being honest with yourself (26:32)
  • Overcoming the fear of failing and get yourself to a normal healthy weight (29:45)
  • 88% of all diseases in the world are preventable (30:44)
  • It is 100% up to you but we will give you the tools (33:09)

Learn More About The Content Discussed…

Get the Code Red On-The-Go Guide here.

Join the next 10-Pound Takedown Challenge here.

When Was It Released…

This episode was released July 15, 2020

Episode Transcript…

The Transcript Is Auto-Generated And May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors

Cristy  0:00  

They don’t go on vacations, they don’t experience new things. And so much of it is their weight that’s holding you back. Because think about if you always dreamt of going into Paris, and you’ve got a 14 hour plane ride, and your 230 pounds that the handle on the seat belts gonna really create quite the bruise in your hips. Why are you allowing yourself to live in this prison of a cell? Which is your body, holding you back from living your life when we can help you when we have the pretty easy answer.


Intro  0:34  

I’m Cristy Code Red and you’re listening to rebel weight loss and lifestyle where we believe food holds the power to heal or poison. And we believe our society has been misled regarding proper nutrition and weight loss. You’re in the right place if you’re looking for some straight-up truth because I’m here to shed light on the lies and brainwashing that has taken place over the past five decades. Thanks so much for listening.


Cristy  1:00  

And a very warm welcome to you. Thank you for joining us on rebel weight loss in lifestyle. I’m your host Cristy Code Red and I’m joined by Cari Thompson thank you so much for always being so willing to do these podcasts with me


Cari  1:12  

Yay, Thank you for letting me be here. I love it.


Cristy  1:16  

I love it too and it just makes so much better or different you know podcast. Hey Cari, what are these? I don’t know Cristy. I have a pair too.


Cari  1:29  

I feel like mine are more suited for Knights.


Cristy  1:32  

They actually are and this is so good because I am wearing right now. A Swanee day wear a blue light blocking glasses and Cari is wearing the Swanee night wear blue light blocking glasses and they’re both come in classic. Cari has her the night and I have the day. And the reason I bring this up is blue light is all around us is everywhere. We’re on our devices constantly. And if you insist on being on your devices before bed, you need to get yourself a pair of the Swanwick sleep wear glasses that Cari has on and that’s going to block the blue light coming from your devices and that will help your brain continue to produce that melatonin it needs to fall asleep. If during the day you have eyestrain and you’re on your devices a lot during the day like we are, you can make up the night or mean day where Swan is in the classic frames. Yeah,


Cari  2:23  

those look really nice. And here’s the problem guys. Melatonin is a hormone that is made in your brain and the gland in your brain. The problem is is that when you are in front of blue light, we all are the TV screens, our alarm clocks, our phones, I mean everything is blue light producing these days and back in the day we used to get up with the chickens and go to bed with the chickens. We didn’t have blue light well blue light blocks, like Cristy said the production of melatonin, which makes it harder for you to fall asleep messes with your circadian rhythm. And if you ain’t sleeping, you ain’t losing weight. That is why we make sure we protect our sleep as rebels


Cristy  3:00  

Yeah, so you guys can go to Swanwick sleep calm and enter the code rebel for 15% off. Seriously, I’m gonna take them I’m gonna take these off.


Cari  3:09  

They have some really cute styles these days. These are just some


Cristy  3:13  

they have tons of cat eyes, everything in colors. They’re coming out with lots of different frames. And Swanwick is a company that we really trust. So I wanted to bring that up. Swanwick sleep, calm into the cone, Rebel for 15% off of your glasses. Alright, let’s jump right in. We want to talk to you guys about something that we talk about all the time. It’s a mindset that we talk about all the time. What is your weight holding you back from? Yeah, and I might change the title. I don’t know what title I’m going to put on this podcast yet. But what is your weight and I don’t want to end this sentence on a preposition. But what is your weight preventing you from doing from what is your weight but yeah, which items is your weight? Prevent you participate. I don’t know how to say that the wrong way. But I know


Cari  4:03  

every time I enter a sentence in a preposition, it bothers me. But Cristy, I agree. I think one other way of saying this rebels is, what are you afraid of? What is keeping you from doing what you need to do? And there’s two sides to that is that, yes, you’re afraid of something. But what is your weight your current weight preventing you from doing in your life?


