Still waiting for permission to TAKE YOUR LIFE BACK? Here’s why you get to knock that off.

This idea you need ANYONE else’s permission to take your life back has GOT to stop.

So your partner doesn’t like it.

So your co-workers or boss don’t like it.

So your kids don’t like it.

So your grandkids don’t like it.

So your friends don’t like it.

So what?

Do YOU wanna stay fat, sick, and miserable just because other people decide to feel inconvenienced by your new lifestyle?

Because that’s what’s happening. They are, consciously or unconsciously, deciding that YOU taking your life back is an inconvenience. That they choose to feel that way isn’t your responsibility, even if they try to make it your responsibility.

None of those people are living in your body or living your life.

They can have an opinion about you and what you’re doing – it’s their right to feel how they feel about it – but they don’t get a vote on what fuel YOU decide to put in your body, or when you decide to consume it.

Thinking otherwise is like saying they have a vote in whether you breathe, or whether your heart beats.

“But Cristy, I don’t want to be a jerk about this!”

Then don’t. Have compassion, validate their feelings, and keep taking your life back.

“But Cristy, I don’t want to feel left out!”

NO ONE can “make” you feel left out. That’s a meaning you’re applying to your situation, and you can apply a different meaning, and feel a different feeling.

“But Cristy, I don’t like having people mad at me.”

Why? What’s so bad or wrong about someone else choosing to be mad at you?

And who says that their decision to be mad at you is ANY of YOUR business?

The decision to take your life back is YOURS, and ONLY yours.

You can tell other people about it if you want, but other people’s permission is unnecessary. The only person’s permission you need is YOURS.

Have you created your free Code Red Lifestyle™ network account yet? If not, here’s how to get your account!

1) On your computer, create your account at

2) If you want the network on a mobile device, go to the App Store or Google Play Store and search for Code Red Lifestyle.