I decided when I was 14 I wasn’t gonna have kids of my own, and I’m 100% comfortable with that decision.
But a huge percentage of my clients are moms or grandmas, and believe it or not, that’s often a factor in their weight being so outta control.
It’s not the fact they had kids. It’s something else–something I see far too many moms do:
They put themselves dead last. In everything.
Their needs get shoved to the back burner, over and over, and stay there.
So many moms never take a break, don’t sleep, don’t take care of their needs.
If you’re doing this, you know what I’m talking about.
And you know it’s wearing you down.
To cope, you turn to one thing that’s always readily available: Food. (And maybe a little alcohol.)
Look, you moms are heroes. And because I don’t have children of my own, you may not wanna hear this from me.
But that isn’t gonna stop me from saying it, because I care about you.
I have had and do have clients like you, and I see this same pattern over and over and over of moms ignoring their own needs.
It might be out of guilt. You feel like you “have” to drop everything to care for everyone else, because to do otherwise makes you a “bad mom,” and maybe even a “bad wife.”
Bull crap.
Or maybe it’s some martyrdom thing. “Well, my kids come first.”
Take it from me: Your kids are gonna want you around for as long as possible.
Eating yourself into an early grave because you have no boundaries, never stand up to your kids, never expect them to tow the line, and essentially let them run the household means you may not be there to see them grow up and get married, have grandkids, or see whatever future it is they create for themselves.
Plus, if you’re so tired and sick because of your weight and health you can’t even play with them, how many wonderful memories are you missing out on Every. Single. Day?
I know I’m being pretty blunt, here.
But that’s what I do. I tell the hard truths no one else has the spine to say, because, again, I care about you.
And the hard truth is, you’ll be a better mom and a better partner when you feel good about yourself and your needs are being met.
I know because this is also something I hear from my clients over and over, after they take their lives back with the Code Red Lifestyle™.
Their husbands say, “You’re a lot less moody now.”
Their kids happily say, “You’re such a happier mom now, Mom!”
Your family loves you and they want you to be happy, even if making that happen is an adjustment for them (because it means some changes around the house).
For Mother’s Day this year, instead of gorging on chocolates and cookies, do something for yourself that’s not gonna make you sick and add to your weight problem.
Get a massage, take a bath, whatever it is you like. If you like spending time with your family, great!
Just make it about the memories, not about how much chocolate you can inhale.
Starting today–and from here on out–take care of YOU, too.