Many of the simple rules we follow on the Code Red Lifestyle fly in the face of sneaky diet industry marketing tactics and outdated weight loss advice we’ve all been hit over the head with for decades.
That’s why people new to the Code Red Lifestyle often struggle to accept what I teach.
I used to believe those same myths about health and weight loss that you do, so I get why wrapping your mind around what we believe might be a struggle for you right now.
But I’m here to tell you that I didn’t just pull the Code Red Lifestyle out of my mohawk.
What I teach on this lifestyle comes not only from spending more than 20 years in the weight loss and fitness industries (where I saw people making the same mistakes and battling the same issues over and over again), but from my own experience getting fat and only being able to lose that weight and keep it off using simple methods that actually contradict what I was taught!
So to help you get clear on why the Code Red Lifestyle has worked for tens of thousands of people when everything else they’ve tried has failed, I made a special video, just for you, to share three of my best Code Red Lifestyle weight loss tips.
I’m even gonna reveal exactly why they work, PLUS tell you how not following them will kill your weight loss.
Click below to check it out!