In the summer of 2021 I farm-sat for my sister Cari, Code Red’s COO, so she could go on a real vacation with her husband for the first time in four years.
Cari and I, along with our sister, Laura, grew up on a farm, so farm duties aren’t new to me, but it’s been a while.
It’s probably the same deal for you and weight loss.
Meaning, just like me taking care of farm animals isn’t new to me, weight loss isn’t new to you.
You’ve struggled with it for YEARS. Maybe decades. Maybe your entire life.
And maybe it’s been a while since you felt truly successful with your weight loss.
Maybe you got most of it off, then lost steam or freaked out about being at goal, and stopped. Maybe you gained some – or all – of it back.
If that’s where you’re at, listen up.
What I want most is for YOU to be truly happy with yourself.
So if you’re trying to lose weight and take control of your physical wellbeing, here’s the question I want you to ask yourself…
For example, are you doing it because you truly do want the weight gone so you can be free of all the problems and hangups that come with being obese and sick?
Or are you doing it because you think you “should?” but your heart really isn’t in it?
Losing weight because you think you “should” is NOT gonna get you there. That’s just you fighting with yourself.
I’m not saying getting and keeping your weight off is gonna be a breeze. You will face some internal conflict from time to time.
But when you truly want it…and you’ve truly decided you’re going all the way…even bumps in the road won’t stop you. They might slow you down, but stop you? Nope.
So if you join me for a 10 Pound Takedown, don’t do it because you think you “should.”
Don’t do it because you think you’re broken and losing weight will fix you.
And don’t do it because you feel nagged into it by someone else.
Do it because YOU are tired of suffering, not fitting into clothes you love, being in pain, and feeling like crap.
Do it because you want to be able to enjoy a life you love, instead of sitting on the sidelines because of your size and your health.
Do it because YOU wanna TAKE YOUR LIFE BACK.
Get started on Code Red with the 30-day 10 Pound Takedown Challenge, where you can lose 10 pounds in 30 days and feel better than you have in years. Join the challenge at