Most people wanna fit in. Some people care more about it than others, but still, everyone enjoys feeling like they belong and are part of something.
Human beings are hard-wired to care what other people think. For much of our history, being part of a group LITERALLY meant the difference between life and death.
The flip side of that is, it’s really easy to care too much about what other people think.
I’m not saying be totally callous. You can listen to their opinion without allowing them to steer your ship.
A big way I see this “want to fit it” mindset show up is in situations where somebody’s gotta be on the spot by going first. No one (usually) wants to go first. (We’re also taught it’s “rude” to go first.)
I’m one of those outliers who loves to go first. In my video below I’ll explain why. After you hear why I love going first, you’ll see it a lot differently – so much so you may even start looking for opportunities to go first. (Hey, don’t knock it until you hear me out!) Click below to watch my video about going first.