Cristy  4:26  

Well, Cari, I think that we need to probably tell them that when your turning point was when you get kicked off when you were not kicked off when you were removed, you’re had to get off a ride. Because, you know, didn’t go over you they couldn’t get the latch on a roller coaster ride at Six Flags. And so that was preventing you your weight, among other things was preventing you from being able to enjoy time with your son.


Cari  4:51  

And I think that Cristy you’re absolutely right. That was my turning point moment and anyone who has joined a 10 pound takedown has heard me tearfully recall That moment because it’s so hard to talk about. It is something that I would never want to talk about who wants to talk about one of the most embarrassing things that have ever happened to you. But by sharing that story, people can relate to it and they understand. So Cristy, let me just tell you that before that moment had happened, I would have been like I can do whatever I want it my weight because I was in denial. I would have told you Well, whatever like I might be a big girl but I can get on this roller coaster and then that roller coaster moment was staring me in the face Cristy and I literally they could not latch the belt over my hips. So that was my moment where my weight held me back from doing something that you know not now because we have a lot of people that fall in the obese category. But back then, a majority of people can do which is get on a ride, click it and go on the ride. My weight was holding me back from a family day And not only that, Cristy I was humiliated and so like down for the rest of the day, Tony


Cristy  6:01  

We have people that come on our 10 pound takedown. This is a monthly challenge that we hold for you to be able to come and dip your toe into the lifestyle of code read. And we hear this all the time. People say so nervous. I’m starting the challenge on Monday so nervous or I got a custom program with Cristy. I’m waiting for the program to arrive and I’m just I’m just nervous. And I don’t get that why are they so nervous. I don’t know. Scared,


Unknown Speaker  6:26  

though. Right? Scared again.


Cristy  6:29  

I don’t know what Yeah, I don’t know what to expect them like well, first of all, we lined it all out for you on the 10 pound takedown, we you know, the welcome email is very clear. And so you know exactly, you get your food list. And to me it just seems so clear. It’s what do I eat? What do I not eat? These are the 10 rules. This the food list. I don’t know why people are so nervous. I don’t get that scared feeling.


Cari  6:49  

I always had it whenever I started a new diet, which Code Red lifestyle is not a diet, it’s a way of living. But whenever I started something new, I would feel so maybe this time, I can have a But I was never scared. So I don’t understand the scared mentality. Because I want to say to those people and people may be listening to me right now that are feeling that same way. This is what I want to say to you. What are you scared of? Are you scared of being able to ride carnival rides? Are you scared of not having to be on antihypertensives? Are you scared of being able to walk by a mirror at a big clothing store? And Chrissie shamefully so I would always close my eyes when I pass by them just walk past and close my eyes so I wouldn’t have to catch my reflection in the mirror. So what is it you’re scared of? What is it that you’re allowing to stand away from you to move forward? And when you get that feeling, maybe it’s good to go back and say, Well, what is my weight keeping me from doing now? Right?


Cristy  7:47  

Because I’ve asked them before I’ve said what are you scared of? And almost always they say, oh, failing. Okay, I’ve done a podcast on that before being afraid. I’ve done videos on being afraid to fail. sale which is again, I’m not real good with mindset stuff, you know, but, you know, they always they’re so they’re afraid of failing. I think they’re afraid of getting off the sugar because it’s a pretty volatile detox for some people maybe they’re afraid of afraid of the call of the Diet Coke or the call of the wine. That’s why code rebels get their crap cleaned out of their house that we don’t drug addicts don’t keep drugs in their cupboards, you know, recovering drug addicts, and so I don’t understand what they’re really afraid of. But that’s usually what they say just afraid of failing. And I’m thinking By the way, you just heard that noise. I just, I just moved on my stool. Don’t worry. Okay. You didn’t hear anything. I was like something? No, I just shifted on my stool. Broccoli. Yeah, right. Right. So I don’t understand the whole being afraid to fail thing, but I would be more afraid of what my weight is holding me back from if I were them. Right.


