It’s pretty clear, isn’t it…the fact Sheri feels better in her after picture than she does in her before picture, pre-Code Red?
Look closely. It goes way beyond her weight, or even the differences in her hair and makeup. In her after picture, you see a vitality you don’t see in her before photo.
Seeing this, it reminds me of how many people in today’s world feel like total crap and don’t realize it.

Because it’s their normal. When you feel awful all the time, you forget how it feels to feel better (if you ever knew in the first place).

Oh, inhaling junk food will numb your emotions for a few minutes and give you the illusion of “feeling better,” but it’s not gonna last. Plus it comes with obesity, pain, and those physical problems you’re battling.

Besides, the numbed emotions you feel after eating junk can in no way, shape, or form compare to what it’s like to wake up in the morning without pain, walk a block without feeling like you’re dying, and heck, even get out of a chair without it being a NASA operation.
If you’re truly tired of feeling sick and tired, eating crap is not the answer. It’s the cause.
FREE yourself from that vicious cycle – and all the suffering it’s causing you – on the 10 Pound Takedown. Here’s where to sign up:
***DISCLAIMER*** Some weight loss results featured in before and after posts like this are not typical. The average person can expect to lose 1 to 2 pounds weekly following the Code Red Lifestyle™. Results vary because of many factors, including food eaten, water consumed, and sleep quantity.