Sleeping for the first time in her life on Code Red

I have a saying about the Code Red Lifestyle™: That weight loss is great, but it’s just the start.

This Rebels’ story is an example of what I mean. Read it for yourself, and you’ll get it:

“For me, it’s not even the weight loss from CR. It was why I joined initially, but I was diagnosed with a sleeping disorder at age 7 and dealing with that all my life (I’m 46), and sleeping for the first time in my life on CR (it’s not because I, along with doctors, didn’t try before), something about CR has fixed me!

“When I was off CR for a short time in the summer, I was back to never sleeping, even though I was doing all the same things except the food (I was in a Japanese hospital where they give you a sliver of fish and a mountain of rice for every meal).

“I have severe gastroesophageal reflux disease – the kind that causes vomiting, breathing difficulties, and pain that a doctor had to teach me wasn’t a heart attack even though it feels like one – is completely gone on CR, absolutely does not exist unless I drink too much coffee (caffeine – but I can eat a garlic-lemon roasted tomato with no acid at all and those are the 3 biggest causes of acid non-CR).

“Sleeping and not suffering or worrying about how to eat around others with all the reflux effects, especially the violent coughing in COVID world, has changed my life. The weight loss effects of CR became just an added benefit!

“So people who say CR is not the best and that other programs are better – I’ve tried so many, and they do not help my reflux at all; nothing in 39 years of meds and cognitive behavioral therapies has had me sleeping.”

Man, can you imagine going for your ENTIRE life not sleeping?

I am SO glad this Rebel gave Code Red a shot, because she could have easily seen that sleep is a huge part of the program, and decided, “Well, this won’t work for me.”

Instead, she tried Code Red, and the way we eat helps her sleep (which helps her weight loss, because if you ain’t sleepin’, you ain’t losin’).

Food can be our body’s fuel, or our body’s poison. Which way it goes depends on which foods you eat.

That’s easy to forget in our “pill for every ill” society.

If your physical wellness is suffering in some way, and you’re not eating a clean diet, start there and see what happens.

All you have to lose is what you’ve already lost (so really, you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain).

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