Losing 5 pounds overnight…sounds like something only a gimmick or something dangerous (like starvation) could accomplish, doesn’t it?
But it’s not unheard of for people new to the Code Red Lifestyle™ to drop that kind of weight overnight.
Does it happen for EVERYONE?
No, though some people drop that much (or more) in a week.
What’s going on when a new Rebel drops that kind of weight is that their body is letting go of water weight as inflammation begins to subside.
See, when your body’s inflamed, whether it’s from lifting weights, foods you’re eating, or healing from an injury (including life-saving surgery), holding onto water is a part of the recovery process.
When the inflammation goes down, as it’s supposed to, the water weight drops away.
If the inflammation is caused by food you’re eating, and you keep eating that food, your body just hangs onto water as it tries to heal you. (Eventually, it can’t keep up, and disease and pain and other symptoms start taking hold; weight gain is just one of many possible responses to ongoing inflammation.)
On Code Red, we eliminate the most inflammatory foods people eat in modern times, and when we do, our body gladly gets rid of that extra water weight.
For most people, that results in a startling weight drop the first week – even overnight, in some cases, as was the case for the Rebel asking about it in the screenshot I posted above.
That’s true even though we drink a gallon of water a day on Code Red.
Yes, you read that right – drinking water can actually help your body get rid of the toxic water weight…just like eating dietary fat (and reducing carbohydrate and sugar intake) can help you get rid of extra body fat.
Eating fat with only a small amount of glucose causes your body to switch to fat-burning mode, and use stored body fat for fuel.
Drinking water helps your body flush toxins and stored water weight.
Before you leap to the conclusion that it “can’t possibly be true,” try it out for yourself.
The only thing you have to lose is toxic water weight and a big bunch of fat!
Have you created your free Code Red Lifestyle™ network account yet?
If not, here’s how to get your account!
1) On your computer, create your account at www.CodeRedLifestyle.com/App.
2) If you want the network on a mobile device, go to the App Store or Google Play Store and search for Code Red Lifestyle.