Cari  8:51  

Right. Cristy, I talked to so many when I was teaching nursing school, so many students that were thinking about becoming nurses, but their Weight held them back from wanting to be the fat nurse or you know wanting to go on those vacations, wanting to go exploring, wanting to go on trips wanting to find somebody to love in your life. And what happens is because our weight is high years past, Cristy and opportunities pass us by, and moments are gone, that we’ll never have back. All because of that 20 30 40 50 pounds that we’re hanging on. So even though people are like, I live my life as a fat person, and I don’t care and I think that hey, more power to them. It still holds us back from moving forward into what we really want in life. I truly believe that I we have a Nancy who’s lost 80 pounds on code read and she wouldn’t go zip lining, because she was over the weight limit Cristy for that zip line,


Cristy  9:52  

and horseback riding. I mean, there are a lot of things you can’t do because there is an actual weight limit to it. And that’s legit, but I think a lot of it has to do With the confidence when you’re overweight, your confidence goes down. And I this really became true to me. When I was living in New York City. I lived in New York City from 2005 to 2009. And I took a pole dancing class with my friend Laurie. And it was so much fun. And she went on to go become a pole dancing instructor and she just incredible. And so they were doing a demonstration for all of us that were, we were taking a class and all these heavy girls came out, and they were in they did a pole dancing demonstration. And I never once notice that they were heavy because they lose confidence and Ooh, sex appeal it just sexy and it was incredible. They were so flexible and strong and the way they whip themselves around the pool and the way they tipped upside down. It was so impressive. And never once did I say Oh, look at that girl’s cellulite or look at the fat rolls. I never even thought that because of the confidence. So I think we noticed people’s weight better. problem because they’re so downcast because their weight problem


Cari  11:03  

right and i think those that the animals said strippers but the pole dancers excuse me, the pole dancers are the outlier. Because Cristy you’ve been heavier times in your life. So and of course now you keep your weight low and you’re lean and mean, but what kind of things did you avoid? Or did you avoid when you were heavier when you weren’t feeling your best self?


Cristy  11:24  

Oh, I definitely I avoided intimacy with my spouse. I avoided standing in lines for a long time because I felt like everybody could see how big I was. And I didn’t want to be in front of anybody. Really. I know that one. Yeah, like I would be standing in line in a coffee shop waiting to go place my order and i would i was so self conscious. I felt like I was bulging out of my clothes and I felt like everybody could see it and everybody could notice it. Like look at that girl trying to hide how fat she is, you know, that kind of thing. And I wasn’t even as big as some other people. But to me because my clothes were fitting tighter or if I tried to wear looser fitting clothes, that doesn’t help because they use like a walking tent you know, and it just it really, I was constantly worried that it was as obvious to everybody else’s it was to me. And it held me back from doing from cycling because this was much harder to get yourself up a hill when you’re much heavier, you know, and it held me back from hiking with the dog just didn’t feel like doing anything. I didn’t want to go in front of people and I didn’t want to go do anything. I just want to sit down on the couch and sit. Wow,


Cari  12:33  

I didn’t know that about lines. But that makes sense to me. I have felt self conscious in lines as well.


Cristy  12:39  

Yeah, that one at all. You know, when I knew, you know, early 2020 I actually and I’m going to come out and do a post about this and stuff I’m sure I don’t know these podcasts stick around forever. So I’m sure the timeline whenever you’re listening to this, I had got my way to gotten a little too high. And what the determining moment for me was realizing If there was no angle that I could turn in front of the camera that would look good that I looked heavy at every angle. And I was like, Oh, so when I realized I looked heavy at every angle, I quickly like, I mean, I couldn’t seem to get myself hidden with just my arms or just turning to the side, or just standing a certain way or just kneeling down. Nothing could hide my fat and man, that’s when I really got self conscious.


Cari  13:26  

Right? And I know exactly what you’re talking about. It’s interesting to me how that progression takes over our lives and it becomes I remember being heavy, Chrissie and saying to myself, I would just like to not think about how I look. It controlled my life. What was I going to eat? When was I going to eat next? Is it going to be enough food? Where can I get food? The fact that I didn’t look good, the fact that I didn’t feel good, the fact that I was always thinking about my weight. I know there are women out there that are not like this Cristy, I get it like I Get the whole fat confidence thing, even though it’s super unhealthy. Well, I don’t we don’t agree with it. We want everyone to be confident no matter what size you are. But we don’t believe in being severely obese and then being like, but this is just me, I’m healthy. No, you really aren’t. So that’s what I’m talking about. So I know there are people that appear that they’re very happy but if you don’t think they will trade


