Remember Where You Came From – Episode 27

10 pound take down

What Is This Episode About…

Remember where you came from! Before you pass judgment on someone, don’t forget that was you not so very long ago.

Lots of those who opt for the Code Red Weight Loss program end up going through a 10-Pound Takedown Challenge and their eyes are now open and then they now judge other people who are buying the “junk” at the grocery store. But when they cock a snook at them, they conveniently forget that not too long ago, they were in their shoes. 

Well, never forget what it felt like to be fat!  It’s not really hard to go back there if you’re not careful. When you see somebody in the grocery store, and they have just all kinds of processed sugar-laden, chemical crap foods in their cart, it’s simply because they don’t know any better. After all, for all we know, nobody out there means to poison their kids. 

And just so you know, that was you 10 pounds ago, or you 20 pounds ago. Maybe that was you 100 pounds ago. But let’s never lose our compassion and never forget what it was like to be that person. 

And if you want to help people by telling them about Code Red, remember – There is a time and a place for everything, and your personal testimony will mean more than anything else. You could say something like, “Yeah, well, I’ve lost weight and kept it off.” And then if they’re ready for it, they’ll want to know more about it.

Cari and I are going to tell you more about the importance of bearing in mind where you come from, so stay tuned.

Key Points of Discussion

  • Sad to see someone struggling with weight and having kids yelling for sugar (7:39)
  • Most of them don’t know that real food, water, and sleep are the keys (9:46)
  • It’s just so easy to go back there (10:33)
  • Being secure in Code Red and not being arrogant about it (13:55)
  • If you want to tell people about Code Red, let your life lead people by example (15:02)
  • Remembering what it was like when you first started out losing weight (28:02)

Learn More About The Content Discussed…

Get the Code Red On-The-Go Guide here.

Join the next 10-Pound Takedown Challenge here. & use Code Red at the checkout

When Was It Released…

This episode was released September 25, 2019

Episode Transcript…

The Transcript Is Auto-Generated And May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors


Cristy:             00:03 I’m Cristy Code Red and you’re listening to Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle, where we believe food holds the power to heal or poison and we believe our society has been misled regarding proper nutrition and weight loss. You’re in the right place if you’re looking for some straight-up truth because I’m here to shed light on the lies and brainwashing that has taken place over the past five decades. Thanks so much for listening.


Cristy:             00:30 Welcome back to Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle. Guys, I love this so much. I love that you love this so much and I love that. Cari Thompson.


Cari:               00:40 Yay. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I want to start off the podcast by showing our listeners and viewers something. For those of you that are listening, you will not know what I’m doing, but for those of you that are watching, look what my sister sent me in the mail. Yes, it is a refrigerator magnet. You guys, if you can’t see this, I’m holding up the most hideous magnet in the whole entire world and it says Barcelona on it. The joke is now you guys are in on a family joke. I always say to my sister, she’s like, who buys magnets when they go places? So literally all the time, all the time, I’m like, “Did you buy me a magnet?” And yes, she bought me a magnet.


Cristy:             01:23 So every day you guys, every day of my trip, 18 days every day, “Did you buy me a magnet? Did you buy me a magnet? Did you buy me a magnet?” And finally, I’m like, I’ve got to pick out the most hideous magnet ever. And I found one. It’s terrible. And those of you watching on Youtube, you can see the horrible thing and it’s from Barcelona.


Cari:               01:40 It’s awesome. Oh, and everywhere you go, I’m going to expect one and I want them to be ugly and they’re all going on my fridge because someday when I die, my kids will be like, “What do I do with Mom and Aunt Cristy’s magnet collection? And they’ll be like, “Sell it on Youtube or sell it on eBay because Aunt Cristy was famous.” That’s what they’re going to say.


Cristy:             01:58 I love it. I love it. Well, I also have something to show you guys. I wanted to let you guys all know that oil, oil, oil and those of you who are watching on Youtube, you can see that I’m holding up two bottles of olive oil, but not just regular olive oil. This is a company that we partnered up with called fresh-pressed olive oil and they’re wonderful and you can go to and learn about it and see what we can do for you because Cari, and these two are almost empty. These are the three we get.


