Considering that processed food makes up 80% of the food you find in supermarkets, it’s not a surprise most people eat it.
When you think of processed food, stuff like Twinkies and Oreos might be what comes to mind.
Foods like that qualify for sure!
But there are less obvious kinds of processed food that are disguised to look healthy, and they can make figuring out what to eat a challenge.
When someone’s brand new to Code Red, choosing a healthier processed food may move them in a direction of better health. It’s a step in the right direction.
But the less processed food you eat, the better.
Watch my video below to discover exactly what makes something a processed food.
If you’re someone who’s looking to move even further in a direction of better health, this video will REALLY help you.
If you’re brand new to Code Red and just trying to get out of the drive-thru and into the kitchen, it’ll help you understand what to strive for. It may be a bit more advanced than where you’re at now, so don’t let it overwhelm you into going off-plan.
Watch my video below to learn more about what counts as processed food:
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