If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ve probably noticed I don’t talk a lot about dietary supplements.
I’m actually not anti-supplement. I recommend Vitamin D and Magnesium to my clients.
But that’s about all I say about them, and here are a couple reasons why:
A lot of people are under the impression that taking supplements while continuing to eat crap will fix their weight and health problems, but that’s not the way it works.
I won’t feed into that false belief by making a big deal about supplements. Everyone needs to start by eating real food, drinking water, and sleeping.
Also, 90% of supplements on the market today are total garbage made from horse urine or rocks and stuffed with chemicals and fillers.
I offer my own brand of magnesium and D3 now so I know my clients (and myself, since I take them too) are getting quality supplements with high absorbability.
In this week’s What Do I Eat, it’s one of the rare times you’ll hear me talk about a supplementary food I add to what I already eat. (It’s also why my food is bright green.)
Click the video below to watch it and learn what it is. Feel free to try it if you’re interested!
Just remember that nothing–not even quality supplements–replace real food, water, and sleep!