Cari:               02:29 I’m blowing through mine. I am blowing through mine. It is legitimately the most delicious thing I’ve ever tasted. You guys. I’m high-class. Here we go. My chickens, when they make me eggs, they are very well off. Their eggs get fried in that olive oil. If you can’t be happy in fried eggs in that olive oil. It’s like a whole world is opened up to you when you have a quality olive oil, $1 for your bottle, $1 to try the first bottle. It’s amazing once you try it. I mean I can’t, I don’t even know what to do. The olive oil is sitting in my pantry. Christy, my big


Cristy:             03:07 Well I thought about that. I told, I told miles and I was like, what am I gonna do with all this Costco olive oil? Like what? It’s not nearly as good as fresh-pressed olive oil that we teamed up with. And it’s funny because on my trip I put olive oil on everything and people were like, “You’re putting olive oil on that.” And I was like “Yeah”.


Cari:               03:25 I met the owners, Megan and TJ had breakfast with them in Louisville and I loved it because we sat down to eat and TJ took out this really cool little bottle Christy and he was like: “Want some olive oil?” And I was like, “Heck, yes, you’re my new favorite person to go to breakfast with.” And he drizzled it and then I drizzled on my eggs. Guys, Code Red fresh-pressed oli… What is it, Cristy? I said it wrong.


Cristy:             03:49 Coderedoliveoil.Com – You can go ahead and read about it.


Cari:               03:53 Yes, please do. This is an amazing family company. We love them. They’re really legit. Some of the nicest people I’ve ever met.


Cristy:             04:00 We only team up with companies that line up with our way of thinking that line up like the Swanwick sleepwear glasses. Of course, we want to block the blue light so of course, your brain can make Melatonin because you ain’t sleeping, you ain’t losing and when we team up with the olive oil people, we think that’s a staple or it should be in your diet and so on. So we wanted to mention TJ and Megan at fresh-pressed olive oil, you can go. It’s a beautiful website and read about it. I believe that Code Red rebels that sign up with TJ and Megan, they get Code Red recipes that you can use like with your own home-made salad dressings.


Cari:               04:38 What Megan said, “Why?” She said to me when we were talking about this, “Why are people not making their own salad dressings?” And I was like, “I don’t know because your oil is so good. It’s ridiculous.


Cristy:             04:51 Yeah, it’s a really good guys. We have got a great subject for you today that we are just so excited to talk to you about. I recently Cari, just, and for those of you watching me mess with my hair, hold on a second. I’ve got a little hair. There we go. So I recently was at an event and I’m not gonna go into all the details because I don’t want to I certainly don’t want to hurt anybody’s feelings. I was at an event and I heard this person make a reference to their child being perfect and being pure and not having any flaws. And I was like, whew, boy.


Cristy:             05:20 And I noticed that the person that made this comment was awfully judgmental of the other people in their life and other people around them. And it was very snooty and snotty and she was looking at her nose that the rest of us. And it was just uncomfortable. And I was like, boy, howdy. But the reason I bring this up now is because boy, we sure forget. Cause I know what this, I know the backstory of this person. This person didn’t come from money. This person has made a lot of mistakes in her life and yet she stands there and judges other people. And I was really surprised to see that. But a lot of our rebels sis do the same thing. They end up going through a challenge, a 10 Pound Take Down Challenge and their eyes are now open and then they now judge other people in like grocery stores and stuff.


Cari:               06:06 Cristy, I never want to forget where I came from. I never want to forget what it felt like to be fat Cari. And this is why it’s important to remember where you came from. It’s not really hard to go back there if you’re not careful. It’s not hard to go back. People, you guys, how many, this is an example. I want to use Christi even more than weight loss. Like how many ballers or rappers, they got the millions and then they got the, you know, they’re spending $2 million on their grill and $50 million on cars and then they’re completely broke. Now this has not happened to everyone. I’m not being judgmental of a group of people. It’s just an example is you could be back where you were if you’re not so careful. So it is so important to be so mindful of where you came from.


