What Do I Eat? January 5, 2019

A take a lot of flack because the foods list I give people who join a 10 Pound Takedown Challenge is only one page.

Instead of passing around a massive tome broken down into every possible food you can possibly eat that’s Code Red approved, this one-page sheet has a summarized foods to eat side, and a foods to avoid side. It’s very simple, because on Code Red, we keep it simple.

Some people are so used to eating food from a box, or from a fast food restaurant, they look at this foods list and don’t know what I mean when I say any vegetable (except those on the foods to avoid side), any meat, seafood, nuts, and so on.

So why don’t I hand out a dictionary-sized book of every possible food you can eat on Code Red?

Because it’s a jungle out there with regard to nutrition and weight loss lies, and programs that spoonfeed you every teeny tiny scrap of info, instead of training you to survive in that “jungle,” just set you up for failure.

Not me. I’m not gonna treat you like a one-year-old in a high chair, because what happens when you go out in the real world and Cristy’s not there to spoon food you? What do you do then? What did you do after all those other failed weight loss attempts?

Code Red is here to cut through the lies and show you the simple weight loss and nutrition truths hiding in plain sight…and to teach you how to stay Code Red in the real world. That’s something I can’t do with spoonfeeding.

And as for the foods list – it’s simple because I don’t spoonfeed, but also because eating Code Red-approved foods is simple.

Watch this week’s “What Do I Eat?” for another simple, delicious example of what we get to eat to lose weight on the Code Red Lifestyle.