There are a zillion ways to lose weight, with more coming out every day. So why should you try the Code Red Lifestyle™?
To help you decide, here are 10 ways Code Red is different from other programs.
1 – We eat real food, drink water, and sleep.
That’s how we lose the weight, and that’s how we keep it off. It’s simple, it’s sustainable, and you can eat real food you find at any grocery store.
2 – We weigh ourselves daily.
There are people on a crusade to put an end to bathroom scales because “you’re more than a number.”
Yes, you are. But that number is valuable data. When you weigh every morning, you get instant feed back that tells you whether what you did yesterday helped you lose weight, or didn’t.
The problem isn’t the scale number. The problem is tying your self-worth to a number. Do you feel badly about yourself when you look at the temperature outside?
Do you feel badly about yourself when you take YOUR temperature to see if you have a fever?
Heck no, right? It’s just information to help you see what’s going on.
Using “you’re more than a number” as a reason not to weigh yourself is like saying:
A type 1 diabetic shouldn’t monitor their blood sugar because they’re “more than a number”…
Or that we should eliminate ALL blood, urine, saliva, blood pressure, and other kinds of tests administered at hospitals to diagnose your state of health and identify threats to your life because you’re “more than a number”…
Do those make ANY sense to you?
The scale is a tool in your health journey, nothing more.
3 – We don’t believe in quick-fix gimmicks to lose weight.
I’m talking about stuff like shakes, diet pills, diet foods, patches, magic powders, etc. that claim to help you lose weight.
They might, they might not, but that’s not even the point.
The point is that you cannot out-gimmick a bad diet. If your food isn’t on point, no gimmick can save you.
Get your diet on point and you don’t need gimmicks anyway!
4 – We don’t exercise for weight loss.
To be clear: I love exercise and I think it’s great for a million reasons.
But it is NOT a way to address a weight problem. If you could out-train a bad diet, there would be no such things as fat athletes.
Plus, some people are not physically capable of “hitting the gym.” What hope do they have if you “have” to exercise?
The answer to that is nutrition. Weight loss is 100% about what you eat, which means anyone can lose all the weight they want.
5 – Code Red is anti-diet.
That’s right – I don’t believe in diets, and here’s why.
Dieting is making a temporary change to lose weight, then returning to the foods and habits that caused your weight problem and expecting not to gain your weight back.
Keeping the weight off requires a permanent change. Find a lifestyle, like Code Red, you like and that doesn’t feel like “dieting,” and stick with it. That’s how you’ll not only lose your weight, but how you’ll also keep it off.
6 – We do not demonize healthy dietary fat or salt.
This is because fat and salt are taking the blame for problems caused by sugar.
If Americans ate 1 or 2 teaspoons a day of sugar, it wouldn’t be a problem.
But most people eat SO much more than that, often without realizing it, because sugar is hidden in so many processed foods.
Not only that, lack of healthy dietary fat and lack of a good quality salt in your diet both lead to hunger and sugar cravings.
Code Red Rebels incorporate healthy dietary fat and good quality salt as part of our regular healthy diet.
7 – We believe in overall wellness, not just weight loss.
Weight loss is just the tip of the iceberg.
We want you to also FEEL BETTER.
We want you to find freedom from pain and disease.
We want you to stop settling because you’re too sick, obese, scared, and ashamed to live the life you really wanna live.
We want to help you TAKE YOUR LIFE BACK.
8 – I’m direct and no B.S.
I don’t sugar-coat things. If you like passionate people with a direct, no-B.S. style who don’t accept excuses and who give it to you straight, that’s me.
If that kind of thing triggers you, Code Red may not be something you can handle (even though the lifestyle will help you get and keep your weight if you stick to it and follow 100% of the rules 100% of the time).
I’m not talking about name-calling or anything. We love you and will support you and cheer you on. I LOVE to encourage people!
But my “authentic” nature is direct and no B.S., so just make sure you can handle that kind of thing without needing a mental health day.
9 – We do not cheat, laugh about cheating, or celebrate cheating.
You’ve done plenty of cheating, and it hasn’t worked. Laughing about it hasn’t helped you get and stay on track.
Rebels stay the course and get the weight off. In maintenance we teach a strategy to re-introduce foods we avoid in weight loss mode, but one thing I wanna make clear: If you wanna KEEP off the weight you lose with us, you cannot go back to your old ways.
Bottom line: We do not celebrate cheating.
10 – We’re for people who are SERIOUS about getting off the weight loss mountain.
If you’re someone who thinks, “I just wish there was SOMETHING I could do that works, that’s simple, that feels sustainable, and that doesn’t require another stupid gimmick,” then you’re probably a good fit for Code Red.
We’re for people who are SERIOUS about getting off the weight loss mountain…who are sick of screwing around and want the freedom that comes when you lose all your weight, keep it off, and feel better than you thought possible, even if it means making some tweaks to your lifestyle.
Only you can decide if you want it badly enough to make a permanent change.
And I don’t expect you to decide if Code Red is what will help you make that change without even trying out the program.
First, dip your toe into the Code Red Lifestyle™ by joining the 10 Pound Takedown (link below), and see what you think. You’ll know before the 30 days are over whether it’s something you wanna do for life.
Get started on Code Red with the 30-day 10 Pound Takedown Challenge, where you can lose 10 pounds in 30 days and feel better than you have in years. Join the challenge at