At age 50, Karen had come to the realization that she was going to be “fat forever.”
After all, she’d had a weight problem for most of her adult life, and six attempts at counting points (plus other weight loss attempts) hadn’t helped her.
But early last year, Karen ran into her aunt, who had lost enough weight that Karen was impressed.
Her aunt shared the Code Red Lifestyle™ with her, and Karen joined a 10 Pound Takedown and never turned back.
She lost 125.6 pounds and is a size she hasn’t been since age 18.
“Wearing size medium blows my mind,” Karen told me. She also:
Feels amazing, with the energy to run after her grandchildren
Can get on the floor and play with her grandchildren
Enjoys freedom from aching bones
When she sits in her chair, she can see it without fat hanging over
Listen, when it comes to taking your life back on Code Red, it doesn’t matter if you’ve had a weight problem your whole life, or just in the last year.
It doesn’t matter if you’re 18 or 80.
And it doesn’t matter how many times you’ve failed at weight loss.
What matters is that you’re willing to eat real food, drink water, sleep, and follow a few simple rules 100% of the time.
You do that, and like Karen, you can lose all the weight you want without shakes, diet pills, diet foods, or exercise.
The 10 Pound Takedown is now available in the Code Red private network (which is free to join), and you can join the 10 Pound Takedown for $27 a month inside the network, for as many months as you want (and you can cancel at any time). Read more about the 10 Pound Takedown at
Have you created your free Code Red Lifestyle Network account yet, to access nutrition, weight loss, weight maintenance, and mindset tips and support? If not, here’s how to get it!
1) From an Internet browser, create your account at
2) To get the mobile app version of the Code Red network, go to the App Store or Google Play Store and search for Code Red Lifestyle. Create your account there; OR if you’ve already created your account, use the same login and password!