Cari:               06:51 So mindful of where you came from. That’s why in the grocery store you ain’t never going to catch me saying a word because I been there with the two screaming kids and everyone’s hungry and I’m just trying to put Fruit Roll ups and chips in the cart and just get them home and get them fed and people say that to me. They go, Cristy, I bet it drives you crazy when you go to the grocery store and you see all the junk in people’s cars and you just want to pass out your card to them. First of all, I would never in a million years, ever do that unless somebody specifically asked me for my card. I would never, never do that. But no, I don’t feel disgusted. I don’t feel that way. You know what I feel when I see somebody in the grocery store, the Costco food court or something like that, and they have just all kinds of processed sugar-laden, chemical crap foods in their cart.


Cari:               07:39 They don’t know any better. I feel Betty Forum, I don’t know if they don’t know, but I know that nobody out there means to poison their kids. Oh Gosh. And Cristy, it legitimately breaks my heart. My response is similar to yours. So when I see someone is struggling with their weight and they have children, they’re towing, who are throwing fits because they’re addicted to sugar and they’re yelling and screaming for sugar and I mean, they’re an addict. So you’re all addicted. You’re all going through this store. This mom is tired, she works a lot. She’s trying to keep the house clean. She may have a Poopoo for a husband or you know, vice versa. You never know. I don’t know what’s going on in this woman’s life, but I’ve been there and I look at all that Chrissy, and it legit, it breaks my heart. It makes me want to cry.


Cari:               08:25 It makes me want to walk up to her and give her a hug and just say, I get it. Like I get it. I would never say you know what? Let me talk to you a little bit about code red. That’s like, let me talk to you a little bit about, do you know about the Bible? I mean, nobody wants to hear that at the grocery store. And I talked to you about our savior, Jesus Christ. You know, someone’s yet to me. The other day at the convenience store, she walked up to me and she’s like, can I share a scripture with you? And I was like, ah, here we go. Everyone knows who that person was. I already have to say it, but it’s the same idea, Chrissy. It legitimately breaks my heart and I see rebels that think they got this [inaudible] don’t know if you got this and you’re being really judgy about the people at the store.


Cari:               09:13 And just so you know, that was you 10 pounds ago. That was you 20 pounds ago. Maybe that was you a hundred pounds ago. But let’s never lose our compassion and never forget what it was like to be that person. You know, that was not so very long ago. I like to say that. Oh, not so very long ago. That was me and less. And you gotta think like 30 days ago cause that’s challenged US 30 days. 30 days ago that was you and now you’re looking like [inaudible] and oh my gosh guys, these guys don’t know what they don’t know. Most of them don’t know that real food, water and sleep is the key. They don’t know that the goldfish crackers, the Eggo waffles and the pop tarts are poisoning slowly. They don’t know that. That if that child gets type two diabetes that is blood on their hands, they don’t know that is causing them to not be able to sit still in class.


Cari:               10:03 They don’t. They don’t know. Don’t do that. Don’t put yourself in that position and pass that judgment wound is dangerous. Well just because it come right back. You are fallen off the wagon away from being where you were. Now of course, no, we teach in the code red lifestyle to put safeguards in place. We teach you how to live the right kind of life. I mean we teach you, we’re not letting anybody fall off that doesn’t want to fall off. Like Cristy said, there’s no bread and candy floating in the air that’s going to magically fall into your mouth, but it’s just, it is so easy to go back there. When I have been judgmental in my spirit, it has stopped me and it said, Cari, not too long ago, you struggled at that weight. You were that weight, you had those problems. And Cristy, this goes for other things.


Cari:               10:47 When I was, here’s a great example, when I was a brand new nurse, I did not know what I didn’t know. And Trust me, when you get out of nursing school, yell, any nurses out there, you don’t know anything. You just know how to not kill people. That’s about it. So I remember then as an experienced nurse, other nurses being like, I’m like, she’s been a nurse. Two months, you guys, it wasn’t that long ago that you were that nurse, it wasn’t that long ago that you put that stethoscope on for the first time and you were scared to death to walk in that room. I’ve had nursing students, Cristy, be like, so do I just go in and do I touch them? Well, yeah, that’s nursing. You’re going to have to touch them eventually. But I would never chided them about that because, oh my gosh.