Unknown Speaker  14:25  

Let me tell you


Cari  14:26  

because even the most confident person it’s just consumes your thoughts and I don’t think that people that are listening to me that have been morbidly obese or are morbidly obese or, or even 20 30 40 50 pounds overweight. You know what I’m talking about? It consumes your thoughts, and I could be putting my thoughts towards helping sick people in the ICU, helping people with code red, you know, getting a degree going to tech school, hanging out with my kids watching a fun movie. Instead, you’re in the movie theater and all you can think is I’m so uncomfortable. I have to go pee and I don’t want To get up, because I’m fat and walk out in front of all these people. So it, it holds us back from even our own thinking,


Cristy  15:07  

right? It holds us back physically and it holds us back mentally, we’re wasting so much brain space and energy on worrying about probably stuff that’s not true or stuff that hasn’t even happened or something maybe could happen. Instead of studying online. I mean, if you take online classes, you got to be really committed to studying and you got to be really self that takes a lot of energy to do but you’re not going to do it. You’re just wasting so much brain space on crap like that. Just worrying about your weight all the time. I was telling my rebel for life rebels. The other morning, a lot of you guys know I offer a couple times a year, sometimes I offer, I open up a VIP program, and it’s called rebel for life and they have access to me. And I send them daily messages and it’s very personal. I just send them you know, whatever my heart tells me to send them and I was telling them yesterday, I said, Man, it’s so funny to me how the scale on the morning and I still battle with this, that number on the scale in the morning can dictate whether I have a good day or a bad day. And I’m like Cristy How dare you don’t let that number dictate a good day or bad day dictate your self worth. But so we do believe in tracking your weight daily right and be held accountable to the scale as one form of accountability, but it should not hold you back from doing the things you want.


Cari  16:28  

Right And this brings me because I remember doing a video on this for our rebels. Talking about Don’t let this scale dictate your day. So losing weight. I just want to tell this to the rebels that are struggling you may be losing weight is not only freedom from the weight itself and freedom from the disease and freedom from all the other things that come along with being obese. It’s also freedom for yourself Cristy, like the moment I realized I didn’t have to stress about food choices. For seven when I was hungry, I was going to eat, and I knew what to eat. And then I was done. I was gonna stop eating, and I didn’t have to worry about it all day long Chrissy, like that set me free. It’s the power that food has over us. It’s set me free. It was such a weird feeling my whole life Krissy the wait held me back from even my own mental capacities and just the food itself had me prisoner. You don’t I mean?


Cristy  17:29  

I absolutely know what you mean it is prisoners The best way to say it because if you are a slave, you’re a slave to sugar. You’re a slave to food you’re a slave to and then of course, you can take it a step further and say we’re a slave to what society views that women should look like and act like and do and we’re getting better with that in our society with letting people live the lives on their terms. And not and amin oh my gosh, I’m a muscular girl. I’ve got a thick bill. I’ve got a mohawk I’ve got masculine qualities and it’s something that a lot of people in society are not comfortable with, and so on. Do know that but definitely our weight. If you’re listening to this podcast right now and you are overweight and you have not committed to the code, red lifestyle or some other healthy lifestyle, your weight is holding you back from a whole lot of things. So the weight is holding you back mentally, your weight is holding you back physically from being the person that you were designed to do. And being your best self I hate that cliche, saying but I just want to be my best self but really you’re not showing up the best for you and your family.


Cari  18:31  

Well you know, Cristy, this reminds me Okay, you didn’t do it. I noticed on Facebook, but I’m gonna forgive you for it. But Cristy, I did a one of those. Give yourself for to a point for everything you haven’t done. Okay, it was on Facebook. And so you look at this crazy list and you give yourself a point and I ended up with two points. I had done everything on the list except for two things. One was braces. And because I mean, we didn’t need it. And the other one was skydiving. Because no I’m just no Chrissy and my husband have a great time I’m not going to skydive.


Cristy  19:06  



Cari  19:06  

this list it’s interesting because a lot of people that I associate with on Facebook because Facebook is 99% work for me and Cristy and maybe 1% like oh so and so had their baby but other than that, it’s all work. So a lot of people that responded to me Cristy were Code Red rebels, and I had two points. Cristy some of them out of a list of I don’t know 30 some of them had 20 points.


Unknown Speaker  19:32  

Oh my gosh. 25


Cari  19:34  

points some had 15 points. So have you ever gone skinny dipping? Okay, you don’t get a point. I’ve Yes, I’ve gone skinny dipping? Yes. I broke a bone. Yes, I’ve sang karaoke. Okay. Yes. I’ve been on a cruise. Yes, I’ve had a tattoo. Christine would have gotten point for that one. You don’t have any tattoos yet? just teasing. Yes. I so you give yourself points for the things you haven’t done and Cristy. My heart broke. It was Funny, everyone loved it, blah, blah, blah. But my heart was sad over the people I knew that hadn’t started the code red journey and had 20 points,


Cristy  20:09  

you know, all those things that haven’t done.


