Why do I keep sabotaging myself?

“Why do I keep sabotaging myself??”

That’s a question I see in the Code Red community, and I don’t doubt it’s one you’ll see in any kind of weight loss program.

Look, there’s a million reasons you might be sabotaging yourself. Here are a few:

  1. You don’t want the weight gone badly enough, because the pull of your old life and habits is stronger than your desire to change.
  2. Your emotional eating is getting the better of you, and you haven’t taken the steps necessary to put an end to it.
  3. Your family’s not on board, so their junk food is all around, and you’re either finding ways to rationalize eating it, or you’re so addicted to it that your willpower isn’t towing the line.
  4. Unworthiness. Meaning, deep, deep down, you do not believe you deserve to be healthy and feel proud of yourself.

    So you put your own needs last and think that makes you noble, when what it’s really doing is punishing you, AND punishing the people who love you.

    How so?

    Because they’re being deprived of the BEST version of YOU.

    Finding and becoming that person is gonna mean you’re not at everyone else’s beck and call every second of every day. (They’ll live, despite what they may tell you.)

    It means boundaries, and taking time to do things that help you feel good and unwind.

    I can’t even tell you how many Code Red Rebels have told me that joining this lifestyle, taking better care of themselves, and setting up boundaries has made them better partners, better parents, better friends, better managers, better employees, better business owners – the list goes on.

Look, you ARE worth it and you DO deserve better.

So do whatever it takes to believe that, so you can knock off the self-sabotage.

You are strong and worthy, and you absolutely can do this. I believe it, and it’s time for you to believe it, too.