Did I ever tell you how much crap I used to give my mom because she didn’t eat breakfast?
This was back in my college days, so of course the nutrition training I received was the same bull crap we’ve all been fed – 3 meals and 2 snacks, low-fat, lots of “healthy whole grains,” and even “breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”
So my mom skipping breakfast bugged me back then, and I’d constantly bring it up. And she’d very tactfully explain she wasn’t eating breakfast for one simple reason:
She wasn’t hungry.
In fact, Mom didn’t get hungry until 11 a.m.
My mom didn’t know it at the time (and neither did I!), but she was way ahead of the curve on this.
Since learning the truth about nutrition and weight loss, I can tell you for a fact that meal timing is highly individualized. It’s even something my Coaches and I help my custom program clients with. And it ABSOLUTELY makes a difference in your weight loss (or weight gain).
Click below to watch this week’s “What Do I Eat?” for more info on meal timing, plus get another crazy-simple Code Red meal idea.
And please note that I’m in maintenance. If you’re still in weight loss mode, leave off the apple.