Cari:               11:33 I remember standing outside the door and being like, well I don’t know what I’m doing but I’m going to walk in here and pretend like I do. And so it’s, it is so easy to be judgmental in all areas. I’m sure Kristy, with your fitness journey, it’s so easy. I see people at the gym that are on, of course trying to lose weight by going to the gym. But that a ways to come with getting in shape and I see them do the exercises wrong.


Cristy:             11:57 And I think, yeah, but Cari, a year ago you were doing all the exercises wrong. You didn’t know anything. You were doing all of it wrong. You couldn’t even walk the day after you went to the gym cause you hadn’t exercised in 25 years. So it’s so important to keep this in mind, not just weight loss, not just the code red lifestyle, but for everything.


Cristy:             12:16 Yeah. For everything. And you brought up the gym. I feel so bad for people at the gym. They’re trying so hard and they think they’re trying to lose weight. A very few people actually want to be at the gym. I mean let’s do this. Let’s just be sure and come on. Even myself, like sometimes I don’t want to go, you know? Well I love the gym. Very few people freaking love the gym, like whatever, come on and show. But I see these heavy people at the gym and my heart breaks for them because they’re trying so hard and I see them do things wrong like you just said. And I, and I never make fun of somebody like what the heck? They’re trying. They’re doing what they know. And guys, my gosh, that was you. They don’t know. People are trying Nutri-System, they’re trying Weight Watchers.


Cristy:             12:55 They’re trying cause they don’t know about code red. They don’t know about real food, water and sleep. They don’t know. The proper human diet is the one that when we eat real food and you drink water, you sleep. And so for us to pass judgment on that, oh shame on us. We don’t want to go down that road, guys.


Cari:               13:11 Cristy, what do you think it is about passing judgment? Do you think it’s just that we want to feel like we’ve mastered it? Is it that we’re insecure that we don’t have it? I mean, I guess this is kind of a mindset thing. Like what is it that makes us want to be like in, I find myself, like I see someone doing the machines and instead of sitting up and just, you guys can’t see me, but just pulling straight back there going like this and those of you that can’t see me, I’m rocking way back.


Cari:               13:39 So you’re using your back when you should be using your arms and your shoulders. So I look at that and I go, well, I know how to do that the right way. Why do I do that? Well, it isn’t about me in my insecure that I’m not doing a good job at the gym. Do I think that somebody is why? I don’t know. What do you think it is about us that makes,


Cristy:             13:55 I think for when it comes to the grocery cart part, it’s this arrogance. It’s just better than thou like, well I don’t feed my kids that you did 30 days ago. Well I don’t feed my kid cause it cause it’s a snotty and I see sometimes in our code red groups, I’ll see a snotty, like I’m making fun of a snarky post where they were getting everybody to laugh along with them and they’ll say, I can’t believe that she put and it, we’ll take it down.


Cristy:             14:19 We don’t allow that snarky stuff. And so I think it’s just this arrogance that, well I, I wouldn’t feed my kids go fish crackers.


Cari:               14:28 But you just, did you think it’s always an arrogance or do you think sometimes it is really just insecurity about, sure. You know what I mean?


Cristy:             14:37 Yeah. It can. Totally an insecurity. I think a lot of things stem from insecurity. You will ever see me arguing with somebody because I am so secure in code red. I’m so secure in myself that, I mean people can come at me at all angles and I just smile and I don’t have any need. I went to an event recently, another event, and I was getting just all kinds of just bad energy coming my way and I just blew it off. So when you’re secure in yourself, you just can blow things off and that’s totally fine.