Cari  20:12  

And life is about skinny dipping. I’m not saying that but I’m saying life is about. Yes, we want you to zip line. We want you to sing karaoke. We want you to get up and Boogie with your husband of 30 years at the dance floor at your child’s wedding. We want you to go on a cruise, we want you to dip your toes in the sand of a different country. And for some people, it is the weight and thinking about weight and the worry about weight and the worry about what to wear and the worry about size that keeps them from doing anything on my fun list.


Cristy  20:49  

Exactly. And you think of all the life is about experiences and I can’t believe that people that live their whole life and like the same house, same town, never go anywhere. never do anything. They do Just it’s just they don’t go on vacations, they don’t experience new things. And so much of it is their weight that’s holding you back. Because think about if you always dreamt of going into Paris, and you’ve got a 14 hour plane ride, and your 230 pounds that the handle on the seat belts gonna really create quite the bruise in your hips. Why are you allowing yourself to live in this prison of a cell? Which is your body, holding you back from living your life when we can help you when we have the pretty easy answer?


Cari  21:32  

Yes. And I will say for those of you that are going to leave comments on Cristy’s podcasts about this, there are people out there that live their best life and are heavy. But even those folks, it is harder to live your best life. There are adventures that weigh 300 pounds. There are people that are out there that are singing karaoke it and again, it’s not a number, I’m saying health level. So those things do exist. They really do. But those are the outliers. If you Any of you listening are anything like me and I kind of feel like I’m a regular person. Chrissy Do you know and it’s almost makes you want to cry Hold on. Oh, I said to Cristy the other day Joe, you’re gonna make me cry. I said to Cristy the other day Cristy remember when we went to Turks and Caicos and we just it was we’re gonna go on a snorkeling trip you guys it was a business trip, but


Unknown Speaker  22:20  

you know, we might have had fun. That’s all I’m saying.


Cari  22:24  

So Cristy, we’re going to go snorkeling on a day thing. We literally took our sunglasses and some sunscreen. All we had on him was our swimsuit and some flip flops and we got in the boat and we left because what else do you need? And I told Cristy, I would have never done that when I was heavy. And she said, Well, what do you mean? Because of course Cristy was heavy but she


Cristy  22:43  

wasn’t fat with a capital F. Okay.


Cari  22:45  

Let’s be honest, and I can say that because I was fat. So Chrissy said What do you mean? I go, oh, Chrissy, like at over 200 pounds. I would have never left a hotel room and walked around in my swimsuit. How many waterparks Did I just lay on the chair and watch my kids have a good time, because I was too scared to take off my cover up and stand up where everyone could see my wide back end and walk up the stairs and go down and slide with my kids. I wanted to cristy I wanted to experience a slide. I wanted to experience the day of snorkeling without having to drag a cover up in a towel and an extra pair of shorts that I was going to swim in. I wanted to experience it, but my weight kept me from that day that you and I had in Turks and Caicos. They really did.


Cristy  23:37  

I never even thought about that as as something that was a milestone for you. You


Cari  23:42  

don’t know about that. Chrissy ladies skinny people. They have no idea. They don’t need a skinny person to listen to this that has never had a weight problem. And they will go


Unknown Speaker  23:50  

what like What is she talking


Cari  23:52  

about? Turks and Caicos and swimsuit. Oh my gosh, you guys when you’re heavy. That’s what you think about when you know you’re going snorkeling all day. Okay, well Well, I guess I should bring two pairs of shorts that I can swim in.


Cristy  24:03  

Right and but you’re so exposed, like, you know, you’re walking out of a hotel room and just as soon as you know, that’s not a whole lot of cloth covering you up and it is you makes you feel kind of vulnerable and exposed. And to the people listening right now that are athletes to those of you guys who do CrossFit, and I’m just throwing that out there CrossFit. orangetheory, like whatever you do, and you’re overweight, but you’re pulling a 305 deadlift that still isn’t Okay, I know that you’re strong, and I know that you feel good, because you’re strong. I understand that I get that. But there are still things that your weight is holding you back from, you still have got to get yourself down in weight. I don’t care how much you deadlift. I don’t care how much you exercise, I’m proud of you, that’s fine, but it’s still your weight is a problem. It doesn’t matter how fit you are, if you’re overweight, that is still too much pressure on your joints. That is still too much pressure on your heart and you’ve got to get that weight down. It’s still gonna limit you and still getting yourself in a normal weight in a normal healthy and getting all your money. markers down and within normal range, it is better for you long term to do that.


