Down 47 pounds and feeling amazing!

“It’s not a diet, it’s a mantra and a wonderful community of like-minded people who want to be healthy.”
That’s how Katie describes the Code Red Lifestyle™.
I know we’ve all giggled at someone calling a change in how you eat a lifestyle instead of a diet, so you might be giggling—or rolling your eyes—at the fact I call Code Red a lifestyle, and NOT a diet.
If so, and you’re still not happy with your weight, maybe it’s time to stop rolling your eyes at the word lifestyle and start taking it seriously.
❌ Are temporary changes, so lead to temporary results
❌ Talk only about weight loss, and say nothing about how to keep the weight off
❌ Are full of bullcrap gimmicks and quick fixes that don’t address the root cause
A lifestyle…
✅ Is a permanent change that leads to permanent results
✅ Helps you KEEP the weight off by teaching you about how food affects your body
✅ Is about more than the food you eat (which is important, but is only one piece of the puzzle)
Are you starting to get the difference? Are you starting to see why diets will ALWAYS fail you, and why a lifestyle change with real food, water, and sleep is how you get AND keep the weight off?
Katie gets it. Not only did she join Code Red—inspired by her mom’s success—and drop 47 pounds, she learned how food affects her body, and that her body also needs sleep and proper hydration.
Plus, what she’ll do to keep the weight off is what she did to lose it: Eat real food, drink water, and sleep.
To experience the Code Red Lifestyle™ for 30 days and see if it’s right for you, join the 30-day 10 Pound Takedown Challenge at