When you first embark on something, there’s that excitement of “the new” to help you stay motivated.
And when your journey is nearing its conclusion, there’s a big dose of excitement from that, as you think, “Yes!! All my hard work’s paid off and I’m finally here!”
Then there’s that stretch in the middle, after the excitement of the new has worn off, but the excitement of achieving your goal hasn’t yet taken hold…and maybe your goal still seems out of reach.
If someone’s gonna fail, this is usually where it happens. Doing the grind and sticking with it, even when they don’t feel like it, is too much for some people.
But other people find a way to do it, and those are the people you see succeeding.
Not just on Code Red – they succeed in other areas of their life as well, because they know success and commitment sometimes mean sticking with it even on days you don’t feel like it.
Now, staying motivated – and finding your motivation again on days where it feels in short supply – is 100% possible.
The thoughts you think have a huge influence over your motivation, and you can choose what those thoughts are, even if self-sabotaging thoughts try to sneak their way in.
One thing that works really well for a lot of people is a self pep talk. You can sit and do it or stand in front of a mirror and do it – whichever way you think will work best for you.
Don’t say negative things to yourself, like “Why did you do that?” or “What’s wrong with you?” That’s going to have the opposite effect. You have to be kind to yourself. Firm, but kind.
Start by reminding yourself why you’re doing this, what you have to gain, and what you want to leave behind. Talk about all the positive things you’ve experienced so far, and all the things you have to be grateful for.
Also remind yourself how great it feels to follow the program to the letter and get the weight off.
You can also write this information down, or call a supportive friend or family member and ask them to help you with it.
On those times when your motivation wavers, it’s important to remind yourself why you’re doing this and what you don’t want to go back to.
Keep yourself focused on the positive and all the amazing things you’ve experienced so far.
Remember, what we focus on, we create more of, which means focusing on your lack of motivation, and on times you screwed up, leads to more of the same.
Instead, focus on what you want more of – like those times you stuck to plan and how amazing it felt, and all the victories you’ve enjoyed because your success.
Finally, if you’re not setting milestone rewards on your weight loss journey, start NOW. Every 5 pounds, 10 pounds, 15 – whatever you think – choose a reward for yourself.
So often we wait until we reach our goal to celebrate, but the journey’s where the magic happens. Celebrate the journey, not just the destination. Choose rewards that YOU love and enjoy. You deserve them!
Everyone has hiccups in their motivation. How you handle those hiccups has a lot of influence over whether you fall off the wagon or keep going.
You absolutely can do this! Decide you’re gonna do what it takes to stay on track, and then do it!