Unknown Speaker  25:06  

Oh, and correct me if I’m wrong, but you’ll perform better, won’t


Cristy  25:09  

you? There’s no question. Yeah, I missed a question. You want to save time and, and your pull ups are going to get I mean, everything’s gonna come into line we all and i just i go to CrossFit. So I understand the mentality there and I see the people that a lot of them are overweight, and they’re just so strong, but they’re so overweight, and they justify them being 60 pounds overweight, because they are so strong and it’s still not okay. I don’t care how you slice it. It’s not okay. And it’s holding you back. I have a question for a friend.


Cari  25:42  

How much longer till my pull ups get easier because they suck.


Unknown Speaker  25:47  

Well, for a friend Chris. You’re never supposed to be easy.


Cristy  25:53  

Good, easy. You start you need to add a weight vest, you know, like, I mean, they’re like, they’re like wide


Cari  25:58  

arm pull ups. I’m like, No, can’t we just do rows or something? I don’t


Unknown Speaker  26:03  

want to do pull


Unknown Speaker  26:04  

ups. Can I be on that machine where I put in 150 pounds? I’m only pulling up


Cristy  26:09  

five each time please. Right right. Yeah, she was assisted pull ups. No, I know it is never. And that’s funny because it never does get easier and that’s the point of of exercise. You want to increase the load. I know here we go. Here we go. Just


Cari  26:23  

a friend. I had a friend she just turned on this and so I thought I’d ask


Unknown Speaker  26:28  

make sure you ask Cristy this while you’re podcast.


Cristy  26:32  

take a good hard, long look and be honest with yourself about what your weight is holding you back from I what is that actress? The one that played it in bridesmaid? The one I like some McCarty? Yes. Melissa McCarthy. She lost a bunch of weight here in the last couple years. And she acted like before she lost weight that her weight wasn’t an issue for her. And then she lost like 100 pounds and it was like, oh, and then she was singing a different tune which usually is what happens with people They’ll say one thing in front of people like I don’t care. I’m big and beautiful. And that doesn’t matter. My weight doesn’t matter. I love me all over me. And I love all these fat rolls. And then they lose a bunch of weight. And they say, Yeah, I was just putting on the show before. But what is is that happening to you? Are you lying to yourself? Are there things that you dream about? you shove those dreams down, way down deep below and in the back of your mind, you know, and you don’t ever think about them because they don’t seem possible to you.


Cari  27:26  

Right? And I’ve heard a lot of girls say, and I don’t think gay marriage should be the end all be all. That’s a whole nother podcast for Cristy and I. But I don’t want to walk down the aisle as a heavy bride. And again, we’re not fat shaming because we both been there. So we’re not saying you can’t we want you to love yourself at Every Size. We want you to have confidence. We want you to step out in that. We just want you to get down to a weight where your body can stay strong and function. Well. It’s not about being skinny. It’s about being healthy. That’s our focus here at Code Red. But guys, my heart As I’m imagining all those people that answered my Facebook thing, Cristy, my heart is I want you to go, you know, catch bullfrogs and and shoot a bow and arrow and all those weird things that were on a list. I mean, they were crazy stuff. Yes, I’d have my nose pierced and yes, I’ve written on the back of a motorcycle and yes, I’ve done it. You know, I yeah, I’m not afraid to do those things. And just ask yourself, what would be my score? What would be my score if I took Cari’s quiz? And on top of that, what can I do to live a little bit more full? But if your dream is to be a cosmetologist, didn’t that’s as vital as writing a zip line in Brazil? Like, who cares? Whatever your dream is, you know, let’s go for it. Let’s go for it together.


