If you wanna strike fear and dread into the heart of most people, all you’ve gotta do is imply they’ll have to “give up” a certain food.
On the one hand, I get why. Food is overwhelmingly abundant in some parts of the world, and in those parts of the world, almost everything we do revolves around our next meal.
The idea of managing your eating instead of eating whatever the heck you feel like, whenever the heck you feel like it, can be unwelcome.
And the idea of losing all your weight without having to change your eating is super appealing.
So when it comes to losing weight without “food restriction,” is it POSSIBLE?
Well yeah, it’s possible.
Whether or not it actually happens is another story.
If you define “without food restriction” as continuing to eat the exact same foods in the exact same quantities that got you – and are keeping you – fat and sick, then no, losing weight without “food restriction” isn’t gonna happen.
That’s like asking if it’s possible to stick a nail in your tire and not have it go flat.
Even if you get weight loss surgery, if you continue eating the foods that got you fat in the first place, you’ll regain your weight. Unfortunately, it happens ALL the time.
A better question to be asking yourself than “can I lose weight without food restriction” is, how are your favorite foods already restricting YOU?
You’re balking at the idea of food restriction…but you’re already experiencing it, because the food you’re eating is restricting you from things like:
- Getting up off the floor without help
- Sitting down in a chair without worrying whether it’ll support your weight
- Wearing something besides baggy sweats and shapeless dresses
- Eating in public without wondering if people are judging you for what you order
- Confidently saying YES going to events and gatherings with friends and family
- Waking up without pain
- Getting through your day clear-headed and full of energy
- Liking what you see in photos and in the mirror
- Proudly standing in the front row in photos
- The energy and ability to do all the things you love
My point is, without changing how and what you’re eating, you’re already living a life of restriction.
Call changing how you eat food restriction if you want to.
Just don’t delude yourself into thinking that by refusing to change how you eat, you’re avoiding restriction.
If your body is so heavy and sick it’s interfering with your quality of life, you’re not.
If you want that to change, something has to change, and it starts with changing to real food, water, and sleep.
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