Enjoy this latest batch of Rebel Victories from people who are taking their lives back on the Code Red Lifestyle™!
L.H. – NSV.. I just ran up our stairs from the basement. Haven’t done that for over 40 years. Wow! That was fun. Go Gym!
A.W. – Not sure if you can tell from this picture how small this shower really is. But it symbolizes one of those strange NSV. This bathroom is in the guest bedroom of my parents house. When they first moved in we tried the shower once and both my husband and myself quickly realized we didn’t not have room in this shower. So every time we came and visited we used the main bathroom instead. This past week we have used this shower and had plenty of room to turn around in it. It’s one of those NSV that hits you with a happy feeling reflecting the progress we have made.
N.W. – I wanted to say thank you to this group! I just got back from a 6 week long trip to India to adopt my daughter! It was only supposed to be three weeks but we ran into some problems and long story short I was living in a hotel eating take out and room service food for 6 weeks! I didn’t gain and I didn’t eat sugar! I would not have survived this trip without the 55 pounds I had lost before we left! I was able to ride in small rickshaws and the plane was easy and comfortable even for 21 hours! I was healthy and energetic for most of our trip even through it was exhausting emotionally, physically and spiritually!
A.S.W. – 13 bags of too big clothes—not very significant, right? But this photo means so much to me. It represents 11 months of hard work. It stands for 70+# gone (40# of that through CR—I struggled on my own until I joined my first Code Red Challenge in September), many inches lost (I sure wish I had taken initial measurements and a before photo!), normal blood sugars, normal A1C, normal bloodwork, pain-free knees, feet and hips, boundless energy, the desire to really live. In 2019 I took my life back. In 2020, I will rise up and soar.
M.S. – CP: In the past, I did as many other do and waited for a Monday or for the New Year to begin my “next diet”. This past May, I began my new LIFESTYLE of CodeRed and I’ve lost 63lbs so far. I can walk “forever” now with zero pain anywhere and it feels darn near miraculous. I’m also happy that I am not having to gear myself up for resolutions as we near the New Year. I’ve had an amazing time this holiday season staying on plan, feeling great in my clothing, actually being in pictures and not worrying about them being posted on social media and feeling in control. I feel like I’ve followed the rules for so long that I know exactly what I need to do to stay on plan and keep my weight in check even though I have 44 more pounds to lose to get to goal. This is the best gift I could have given myself this year. Even though I got my CP numbers in July, I’ve seen so many lose weight just fine without one by following the rules. That’s how great this plan works. Congratulations to all of us! <3
As you can see, weight loss is just the START! It’s what happens as a result of joining the Code Red Lifestyle™ is where the magic happens.
So if reading these gets you pumped to take your life back, too, the button below will take you to a page where you can get more info and register for the next 10 Pound Takedown Challenge. I’ll see you there!