What’s an ideal weight for a woman?

If you’re hoping to lose some weight, you may be wondering what the ideal weight for a woman is.

The truth is that there’s no “one size fits all” ideal weight for women.

A woman who’s 6’2″ and 35 years old is gonna have a different ideal weight than a 5’2″ woman who’s 88 years old.

A better question to ask yourself is, “What’s an ideal weight for ME?”

You may not have the first clue. A lot of people don’t.

The BMI chart is something a lot of people consult.

Plus it’s used by doctors and insurance companies.

But BMI is SO cookie cutter that it can easily miss the mark…

Especially because it doesn’t differentiate weight from body fat and weight from muscle.

That means you could be solid muscle and it’d still put you in the overweight or obese category.

That’s more likely to happen with men then women, but I’ve seen really ripped women at weights that would put them in the overweight category with the BMI chart.

If you want to know your ideal weight because you’re looking to lose some weight, here’s what you can do.

Instead of relying on cookie cutter “ideal weight” metrics like BMI, focus on losing 10 pounds at a time.

Pay attention to how you feel.

You may find that you lose, say, 40 pounds, and realize you can keep going.

Or, you may decide you’re good with 40 pounds and stop there.

Either way, take it 10 pounds at a time and see how you feel.

Most people with weight to lose pick an ideal weight that feels attainable rather than one that’s actually healthy.

So again, when you get to that “first” goal weight, you may find that yes, you can and do want to drop some more weight.

In the customized Code Red Home Study nutrition program I currently offer through Code Red, I pick your goal weight for you, so there’s zero guesswork.

If that interests you, you can learn more at www.coderedlifestyle.com/HomeStudy.

Otherwise, take it 10 pounds at a time and see how you do…because there is no one “ideal weight” for EVERY woman on the planet.

There’s the ideal weight for YOU.

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