“How do I lose weight without feeling hungry ALLLLL the time?!”
Is that a thought that’s ever crossed your mind, in all the decades you’ve been “dieting?”
(I’m betting the answer is yes…)
Seriously, how can anyone expect you to lose your weight and keep it off if you’re ravenous 24/7?
It’s true, ain’t nobody gonna die from skipping a meal.
But skipping a meal once in a while because you don’t get home in time to eat before 6:30 is a lot different than feeling like you’re starving, no matter what you do, all day every day.
And therein lies the problem with mainstream low-calorie “diets”–specifically, low-calorie “diets” that are also low-fat.
Calories and fat provide energy. So when you’re low on both, it’s no wonder you always feel like crap!
On top of all that, we’re told to eat 5 times a day.
But not only does that constantly spike insulin (which makes fat-burning impossible because you cannot lose weight in the presence of all that insulin), flooding your body with SO much insulin keeps you hungry.
So to recap: On a low-calorie, low-fat diet, you have no energy, you’re crabby, and you’re fricking starving.
Are you starting to get why low-calorie, low-fat eating isn’t sustainable for most people even to lose all their weight, much less keep it off?
Now let’s look at the flip side: A high-fat, low-carb diet.
For starters, fat keeps you FULL, so you’re not constantly plagued by roaring hunger the way you are on a low-fat “diet.”
You see, high fat food gives you more bang for the buck.
A great example is an avocado. It’s a high-fat, fiber-packed, plant-based food.
Avocado gives you 9 calories per 1 gram (remember, calories aren’t “bad!”), whereas 1 gram of chicken only gives you 4 calories.
So you eat the same quantity of food, but you get more energy from avocado, because that’s all fat is–a form of energy.
Plus, despite decades of lies that have tried to convince us otherwise, fat is GOOD for you.
It’s nourishing. It regulates hormones. It helps your hair and nails grow, and improves your skin.
Your energy goes through the roof, yet you’re also able to sleep better!
If, after reading all this, you’re still clinging to low-calorie and low-fat as the way to go, I get why you’re skeptical.
But my program, the Code Red Lifestyle™, has helped tens of thousands of people all over the world lose weight and improve their health, and on Code Red, we eat high-fat and low-carb.
A high-fat, low-carbohydrate lifestyle works, and I have the results to prove it.
My video below talks about low calorie vs. high fat in even more detail. Click below to watch it!