What gets measured gets managed. That’s what my husband, a retired Fortune 500 company CEO, likes to say.
I’ve found it to be true in a LOT of areas of my life, including helping my clients lose weight and take their lives back.
It’s one reason Code Red Rebels weigh themselves daily. When you get on the scale every morning, you see the results of your choices the day before.
It’s information you can use to figure out what affected your weight whether it goes up OR down, so you can take that data and use it to either adjust, or to stick with what you did yesterday.
In this week’s What Do I Eat?, you’ll hear me mention how many ounces of each food I’m eating.
I don’t always portion out my food like that, but sometimes I do, because it helps me keep track of how much I’m actually eating. (A lot of times, we’re eating way more than we realize.)
Again, what gets measured gets managed.
Click below to watch this week’s What Do I Eat? You’ll learn exactly how much of what I’m eating in this meal works for me, plus get another simple, delicious meal idea!