Cristy  28:48  

I recently talked to a doctor a surgeon, and I’m speaking to him and I said, My gosh, I said, you keep yourself so lean and fit and he said, there’s No way that I can do my job and have these long surgeries if I am not in shape and I have a body that can handle this kind of stuff. So, if you are wanting to go to esthetician school, and you want to wax eyebrows and you want to and you want to work on doing facials, you will be hunched over, like this doctor is when he’s hunched over doing face reconstruction surgeries. And so his he said it, he said I can’t be hunched over, I can’t do what I do, and put that kind of demand on my body without it being strong. And being able to have the stamina to keep up with what I do. Same thing for you You don’t need to go be a surgeon for this to apply to you. So many things apply to you. You’ve got to have a strong body in order for it to support whatever you are wanting to do.


Cari  29:45  

Yeah, Cristy, this reminds me of our niece, Ellie. She looked at me and she said and she’s thinking about doing a nursing program and she looked at me at the time of this recording and she said and Cari. I’m only 22. And that’s what I want to say to you whatever your name is, you’re only blank the whole world is open to you Do not let a number on a scale that you can fix Don’t let the fear of failing hold you back from being able to look at me and say and carry. I’m only 40 or I’m only whatever you absolutely can accomplish goals and there’s a whole bunch of bars with karaoke machines waiting for you to sing red black velvet that’s all I’m saying. Well yeah waiting you guys all the shanaya Twain songs are waiting for you know saying


Unknown Speaker  30:37  

whose boots have your bed but are whose bed have your boots been under I’m getting all the songs wrong. I should go carry oh


Unknown Speaker  30:44  

no more


Cristy  30:44  

88% of all diseases in this world are caused preventable by us which means we can yes it we can fix is stop at my sole hub so hopeless. I’m on 1200 dollars a month of medication, probably 88% of whatever you’re on can be There’s a lot that we can do. So don’t give up quite so easy and we provide such an easy program for you. We provide the 10 pound take down where you can dip your toe into the lifestyle, eat real food, drink water and sleep. No shakes, no pills, no diet foods, no exercise, and lose at least 10 pounds in 30 days. You’ve never had it so good talking to steak and asparagus and eggs and bacon. Come on and you’re losing weight and healing your body.


Cari  31:27  

Why wouldn’t you do this? to have our code red certified coaches at the time of this recording had psoriatic arthritis which by the way is no joke. so terribly painful. That one of them tells the story about not being able to care for her children and had to crawl up the stairs and I’m not being dramatic guys, I am telling you the truth, had to crawl up the stairs on their hands and knees to tuck their kids in at night. The older ones had to take care of the younger ones. And the other one has similar stories. I’m not as familiar with her stories, but guys, their lives Change each one of them get up, they move, they play, they work for us. They sit at a desk, they help other people they inspire. They do all of that they took their life back their weight, inadvertently they didn’t realize was completely linked to what they were eating obviously which was completely linked to their autoimmune disorder. And their lives are different today. Totally different. Because of one choice one take down, just being a part of the lifestyle. I think about that Cristy not being able to get up from this chair and go care for my family. And I think


Cristy  32:38  

what was their weight holding them back from oh my gosh, it’s one thing if you’re missing a limb, or if you you know, if you have rods in your back, oh my gosh, I get there might be certain things that you might not be able to do. But this is one thing you can do. So do not use that excuse anymore. Another the days slip into years and the time passed you by and it’s going to be Christmas again. It’s going to be five years from now. And you’re going to be the same as you are right now or not. It’s 100% up to you and we give you the tools. So 10poundtakedown.com is where you can go to get started, and we are ready to help you. We have one every month. We’re ready for you when you’re ready. You got to be ready. You got to be ready. We can’t want this more than you.


Cari  33:24  

I mean, I want you to show up at the 10 pound takedown with the guy at the tattoo gun. No, I’m just saying I want the 10 pound takedown with your zip line gear on because your life is never going to be the same. After you stop letting weight tell you what you can do. After you stop letting your body size dictate what you do in your life. Your life is never going to be the same.


Cristy  33:48  

I love that 10 pound takedowns.com you guys. We hope you enjoy this episode of a rebel weight loss and lifestyle. We will see you next week. Take care everybody Thanks so much for listening to rebel weight loss and lifestyle. If you’re a code red rebel and you haven’t already downloaded your Free Code Red lifestyle on the go guide, then Now is your time to get a copy. This guide will teach you how to stay Code Red approved, even with your crazy life schedule. To get a copy right now, all you need to do is open your podcast app, go to this episode show notes and click the link to get your code read approved on the go guide. So I will see you on the next episode of rebel weight loss and lifestyle.