There’s a lot about weight loss not many people talk about, and one of those things are the many consequences of carrying more weight than your body’s designed to handle.
Way more is going on than your clothes getting bigger.
That extra weight is twisting your joints and your spine, and putting pressure on places that were not designed to carry that much pressure for years on end.
Your body adapts as best it can, including going and staying out of alignment to compensate for the extra weight.
Because of this, when you lose enough weight, you may find that your back hurts when it didn’t before. Or it hurts in a different way than it did.
If you’re experiencing back pain after losing some weight, make an appointment with a chiropractor and see if you need an adjustment – not just in your back, but all your joints.
A common misconception about chiropractors is that they only work with your spine.
Not the case! They can help you with all your joints.
Once you reach goal weight, you can use exercise to strengthen your muscles so they hold you in place better.
(Exercise is not a way to address a weight problem. It’s got a million other benefits.)
Regular massages can also help work the kinks out and realign your muscles to better support your spine and joints.
When you eat real food, drink water, and sleep, you’re most likely gonna notice LESS pain. It may even disappear completely!
But if you notice back pain in particular after losing some weight, look into working with a chiropractor to manage it. Your back’s likely out of alignment from carrying so much extra weight for so long.