Cristy:             15:02 But there is a percentage of people, and I know you’re listening to us right now and you’re like, but I’m not being judgmental. I’m just wanting to help. Yes, there are a percentage of people that go, oh, I might just, I wanted to give them a code red card. Yeah. And we get that two guys, we get that too. But please don’t do that because that is like handing somebody a Jesus track. You know, Cristy, you have a moment. I’d like to, I’d like to share a scripture with you. If you have a moment, hey, I’m all for proselytizing. Don’t be sending me a message saying, I said no proselytizing. I mean, we have to spread the good word, but there is a time and a place and your personal testimony will mean more than anything else. I’ll say to people something like, yeah, well I’ve, I’ve lost a hundred pounds and kept it off and that’s all I have to say.


Cristy:             15:52 That’s all I have to say. And then if they’re ready, they’ll say, oh my gosh, tell me more. I’ll be like, funny, I run this company.


Cari:               16:00 Yeah, it’s interesting, but I loved Cristy that you are so secure. I mean, I love this about you. I love lots of things. But one of the things I love about you is that your last vacation that you went on at the time of this podcast, you didn’t tell anybody what you did for a living. She’s like, I’m just a trophy wife. Oh, they’re probably like, wow, what a trophy wife. But I love it that Chrissy did not feel the need and I’ve got to tell you, I’m not there yet. I still named drop in degree drop. But I mean that she’s so secure in what she does. She doesn’t feel the need to explain herself. She doesn’t feel the need to judge.


Cari:               16:32 She doesn’t feel the need to talk about it. She just lets her life be the example.


Cristy:             16:37 Well, thank you for saying that. I’ve got to share a pretty horrific mistake with you guys that I made. That’s terribly embarrassing and I learned a big lesson from it. I was on one of our trips a couple of years ago before I learned this lesson and I had been just spreading code red all over to our group of travelers where there are about 155 people that were with us on this, on this trip. And I was just preaching code red and telling everybody. And then at the very last night of the trip in the dining room on the middle of the dance floor, I asked if I could get the mic so I could talk about code red. Do the group.


Cari:               17:15 You did not.


Cristy:             17:17 I’ve never told anybody this cause I’m so now I’m totally embarrassed. And so I got up, Cari and I started talking. I know, Oh my God, I’m, I’m feeling myself getting hot right now, learning the Barcelona magnets and I got them mic. They did not invite me to speak. I took the mic from the lady that was the director of the trip. And I was just like, no, blah, blah, blah, blah. Talking to all about it. And nobody responded. Everybody just stared at me and nobody clapped. Nobody smiled, nobody, nothing. It was extremely awkward. And when I sat down, miles turned to me miles, who says he loves me, but he says, never speak unless you’re asked to speak. And I had never forgotten that and I was like, I’m so glad it was the last day of the trip because I was so humiliated that I did that. I thought everybody would just want to hear about code red.


Cristy:             18:08 Why would you not? Because I spent it to a whole two weeks here in a month. Their aches and pains. Well my gosh, that’s all related to your diet. You know, why would they not want to hear about a better way? Well, it was the wrong time, wrong place. I was not invited. I am by humiliate. It was far beyond embarrassing. I humiliated myself and miles said, never speak unless you are asked to speak. And I, they learned a huge lesson from that. And so I never bring up code red unless somebody asks Christy.


Cari:               18:34 That’s like walking up to somebody and being like, are you pregnant? And they’re like, no, no. One time I went to, this is a funny story, you guys are like this to lighten the mood after that horrible story. That was, that’s like a first period story. Cristy, that’s a horrible one time I went into, I was working at a small hospital in the ICU and they were really, really busy in ob and we didn’t have a lot of patients in ICU.


Cari:               18:59 They said, can you go over to ob and help? And I was about nine months pregnant with my last daughter, Ann Marie, so I was like, yeah, if you need me and ob basically has everyone else died? I don’t know, like what am is not my area of specialty. They said, we just need you to recover a c-section patient. And I said, okay, I’ll go over there and recover. Then we’ll, this person’s baby was very sick and being life-flighted out had to have an emergency c-section so they were legitimately packing up the baby, which is quite the process with the life flight crew. And they were recovering the Mama in the hallway so she could see the baby and whatnot. So I’m out there and I’m, I’m helping, you know, I’m trying to, it’s a horrible situation. Emergency csection everyone’s very emotional. It’s very tense. And I come down from ICU, no, nothing about ob except for the fact that I’ve had children.


