On Code Red we talk a lot about weight loss, because that’s what a lot of people are interested in.
That’s totally fine–ain’t nobody better at getting weight off than me.
But what people don’t always realize about Code Red–at first–is that weight loss is just the start.
A TON of other amazing things happen as a result of joining and correctly following the Code Red Lifestyle™. We call them NSVs, which stands for non-scale victories.
A non-scale victory can be anything. Your rings fit again (or you can finally take them off). You can wear a size you haven’t worn since junior high. You wake up in the morning without joint pain. You’re full of energy instead of always exhausted. Your kids tell you that you’re in a much better mood.
NSVs often come in the form of unexpected changes in your health.
Before I get into this, I’ve gotta do the whole legal mumbo jumbo bit and tell you that everyone’s experience on Code Red is different, what you experience depends on a variety of factors.
Now then…
Here are three freaking amazing side effects several of my Code Red Rebels have experienced as a result of following the Code Red Lifestyle™.
1) Less body odor.
On a recent Instagram Live I did, a Rebel shared a story about how she went in for a mammogram. You’re not supposed to wear deodorant when you go in for one, so of course she left hers off.
But then she completely forgot to put it on, and when she finally realized she had, she also realized she didn’t stink like she would have before Code Red.
I don’t wear deodorant, either, unless I know I’m gonna get really sweaty (like when I go on a hard run), and either way, I don’t have body odor.
“Cristy how can this be?”
Simple. The crap food and chemicals do a lot more to you than cause weight gain. They affect your body in a TON of ways.
2) Healthier gums.
I hear this one a LOT.
Sugar, chemicals, and inflammatory foods are bad for your health in a million ways, including your teeth and gums.
That’s why you can take excellent care of your teeth in terms of brushing, flossing, mouthwash, and regular dental cleanings, and still have rotting gums.
If your diet’s terrible and full of sugar, even rock-solid dental care can only help so much.
3) Vision improvement.
This is one of the most astonishing NSVs of all!
But like healthier gums, it’s one I hear all the time from my Rebels.
You’ve probably heard that diabetes can affect your vision. That’s why your eye doctor always checks for signs of it during every eye exam.
What you may not have heard is that you don’t even have to be diabetic for sugar to damage your vision.
And I bet you REALLY haven’t heard that eliminating sugar, and eating real food, drinking water, and sleeping, can potentially improve your eyesight.
Andrea Dell, one of my Code Red Certified Coaches, experiences vision improvement in BOTH of her eyes after joining the Code Red Lifestyle™. She’s actually less nearsighted than she was before Code Red!
Not only that, her youngest sister, her mom, and her stepdad have ALL experienced vision improvement in one or both eyes.
And they’re not the only ones. Like I said, I hear this one all the time from my Rebels!
These freaking amazing side effects don’t happen to every single person across the board who joins Code Red. Like I said, a variety of factors influence it.
But it does happen for a lot of people, because I hear about all of these all the time.
Weight loss is just the start. And the sooner you get started, the sooner you get to find out what else the Code Red Lifestyle™ can do for you. (There’s WAY more than I’ve mentioned here!)