The truth about sugar addiction (how to overcome it)

Chances are good that if you’re American, you’ve done more than just eat “a lot” of sugar. You’re probably addicted to it!

And you’re not the only one.

Most Americans are consuming insane amounts of sugar without realizing it.  

Since it’s hidden in almost everything, it ages your organs, it spikes insulin (which leads to obesity), and is more addictive than cocaine, that’s a serious problem.

“Jeez, Cristy, that sounds a little dramatic. I was always told sugar’s okay in moderation.”

Two problems with that.

We’re not eating sugar “in moderation” in this country.

More importantly, there’s no such thing as moderation when it comes to sugar addiction.

That’d be like telling an alcoholic that vodka’s okay “in moderation,” or a heroin addict that they can shoot up “in moderation.”

My video below is all about freeing yourself from sugar’s chokehold on your weight, health, and mind.

Sugar literally hijacks your brain and leaves you craving more, just like any addictive substance.

The more you eat, the more your brain “needs” to get that same high feeling.

Most people caught in this horrible cycle don’t realize how bad it is until they’re able to escape it, realize how much better they feel, how much weight they can lose, and finally see how much control sugar had over them.

Freedom can be yours. I know because I’ve seen it.

Watch my video below to get started setting yourself FREE.