Cari:               19:47 So I’m helping and I’m trying to kind of like, are you okay? Are you having pain? I’m taking vital signs. And then she looks down at me and she’s crying and she goes, oh, when’s your baby due? In front of the whole group. I said, I’m not having a baby. It was so obvious. I was like nine-plus months pregnant that the everyone looked of course shocked. Then they all started laughing. It was like the best thing I could have done in such a terrible situation. So it was really funny, my tummy was sticking out to hear. But it was funny, like, no, great. We got the smart mouth ICU nurse down here. I’m not, I’m not having a baby. Oh my gosh. Sometimes there’s a time and a place and that was the right, it was a gamble making that joke and it paid off.


Cari:               20:30 But trust me, there’s been many times when Cristy and I have said things, in fact my whole entire life when I have been judgmental, when I have said the wrong thing, when I have stepped out and thought it was the right time to bring something up with somebody and it has just blown up in my face. And so I have found when comes to religion, when it comes to religion, when it comes to politics, when it comes to weight loss, and when it comes to raising kids and giving advice on marriages, it’s probably better just to keep your judgments to yourself, you know, because people don’t necessarily want to hear what you have to say. And it’s always super important. Just the other day, a relative of mine was struggling with their relationship and someone was like, Oh, me, me, me, and I was like, I got ready to be like, well, you know what I do.


Cari:               21:15 And I was like, it’s none of anybody’s business. What I think about their relationship, because not too long ago I’ve been in a terrible relationship and not in it anymore, you know? But I don’t have any room to speak when it comes to that. Remember where you came from, Cari. Cari, remember that you grew up, and again, not knocking my parents in that double white trailer outside of Orofino, Idaho and you worked and you played three sports and you worked at the IGA bakery and you had a car that had only first and fifth gear. Don’t forget that. Don’t forget that when you drive that nice jeep down the road, forget that when someone’s broke down on the side of the road, that could have been you in high school. Don’t forget that when you meet that kid that snotty to you, maybe at Taco Bell, maybe they’re in the same situation that you were when you’re in high school, don’t forget, or Fino is really not that far away.


Cristy:             22:08 You know who? Oh yeah, yeah, no Kiddo. You know people are going to ask you one of two questions or any, they’re going to either ask you, why are you doing that? Or they’re going to ask you, so what are you doing right? And one of them means they’re not ready, and one of them is they are. There is a time and a place to tell people about Christ or tell people about your weight loss journey or tell people about how to properly do a certain lift in the gym. All right? You know there’s a proper place. There’s a proper time. When you are asked, then please feel free to share your heart with [inaudible]. Feel free to give them a four by six. What is code? Red Card? Feel free to tell them about the 10 pound take-down, but my gosh, please be show careful with that judgment.


Cari:               22:50 Yes. Don’t forget it. Our mom used to be like, Hey, you know what? Don’t forget, and I’d be like, oh, I hated that. It’s true. I was mucking out stalls. I was making $3 an hour or so. You know what? Christy never forgets the care center in Orofino, Idaho. You never want to forget where you came from. And the same thing with weight loss. It’s easy to look at people that aren’t losing weight as fast as you and be like, but guys, you need to look at where, where they came from, where they’re headed, a trend. I mean, it’s just so important to keep that in mind. And truly it does not matter what anyone, what any of us think about anybody’s journey, our businesses, our business. If they want to be 600 pounds, that’s their business. Unless they say something to you, you just can’t.


Cari:               23:36 You can’t. But Christine, oh, I got you. Would you like to hear about our Lord and Savior?


Cari:               23:40 No, I’m good. I just say that one time I had a friend that wanted to, she was, she was a certain religion that tried to get people in their church and she said, hey, why don’t you come over for dinner or something? And invited me over and totally masked it as a, just a fun get together with popcorn and movies or whatever. And then when we got there, they totally tried to get us in their church or that or Amway. And again, I like Amway, I like their products. But one time we went over to these people’s house for dinner when I was a kid and it was a big deal going to somebody’s house because we did it, but we didn’t go to people’s houses that weren’t our churches very often because our family was very centered around church.


