When people hear we drink a gallon of water a day on the Code Red Lifestyle™, some are quick to panic about how it’s “dangerous.”
Considering our bodies are over three-quarters water…
And considering that people who don’t drink a gallon of water a day are usually drinking a gallon (or more) of stuff like soda, Red Bull, sports drinks, sugary coffees, or any other number of chemical and/or sugary concoctions…
It’s always interesting to me some people have this reaction.
It’s very rare when drinking a lot of water is harmful for you.
If you try to drink your gallon of water all within, say, one hour, that’s not a good idea.
If you have heart disease, drinking too much may be a problem for you.
And if you’re not eating foods that hold on to water – which is how we eat on the Code Red Lifestyle™ – drinking a lot of water may flush your electrolytes to the point you experience low electrolyte symptoms.
These symptoms may include dizziness, feeling tired, or cramping in your legs and feet.
Not everyone experiences these, but if they do, they’re very simple to remedy.
Here are some options. You can use any combination of what works to replenish your electrolytes to the point you don’t experience the symptoms:
- Salt is your friend! This is true whether or not you experience low electrolyte symptoms.
Like fat, salt has taken a lot of blame for health problems caused by sugar. It’s good for you and can even help with sugar cravings!
On Code Red, we like Redmond Real Salt (https://shop.redmond.life?afmc=5a). Add 1/8th of a teaspoon of good quality salt, like Redmond, to each bottle of water that you drink; and salt your food! - Consider an electrolyte replenishment supplement. Here is one we like on Code Red: https://amzn.to/2A10n8X. Make sure you use one that has no carbs/sugar.
- For cramping, you can also try foam rolling and/or gentle stretching. Here’s a video explaining what I mean: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzSU2FiFKTM
- This leg cramp formula taken before bed also helps some clients: https://amzn.to/2NFv71c. You can get it anywhere (Walmart/Walgreens/etc.).
- A hot bath before bed while soaking in Epsom salt is helpful as well for cramping.
- Here’s an electrolyte replenishment recipe I use:
2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
½ teaspoon of cream of tartar
½ teaspoon of Redmond Real Salt
1 tablespoon of Lemon/lime juice
Stevia or Monkfruit to taste
Optional: ½ teaspoon of baking soda
Mix all in 4-8 ounces of water. STIR/SHAKE well.
You can drink with a straw
You can heat it up like a tea
You can take it like a shot and be done with it.
You can add cayenne drops/powder if you have a cold or are feeling under the weather
This will not break a fast so you can take this any time of the day. Most people prefer mornings as it is energizing.
If you are still concerned, see your doctor. And seek medical advice if you become faint or have heart concerns. (It’s incredibly unlikely that this will even be necessary, but for liability reasons, I’ve gotta say it.)
If reading about electrolyte replacement has you on the fence about drinking an adequate amount of water, look at it this way:
Obesity, sickness, and misery, or drink your water and add salt to your food.
Choosing between those is a total no-brainer for me.
I hope it is for you, too.