Enjoy this latest batch of Rebel Victories from people who are taking their lives back on the Code Red Lifestyle™!
B.C. – My daughter says I look like I could be her older sister, my fiance´ told me he’s ready to set a date and pull the trigger on the wedding…what in the red magic is goin on up in heerryyaaaaa!
S.R. – I have great news! My doctor just took me off my diabetes meds! I have been on them since I was a teenager.
M.S. – CP-NSVs AGAIN! (CP = Custom Program, NSV = Non-Scale Victory)
1. I have always hated my picture being taken.
2. You couldn’t CATCH me in a coat because I felt I looked like an enormous blueberry.
3. What, not posed so that my big double chin can be minimized?
4. No pain while walking? ANYwhere? Like it’s effortless?
My husband and I went on a walk together because we needed to check the roads and walk our dog. (It’s been snowing/icy here in the PNW.) We actually look like we MATCH as a couple instead of me looking like the hefty gal. I am now only ten pounds heavier than him AND the other day, he had me try on his puffy coat AND IT FIT WITH ROOM TO SPARE and I’m not even remotely near goal. I have 42lbs to go. [Edited to add: I’ve lost 67lbs and am 179.5 today] All I can say is INCREASED MOTIVATION, PEOPLE!
C.W. – Today I donated plasma (I started regularly donating at the beginning of August 2019). I love doing it, knowing the plasma will make its way to healing therapies. Plus, the $$ isn’t bad either. I’m a fast donator. Today was only 33 minutes. Phlebotomist said “wow. You’re fast. Do you drink a lot of water?” “Yep. I drink at least 1 gallon a day, don’t drink pop or alcohol.” She was impressed. Just 1 more reason to get in your water ? your blood and plasma will thank you!
As you can see, weight loss is just the START! It’s what happens as a result of joining the Code Red Lifestyle™ is where the magic happens.
So if reading these gets you pumped to take your life back, too, the button below will take you to a page where you can get more info and register for the next 10 Pound Takedown Challenge. I’ll see you there!