Cari:               24:26 So we were like, this is one of my dad’s coworkers and I don’t know if Cristy remembers this or not, but we went to their house and they were going to have dinner and all this kind of stuff when we were like, wow, that’ll be a great opportunity. And we get there and I can see mom and dad are trapped in the living room talking about and way, and we got in the car and go home. Our parents didn’t say much in front of us because you know, they were very careful and they were great parents, but I could see that. Yeah.


Speaker 3:          24:54 [Inaudible]


Cari:               24:55 I mean attention on their faces. It was like, well that was not a true friendship. Reach out. So make sure that if you reach out to people, it is truly in friendship and because they’ve reached out to you. And again, don’t forget the double-wide nor fino. Don’t forget, don’t ga bakery. Don’t forget the Orofino care centers of your life. Don’t forget your Plymouth Arrow that had first and fifth gear. Don’t forget the old farm truck that you drove to school. I’m sorry, mom and dad, but the had the rusted-out floorboard and you could see the road going by. I’ll never forget Cristy, your mom making you left. I’ll never forget delivering pizzas as a sophomore at Lewis Clark state college in my little white Subaru that had no heat. Don’t forget your car with no heat. It’s really easy to do folks, but just don’t it.


Cristy:             25:44 And let me add a few in here. Don’t forget, I was a hotshot trainer in New York, the cover of magazines, my own MTV show, all these fancy-schmancy fighting at Madison Square Garden, one of the top fighters in the world. Everything was going great. All the celebrities I trained, Katie Kirk, I trained Ethan Hawke, all these great things, right? And the market crashes and oh seven Oh eight and I lose all my clients and I’m homeless within nine days. Like it’s not. So guys, I mean it can happen. We like to say in Code Red, we’ve seen the best of them fall. So we had the recommit every day. And you’ve got to really be careful. Just, and I, I do, I have to recommit to the process of watching what I eat and staying on the scale every day and making sure I watch it. My water every day. You’ve got to recommit to the process. Cause that could be you. That could be me, that could be Cari.


Cari:               26:34 And I think that I’ve heard this saying, and it’s a little cliche, ish, Cristy, but that’s kind of what I think would be a good thing for us to kind of wrap up with, is that when you have a, and I’m sorry guys, it sounds like a tattoo I would get, but attitude of gratitude. It’s an attitude of gratitude. When you’re grateful for where you came from, when you’re grateful for those hard experiences that made you who you are, I think it’s a lot more difficult to become judgmental. Does that make sense?


Cristy:             27:02 Yeah, totally makes sense.


Cari:               27:04 If you can just be grateful for where you’ve come in your past and who you are. I mean, we talk about our parents and growing up and a lot of people take that very negatively, but let me just tell you something. I would not change growing up like Cristy and I did for anything.


Cristy:             27:19 I wouldn’t even change the abusive ex-husband that I had to go through. I would not change the guy that I was with the stole $36,000 with me. I wouldn’t because that made me, I am today. I wouldn’t give it up. I mean look, I can, I got asked to speak at the halfway house for women coming out of prison and transitioning because of what I’ve been through show. I understand.


Cari:               27:40 Yeah. It’s just always important to have that rearview mirror to where you can see where you came from when you get ready to move forward in your life because, and that’s true with anything brand new nurse, brand new doctor, experienced teacher, you know, a working in the preschool, the Gal who you work the fast food line, the guy who’s his first day on the drive-through.


Cari:               28:02 I mean these are tough experiences and, and we got to remember what it was like when you first started out losing weight. Never what it was like getting off sugar. Everyone’s like detox. You’re like, yeah, you went through it too. Don’t forget it sucks.


Cristy:             28:16 Yeah, exactly. Oh you’re peeing all the time. You remember the first week and you’re peeing all the time cause you’re, your kidneys haven’t adjusted yet. Like I just be really careful. You know, Cari, I forgot to do this. I would like to read a couple of reviews. I forgot editing and I would love to read you guys. I know I usually do this in the beginning. I pick about three reviews people left us on, on the podcast. Guys, we have so many reviews and they’re wonderful and thank you. Thank you. Thank you for the bottom of my heart for rating and reviewing the podcast, we have one from Miss Sarah Jean 82 it’s entitled tears and it has five stars.


