3 weight loss struggles no one tells you about

The journey of getting and keeping your weight off is full of dynamics most people never see coming, because there’s not a lot of discussion about it.
It’s really easy to get so excited about “losing weight” that some of the surprises that come along with it catch you by, well, surprise!
Most of these surprises, are great, and motivating – the ones we call non-scale victories (NSVs).
Others challenge your comfort level in several ways, and when you’re not prepared to deal with them, they may lead you to self-sabotage. (These aren’t excuses to self-sabotage if they’re happening to you. But they are very real and I want you to be aware of them.)
Struggle #1: People tell you that you look great and don’t need to lose anymore weight.
This could be anyone from your partner to your kids to your friends and co-workers.
After enough people say this to you, you start wondering if they’re right.
Are you losing too much weight?
Should you stop?
Will you get sick if you keep going?
There may even be a part of you that’s uneasy about reaching goal, and having this niggling fear of yours echoed by all these outside voices can mess with your head.
Look, only you get to have the final say in whether you “need” to lose anymore weight. If you have more you wanna lose, then don’t allow other people’s discomfort with your size cause you to doubt yourself. Their discomfort at seeing you at a smaller size does not need to become (or add to) YOUR discomfort.
This is doubly true if you got a custom program and I chose your goal weight. Unless your friends and family are as knowledgeable and experienced at weight loss as I am, take their opinions with a big grain salt.
Struggle #2: You get more attention than you’re used to.
It might be from the opposite sex, or it might be from people you know making comments (including comments meant to be compliments and encouragement).
Being seen when you’re not used to being seen, or just don’t like attention, feels vulnerable.
Plus all this new attention may feel overwhelming. You’ve got all these changes with your body and mindset to deal with, and now everyone around you won’t stop flapping their lips about it. It’s a lot. 
Remind yourself that you’re okay and you’re safe…because unless you feel like any of the people commenting are actually intending to physically hurt you in some way (and if that’s the case, do what it takes to protect yourself), you are okay and you are safe.
Struggle #3: Your mind can’t keep up with all the changes to your body.
The weight comes off your body a lot faster than it comes off your mind. Some people do okay managing this part of the journey. Some people get so freaked out they sabotage themselves.
What you’ve gotta understand is that your brain has decades of “evidence” that you are a certain size. It took decades for that evidence to build up. It’s gonna take a hot minute for your brain to get used to you at your smaller size.
You may still see “fat” you in photos, in the mirror, and in window reflections.
You may habitually write down your old weight instead of what you weigh now next time you go to the doctor.
If you’re struggling with your new size and all the changes, it’s okay. A lot of people do.
Notice when it’s happening, and again, remind yourself that you’re okay and you’re safe.
Also be sure to give your brain plenty of NEW evidence so it can adjust to your new size. Wear clothes that fit and compare your before and after photos.
There’s a lot to celebrate when you lose weight. And the struggles outlined here are definitely better “struggles” than obesity, pain, and disease. Remind yourself of that, okay?
In the 10 Pound Takedown, no one tells you to have “just one bite” or ridiculous stuff like “you don’t need to lose anymore weight” when you’ve still got 70 pounds to lose.
I also talk about very real stuff like this on the Code Red Lifestyle™ – stuff no one else talks about, that sneaks up on you and sabotages you if you don’t understand what’s happening.
Come join me for the next 10 Pound Takedown, lose 10 pounds in 30 days, feel better than you have in years, and learn about more very real dynamics like these that no one else talks about. They’re as much a part of your weight loss success as what you eat, whether you’re hydrated, and whether you get enough sleep.

Get started on Code Red with the 30-day 10 Pound Takedown Challenge, where you can lose 10 pounds in 30 days and feel better than you have in years. Join the challenge at www.10PoundTakedown.com.