Cristy:             28:52 Today’s podcast makes me tear up. I have been doing code red for a year and a half. I feel shame. I’ve fallen off many times. I’m an emotional eater and I feel like I let you down every time I fail. I’m 35 pounds down from my original weight and I get down within 10 pounds to goal and then I fail. I always gain 10 pounds back before I recommit, but those extra 10 pounds make me look pregnant. So I get so tired of people asking me when my baby is due. I’m a sugar junkie. But your tough love and your encouragement helps me get back to it. Thank you for all that you do.


Cari:               29:25 Have you read the one from Sandra and Montana?


Cristy:             29:28 She and her in Montana. Do I just keep scrolling down or do you want to read it? Yeah, you read it.


Cari:               29:33 After trying everything under the moon for weight loss, including paying for a dietician, I found code red on Facebook. Cristy’s plan spoke to me so one more time I jumped in but this is the last time I follow the rules. The weight is going away quickly. I am never hungry. I am a rebel now and always ps can’t get enough of those podcasts as they motivate me more. Five stars. This topic was spot on. I’m a control freak at work but a mad scientist at home learning to control every aspect of my life. I love that. Thank you. Thank you Sandra. That is awesome.


Cristy:             30:12 We got another review from an El Parkman who gave us one star and I was like oh my gosh, one star, one star. Well, it was a beautiful review and I think she accidentally hit the Lisa you, I think you actually the one star button cause your your actual, I was like, oh we got a bad one.


Cristy:             30:29 Let me know and let me just go. Let’s see here. I’m going to read one more from Kristy Burke 74 I have to admit that I came into this thinking I can do anything for 30 days. I honestly didn’t think it actually worked because I had recently tried so many of the things I had hadn’t expected to work before. After experiencing how well it worked and how good I felt, I have zero desire to get back to go back or look back. Life used to revolve around trips and parties and gatherings that I would need to get through before I really got back on that wagon. Well now I can navigate through all those things. Stay on track and not feel deprived. It’s almost, it’s almost more awkward for other people than me, but you know what? They’ll get over it. I keep reminding myself, but nothing tastes as good as as being skinny will feel. So thank you guys so much.


Cari:               31:13 Wow. I love the podcast reviews. I was trying to find mine so I could read it.


Cristy:             31:18 I read yours one time. I obviously you didn’t hear it. I read it. I read it and one of the earlier podcasts before you started podcasting with me and I do remember it.


Cari:               31:26 I was going to make up another one. Please carry on. It really makes the show. No, I’m teasing you.


Cristy:             31:37 You guys we have another challenge starting. We have a challenge starting each month. Monthly challenges except for December, and don’t forget, I mean this is where you, the best way to get started is this will allow you to dip your toe into the lifestyle for $47 without a huge commitment. You don’t like it, you don’t like it. If you like it, you can move on with us and from there we can help you. I’ve written four books. We have the podcast. I have a great Youtube channel. I go live on Instagram every single morning, so guys get connected with our groups.


Cari:               32:08 This is awesome. Cristy. I love this beyond words. I love talking about this subject and I love the fact that so many people are getting on board and they’re getting healthy and they’re going to heal.


Cristy:             32:17 Yeah, absolutely. Guys, have a good one. Thank you for watching and listening. We’ll talk to you guys later. Bye.


Cristy:             32:25 Thanks so much for listening to this episode of Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle. Do you have a question that you’d like me to answer raw and uncut on the podcast? Then all you have to do is head over to Apple Podcast on your phone or computer and do three simple things. Leave a rating and review telling me what you think of the podcast and in that review, ask anything you want related to health, weight loss or mindset. And if you want to shout out, leave your Instagram handle or name, that’s all. Then listen in to hear your question answered, live, raw and uncut on the next Q&A episode. So I’ll see you on the next episode of Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle.