How To Measure Good Health & Progress – Episode 30

how to measure good health

What Is This Episode About…

On the Code Red lifestyle, we teach our Rebels to weigh themselves each morning, no matter what. 

The scale is the first line of defense. 

But the scale doesn’t tell the whole story. There are many ways to measure good health and progress. Be sure to look at the whole picture during your weight loss journey.

The society largely measures good health based on the size of your clothes, based on a number on a scale. Now, of course, we are a weight loss program. We care about the numbers on the scale because that’s how we track progress. So we’re not asking you to throw out your scales. What we’re saying is these numbers are only one indicator of good health.

You can use blood work numbers, you can use physical fitness tests, you can use a lot of different ways to measure good health. We don’t want you focusing on just one. 

What often happens is that when one number does not change or when there are issues with that number, we freak out. How about your glucose numbers? How about the sugar in your blood? Are you reducing the amount of medication that you’re taking? Are you sleeping better? Has the Code Red lifestyle eased off pain? And how about your energy levels?

You can have lemon and cayenne pepper and Diet Coke and you’ll lose weight, but you want it healthy, don’t you? Of course, you do, which is why Cari and I are going to walk you through the myriad indicators of good health that a Code Red lifestyle brings to the fore.

Key Points of Discussion

  • It’s frustrating to see the society judging health based on a couple of numbers (7:49)
  • The scale is going to show you not only bodyweight but also fluid balance (9:53)
  • All the same, we expect you to continue losing 1% of your body weight a week (10:31)
  • Are you sleeping better? That’s an indicator of good health (11:47)
  • About Cari’s blood work, medication reduction, body fat, eyes, and skin (18:07)
  • A 90-day success journal that helps you keep track of all the metrics (22:33)
  • You are healing your body every single day. Do not take that lightly (26:06)
  • She eats junk food and has Mountain Dew all day long… (28:20)
  • is where you can go to get started (31:28)

Learn More About The Content Discussed…

Get the Code Red On-The-Go Guide here.

Join the next 10-Pound Takedown Challenge here.

When Was It Released…

This episode was released October 16, 2019

Episode Transcript…

The Transcript Is Auto Generated And May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors

The Transcript Is Auto Generated And May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors


Cristy:             00:03 I’m Cristy Code Red and you’re listening to Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle, where we believe food holds the power to heal or poison and we believe our society has been misled regarding proper nutrition and weight loss. You’re in the right place if you’re looking for some straight up truth, because I’m here to shed light on the lies and brainwashing that has taken place over the past five decades. Thanks so much for listening.


Cristy:             00:29 Welcome back to Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle. I think I’m going to start doing that. Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle. I’m your host Cristy Code Red with my sister Cari. She is the second in command at Code Red fitness and nutrition. Cari, what’s up?


Cari:               00:45 I am so glad to be here once again and we have the best topic. Cristy, what an honor! Like this is again, I say it every time but it’s just, it is so awesome really to share a piece of ourselves with the Rebels. I love that.


Cristy:             00:59 We really love it you guys. We love being with you guys. It seems like we’re just getting a great response. The whole podcast is doing well and just another way for you to stay connected. Our hearts’ desire is that you stay connected to us in our community and you stay connected to this way of thinking about this way of life.


Cristy:             01:14 People want to separate the Code Red Lifestyle from real life. There is no separation. The Code Red is real life because we eat real food, we drink water, and we sleep.


Cari:               01:24 It is that simple. I don’t know why people make it more complicated. People will always, you know, they’ll say things like, “I can’t wait to be done with this diet,” and we’re like, “This is the proper human diet. Something you’re going to do for the rest of your life.” Are you ever going to have something that is maybe not Code Red-approved, yeah, you sure you might, but that’s going to be the exception because when you figure out how much better you feel on the Code Red lifestyle, you will not want to go back. I mean it’s just the truth, you know?


Cristy:             01:54 I can believe they agree. I was thinking about reading some of the ratings and reviews you guys.


Cristy:             01:58 Thank you so much. I got to read one. Here we go. Five stars. I’ve got to read just a couple here. Amazing and straightforward. This is from Ped Ped and let me just spell it. P E D S I C U M D Pedis Cumin D. I don’t know, but thank you. Thank you for the rating review. She says, she or he says, “I am loving these podcasts. It’s amazing the way that your love, the way your love and give of yourself all the time. These podcasts are straightforward and directly to the point. If you ever see me, please call me out and keep my feet to the fire.”


Cristy:             02:32 I love it. Maybe it’s Petty, but there’s S in there. Peds C Skew MD. Thank you again. You guys in your funny. Here’s one from Oklahoma, “Rebel, FiveStars, love your podcast, love all your podcasts. You are so inspiring to your Rebel family. I listen to them over and over.


Cari:               02:53 Oh Cristy, I listen to them over and over even though we recorded them.


Cristy:             02:58 Well, I know they keep me motivated and keeps me motivated to do one more. Let’s do one more at the top. It’s five stars from Chris. I don’t know what’s up with that name but that’s to it. “Thank You. I have to say that I have struggled against weight loss for 28 years doing probably everything from every fad diet. Like, probably every fad diet. I’ve been under doctors who put me on medication. Nothing has ever worked.


Cristy:             03:25 I am a Code Red Rebel and I listened to the podcast once a day to surround me by things that I need to hear. I don’t feel alone. I’m starting to understand the importance of knowledge to be able to take care of myself. I haven’t had the right tools in my toolbox until now.” Yeah, Chris, here’s the deal. Chris, you don’t know what you don’t know. And I feel like people get so hard on people, like we talked about, you know a podcast to go about, you know, why would you eat that way but they don’t know it is not your fault that you were trying all these crazy things. It was you were doing what you thought was best for you. So you’re not like during a no-judgment area. Right, right. I like when I, I’ve said before, you know, people don’t mean to poison their kids but they don’t realize that feeding them low fat goldfish crackers is high and high fructose corn syrup and that’s damaging.


Cristy:             04:14 Massively damaging to the body. But they don’t know that. They think that it’s okay.


Cari:               04:19 They don’t know. It seems like a good snack. Now my daughter knows we walk into the C store and she’ll be like, Code Red-approved snack. I’m like code red approved snack. And she picks out jerky. She pits out nuts. She knows, she knows and hard boiled eggs and cream cheese and salami. My Lord. I mean it’s endless. There’s so many good items for your kids guys. Not. You seen the packaged pickle slices yet? Cristy, my husband is in love in love. In fact, Sam’s club quit carrying them and he was like mute so he [inaudible] he takes a package or pickle slices every day. You should love those. The first time that I saw a hard boiled eggs prepackaged in a C store with my little travel, Redmond, real salt and I sprinkled the salt on the whole, I thought I had died and gone to heaven.


Cari:               05:08 That’s one of my favorite things. If we’re stopping and I haven’t planned well enough and I’m hungry, my GoTo at the stores here, at least in Kentucky, they always have two horrible old eggs. I always have my salt in my purse. That is my go to the, I will just grab that and some water and sometimes if I’m really hungry, a little bit of jerky or nuts to kind of give you that extra punch, but you can eat an egg or two. You’re pretty full like in your good Tel. You can get where you’re going.


Cristy:             05:33 Absolutely. And don’t forget guys, it takes 20 minutes for your brain to register that you’re full. So you give yourself a little time before you like, I need something else, you know? And I do it too. I’m bad about it. Like I need something else. We’ll hold on, give it a hot minute and you’ll be feeling fine if you just give it a little bit more time.


Cari:               05:50 So Cristy, when mama Carol used to say to us, drink a glass of water, you’ll feel better. You won’t be hungry. She was right. She was right. She was right. Oh, you’re that mom. We said you were right here on the national podcast.


Cristy:             06:06 That’s right. I love our subject today because I have said this, but I like that. I was just talking to Cari earlier and I was like, what should we talk about? And Cari brought this up. So this was Cari’s idea. We’ve always said that there are many ways to measure good health.


Cari:               06:23 Yes. And I’m just gonna express my frustration about this because we were just talking about this in a coaching group about how Cristy and I might outweigh people who are at goal weight by 20 pounds, but we don’t have, both of us have been, you know, and we work hard too, but we don’t have blue pea tummies.


Cari:               06:47 Now again, I’m not knocking anybody that has blue [inaudible] just, I mean don’t write us nasty letters. What I’m trying to say is on this scale you may look a certain way, but in real life it may be something different. So all that to say, I’m frustrated with society that measures good health based on size of your clothes, based on a number on a scale. Now of course we are a weight loss program. We care about the numbers on the scale because that’s how we track progress. So I’m not saying throw out your scales. When we were kids, this guy got filled with God and he threw it. He stood up in church and he said, I’m going to throw my TV in a river. And he thought that God was telling him to throw the TV in the river when we were poor. We wanted him to throw the TV to at 29 55 Rudo road in Gracemont, Idaho.


Cari:               07:33 Like don’t throw your TV in the river. Maybe God tells you to give your TV to us. So I’m not saying throw your scale in the Clearwater river. What I’m saying is it is only one indicator of good health. So I as a middle aged mom and professional woman, I am very frustrated at our society who judges health based on a couple of numbers. That by the way are kind of random. For instance, sizes that have changed. If you buy expensive clothes, you’re a smaller size. What the heck? That doesn’t make any sense. But you know, I’m frustrated by that Cristy, and I think it’s important for people in the weight loss journey, which is a journey of the soul to understand there are a lot of indicators of good health. That was a mouthful. Sorry that we zoned to get all that out. There are many ways to measure good health and I want to just touch on this.


Cristy:             08:25 Like Cari just said, we are an online company and we do use the scale progress cause 99% of this time the skills going to be dropping the way it should but because Cari and I carry less body fat percentage than other in it boils down to your body fat and people were like, well then what? So you can use body fat percentage you can use, I don’t suggest you use BMI. That is an archaic and outdated way to measure, but I guess you could use BMI if that’s what you want. I guess I don’t like it but go ahead. If you, you can use blood work numbers, you can use physical fitness tests, you can use a lot of different ways to measure good health. We don’t want you focusing on just one.


Cari:               09:06 And I think what happens is we get so focused on one that what happens Cristy is when that one number does not change or when there’s issues with that number, we freak out.


Cari:               09:19 For instance, I’m going to be very vulnerable here and I got up this morning and my weight, the last two warnings was a lot higher. Now I did travel recently. I know a lot of that’s water, but I go to put my clothes on and they fit and I go, this doesn’t make sense. Well first of all, it was the batteries in my scale. So I changed out the batteries and in the next day it was still wonky and I thought, but then I went to the gym. I mean, you know, it just, I have to say to myself, Cari, you have to keep in mind the other measures because when the one measure, the scale does something wonky because remember scale is going to give you not only body weight but fluid balance. So if your fluid balance is off, you’re going to have an off day on the scale.


Cari:               10:02 If I only dependent on the scale number, Cristy, I would have jumped off a cliff this morning, but I know that’s not really what’s going on. Does that make sense?


Cristy:             10:10 Right. And let me just say, because I’ve been in this industry a long time and I’ve been doing this publicly for a long time and I can tell you right now that people are going to take this and they’re going to blow it out of a portion of what we’re saying right now and they’re going to use it as an excuse. We still fully expect you to be 100% compliance with the program, which means you, if you are on our program, we do fully expect you to continue losing the 1% of your body weight a week. So you do not get to get out of that compliance rule. You did not get to get out of that because Cari and I have both been on our own program and we have lost, I mean when I put myself on the program, I steady lose one third of a pound a day, bam, bam, bam, bam, right down all the way down to where I need to be and I’ve gone up and then I’ve lost it again.


Cristy:             10:54 And Cari has to sure the program works and when, when you do the program the way it should, you can expect 1% at least of your body weight a week to come down off that skill. That’s gonna coincide with the close and more than likely that’s going to all be the way it should. The downward trend is on the scale. It’s indication of, you know, that all should be happening, but there are some times in maintenance we’re really mostly talking about people in maintenance that you will just notice that water fluctuation, the scale doesn’t always tell the whole picture, but please understand as we’re talking through this podcast here that this is not an excuse for you to get out of weighing yourself each day.


Cari:               11:31 Thank you for clarifying that. Cristy. I did a talk on one of the coaches pages about don’t let this skill control you and you know you wake up and that number ends in a 0.5 instead of a 0.3 and you freak out and your entire day is ruined based on that ending number.


Cari:               11:47 That’s what I’m talking about guys. I’m talking about keeping in mind other things that are, now that you’re on this health journey. So let’s talk about your sleep. Are you sleeping better, Cristy? That’s an indicator of good health. Are you able to rest? You wake up in the morning like Cristy earlier than your alarm ready to get up, ready to face the day, you know, are, are you, are, do you feel good when you wake up in the morning? Do you feel? Yeah.


Cristy:             12:15 How about A1C? How about your glucose numbers? How about the sugar in your blood? How is that? Is that going down? How is your medication, your Metformin and your glucofage? Are you reducing the amount of medication that you’re taking?


Cari:               12:28 Let’s talk about meds. Let’s talk about, I mean, meds is a huge thing. I mean, I had one person say to be, even if I never lose a pound, yes, but I don’t have to take 20 medications a day.


Cari:               12:39 It’s going to be worth it. Carry. Now you’re gonna lose a pound because it is pathophysiologically. You know, it’s passive physiologically impossible not to unless you have a thyroid problem. Let me just throw that in there that you’re going to lose weight on code red. But they said to me, Cari, even if I never lose a pound, just what I’ve gained and not having to take the medication has changed my life forever. So let’s talk about lab work. Cristy, you know that you’re a, like Cristy said, your glycosylated hemoglobin is going to look better if you are a diabetic and you’re taking your blood sugars before each meal and at bedtime. So you know with each meal, AC and HS, we used to call it or do they still call it? What do those numbers look like compared to where they were before you started code red?


Cari:               13:22 How about this? Cristy, do you love the taste of water? Now even if you don’t think about the non scale victory of being able and the marker of good health, you drink a gallon of water every day. That’s not a little feat. I read, I medically screen every person that comes into this program and I see one glass, two glasses of day, you know? And let’s talk about how about plantar fasciitis. Those of you guys who were in so much pain when you get out of bed and now you’re not bad pain cause I until you carry it a couple times I’ve gotten off track and I’ve eaten something I shouldn’t have like some crap carbs. I have a massive headache every morning I wake up and when I say code red, I don’t have that headache. Just the pain, the reduction of pain you guys that is so far beyond the weight loss.


Cari:               14:16 I bet our mom, I’m going to use our mom and I’m going to use coach Jade, coach Jade for an example for this point. I bet both of them and they’re both at goal weight and they look great. But I bet if you asked them would you want your arthritis back? Jade had crippling psoriatic arthritis. My mom had terrible, her hands would hurt when she would eat gluten and crap carbs. So I bet you anything that would be worth a size. I mean they aren’t going to gain weight. They’re going to do great, but do you see what I mean guys? Jade being able to walk up down the stairs and hug her kids and get played with them. It’s not quantifiable, but it’s legit. That’s a legit indicator of good health. It’s not quantifiable. We can’t say nine out of 10 people who had psoriatic arthritis in June of 2019 I mean that’s it.


Cari:               15:07 We don’t have the ability to do that, but we can save for Jean Gallagher. Her life has been changed. Oh, and she has an indicator of good health by just being able to move her body. For Carol mama Carol, she has an indicator of good health by not having swelling and pain in her hands.


Cristy:             15:28 Can, I mean her hands used to fall asleep at night and let me just use Jade one more time for an example. Yeah. She used to wake up and shake her hands and she doesn’t do that anymore and I’m just going to continue with Jade for an example. Jane is 108 pounds and if Jane were to turn in her, cause all the coaches and leaders have to turn in their weight every Friday should carry an eye to me. On Friday mornings, they have to stay within a certain amount in order to keep their contract.


Cristy:             15:52 But if, and I know that some of you might be like [inaudible] when you say this, but guys, it’s accountability. It’s accountability. And Cari and I have to remain accountable as well. If Jade wakes up and she’s 110 pounds or 111 instead of 108 okay, let’s look at the other factors here. She hasn’t cheated. We know that she just came back from traveling from Seattle back to Vermont. Okay. So she’s got some water retention. Her clothes still fit good. She doesn’t have a headache, she doesn’t have any pain in her joints. She still has full energy. Like we’re looking at all the other factors before we start to freak out or before Jade gets in trouble and gets a warning from us or something like that. She hasn’t gone off OG. She went out to taco Tuesdays and went and drank herself silly as someone found her in an alley.


Cristy:             16:36 Like it’s not, you know, it’s, so, there’s so many other indications that we look at guys. So we want you to look at, we want you to look at the scale, but we want you to see a downward trend from start to finish, right? But you’re going to have the peaks and valleys and going to have this, right.


Cari:               16:52 I think it’s really interesting, Cristy, I heard someone very recently say that traditional medical, now this is their opinion is you know, 20 years behind what the new sciences. So new sciences coming out about a lot of things. For instance, code red eating science is coming out about code ready. The, of course the media wants to cover it up, but if we waited for a double-blind placebo trial to come out about code red eating, it would never happen. Guess what? We don’t need a study about whether or not you should try to fly off a tall building.


Cari:               17:26 Cause yeah, if you don’t have a parachute and you jump out of a plane, you’re going to die. We don’t need a study about that guys. So we don’t need a study about code red. I mean they’re out there. But my whole point is that if your life could be better now in the indicators mean that things are gonna work better for you now why would we wait for this? You know, like I was saying, this crazy idea of the research is just not gonna happen. The isn’t there. So when you go to your doctor and you get on the scale and they’re like, well, you know, you’re eating real food. You’re like, but look at what all these non-number things, all these other good indicators of good health that are happening to me. I don’t need to slap a paper down by the university of whatever that shows this.


Cari:               18:07 If you can look at me and look at my blood work, Cristy, look at my reduction of medication, look at my body fat percentage. Look at my eyes are brighter, my skin looks better, I’m aging backward. 


Cristy:               18:19 Those are all the indicators. You can’t tell me that someone goes to their eye doctor and their eyesight has actually improved since removing the grains and sugar from their diet on code red and look, I mean, they can’t tell me that. And by the way, I know I’m jumping around here, but BMI, I could go off on BMI but let me just tell you according to the BMI chart, I am in the overweight category and my doctor tried to tell me that one time years ago and I actually took off my shirt or I pulled open that gown and I said I’ve got six pack abs and I can dead lift two Oh five and I, you know, then I can run with my dog three miles.


Cristy:             18:54 Like I don’t smoke, I don’t drink. I sleep seven and a half to eight hours a night and you’re telling me just because my height and my way, cause I’m carrying a little more muscle than you usually see on someone who’s five foot seven and a half that I am in the overweight category. Bolognese – I don’t sit there cause you don’t look at somebody who’s got six-pack abs and tell them that they’re overweight. Bull crap.


Cari:               19:16 I agree with you 100% and that is right there. That story you just described right there. Cristy is the reason why I’m frustrated that we don’t recognize as a society other indicators of health. Cristy did a code red rebel, go on a walk with a loved one at the beach and able to take their dog and throw the stick for 45 minutes. Yeah, that’s an indicator of good health.


Cari:               19:39 Now, yeah, they’re not running the Boston marathon or they’re not again, deadlifting 205 or whatever it is that Cristy did, but it’s an indicator of better health. It’s an indicator of improving health. It’s an indicator that you’re on the right path, that you can do these things that you couldn’t do before. So again, I think it’s really important to keep in mind, not only wait, cause we do need to see your weight trending downward. We do need to see that you’re moving in the right direction. You don’t want to get into that. Well, I’m just a big girl. I got a lot of muscles. Well, guess what? At two 50 I was more than a big girl. I was [inaudible] so you know, I needed to lose the weight so we don’t want to get off on that. But as I’m on that weight loss journey, Cristy, I was like, wow, you know, I’m now able to sleep through the night.


Cari:               20:25 I now able to not have headaches. I don’t crave sugar all day long. So I think those are amazing indicators of health.


Cristy:             20:33 I really do. We encourage our rebels to take progress pictures. I would love for all of our rebels during their progress and even my coaches who in my Rebels who have reached goal weight and are now starting to weight lifts, which is what we transitioned them into exercise and when they get to go away because that is a majorly part of healthy life and we want to keep that muscle on. And so we do that and I encourage everybody to take from the start progress pictures every single Friday and you just need to stand there and your sports bra on your shorts or however you want to do it. Nobody needs to ever see this because you need to be able to see it if that scale is stuck, but you are noticing a difference in your progress picture, you’re going to be glad you have them if that scale is stuck, but you shy whatever.


Cristy:             21:15 Jeans did not fit last Friday but they fit now. There are many ways to measure good health and progress.


Cari:               21:21 And I think that is so important. Cristy, you encouraged me to do that and then you told me to edit it and type with my finger the number that my weight was and I can look back through those and put them on your own little file on your phone. I mean, y’all phones do everything these days. Get up and make you breakfast, so put them on your own little file and then you can go through and look through. Those are antsy. That’s losing quite a bit of weight with code red, she’s up over 70 pounds now. She says to media day, Cari, Oh my gosh, my body may not. The scale was kind of being a little bit stubborn for a little bit. We got our past that, but she said, you should see the clothes that did not fit me.


Cari:               21:59 Just like what Cristy said and now they do, or the fact that I just bought these clothes and they’re too baggy, so something is changing. Hormones are shifting that is being released. It’s super important to say, Oh my gosh, I had a horrible cramps, I had horrible periods and now they’re better again. These are other measures of good health. I would love, I think it’s really important. One thing Cristy, I was thinking was get a notebook. You guys write down some of your measures of good health that you would notice the success journal carry the correct journal. That’s what I created it for. It’s a 90 day success journal that actually have helps you keep track of all the metrics. Write down three things you’re proud of for that day. Then journal, there’s a section of journal, right? Someone wrote, I just saw this on one of the challenge pages, Cristy.


Cari:               22:48 They wrote. I got up early and it was pretty simple things like it wasn’t anything like I ran a marathon and I reorganized my entire house and Marie Kondo came over and we had a great time. It wasn’t anything like that. It was like I wiped down the counters. I made breakfast and she did something else. She said all before 10:00 AM and she said before code red. I would have never been able to do that and I thought, I don’t care what the, no, I do care. But right at that moment, the number on that lady’s scale or what the number on the back of her clothes said, the tag, it didn’t matter to me, Cristy. What mattered to me in that moment is that that client, that code red rebel family member before couldn’t do that and now she could and you can’t tell me that is not life-changing for that woman.


Cristy:             23:42 Absolutely. The clothes don’t lie. The skill doesn’t tell the whole picture, but the scale is what we use for online programs with the clothes. Don’t lie. The energy level doesn’t lie. The headache being away. That doesn’t lie. Your feet don’t hurt anymore. That doesn’t lie like you have to hang on to the things that you that we just want you to track all those metrics. We really want you to track all that progress because all of it matters is not just and there there are people like you’re more than a number, you’re more than a number. Well, it’s funny because the scale is the first line of defense and we teach our rebels this on the code red 10 pound take down challenge that we have every month. I think one of the first things I talk about like day two is why do we weigh ourselves daily because it’s so important to explain because no other program does that.


Cristy:             24:26 Weight Watchers as you come in every Friday and I just can’t, I mean we have to because the skill is the first line of defense to tell you that what you did last night and it’s 99% accurate. What you did sign either was good or bad, but if that scale is just not showing all the picture of something’s going on, man, there are so many other ways that you can keep track. We don’t want you focusing just on the scale. You could really get yourself messed up in the head if you do that. You’ve got to understand, so many other things measure good health.


Cari:               24:54 Even if Cristy the scale is going the way you want, which we want you to be as a rebel. So keeping in mind the scale every day like we want you to, that’s not negotiable. I want you also to think about the good measures of good health, so even positive, like I’m losing weight, I’m doing great.


Cari:               25:10 Don’t forget to also think about, Oh my gosh, last week I couldn’t pick up my grandson and twirl them in a circle or I would’ve never been able to go to Disney world all day long on my feet before code red, before I started eating this way, before I took my life back, Cari, I would’ve never been able to make it through a Sunday leaf raking session. It’s coming up and be able to do that without a nap. So as the scale goes down, as you take your life back, remember there are so many other good indicators of health and I want you to think about those things. It’s like gratitude ID moment for you because as the scale goes down, think about all the things that have changed for you and grab onto those because when the temptations come and Cristy, they’ll come.


Cari:               25:59 I want you to think about the other indicators of good health that you are experiencing. Code red, rebel. I want you to think about those things.


Cristy:             26:06 You are healing your body every single day. Do not take that lightly cause our days just, you know, what do we do? We get up, we take our kids to daycare, we take them to school, we go to work, we stopped by WinCo, we get groceries, we come back, we let the dog out, we clean up, we do our laundry and they are, our lives can become duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh. You don’t back up and see the bigger picture. And you forget this because it’s happening on the inside of our bodies. We don’t really think about it, but with every single time you eat your meat, vegetables, nuts, eggs, seeds, seafoods and fat.


Cristy:             26:39 Every time you drink your water, every time you don’t drink the wine, every time you don’t drink the Diet Coke every time. You don’t drink the red bull every time you don’t drink the Machiatto you’re choosing health and you’re choosing you, right? So your body is healing. Healing is taking place you guys every hour of every day and you’re healing. You’re undoing years and decades of damage. You’re healing your body. Don’t take that lightly.


Cari:               27:05 Amen. Boy, that was a perfect way to say it. The Bible says death and life are in the power of the tongue and I want to say that I think death and life are also in the power of the fork.


Cristy:             27:15 That’s what our mission statement, our code web mission statement says, we believe food holds the power to heal or poison. That’s the first line of our, we choose foods that heal. We believe that every single, whether you people pooped in dong dominoes is here, you are tearing every time you order Domino’s, you are tearing down.


Cristy:             27:33 You’re on your way to an early death and I know that sounds dramatic, but every time you choose to drive through, every time you choose the Domino’s, every time you choose the alcohol, and I’m sorry, I know that’s dramatic, but every time you are you’re going through another half a case or diet Coke, you’re choosing poison.


Cari:               27:50 Yes, you really are and you’re giving up. There are other measures of good health that you are experiencing.


Cristy:             27:56 Yeah. People can lose weight drinking Diet Coke. You can lose weight drinking Diet Coke and you can have lemon and cayenne pepper and diet Coke and you’ll lose weight, but you want it healthy.


Cari:               28:06 No, and you’re not keeping it off either. Let me wrap up with this example. I have a friend who is thin, like skinny, but she is like what we’d like to call skinny fat. She works early mornings has to come home and nap.


Cari:               28:20 She eats junk food and Mountain Dew all day long. Don’t tell me that person is healthy, do not tell me that person is healthy because of the number back here and because of the width of the hips. For those of you that didn’t see me, don’t tell me they’re healthy because they don’t have other indicators of good health. So that’s an absolute opposite example. “Oh, I wish I could be like her. Oh my gosh, she’s so little. Look at her on Facebook, on her swimsuit. Look at her.” She’s napping every single day because she’s feeding herself crap food. She has no quality of life. Her skin doesn’t look good or teeth don’t look good, and it is all because of those food choices. That’s what it’s all about. So we look at that person. Society looks at that person, thinks they’re healthy, Cristy, because of what? They put their leg into it during the day.


Cari:               29:15 There are no other indicators of good health. So that’s a completely opposite situation. But do you see what I mean?


Cristy:             29:20 I’m trying to think of who you’re talking to. You’ll have to text it to me who you’re talking about because I’m like, who is she talking about? Who is that? I’m like, y’all have to text it to me cause I’m like, I will just run my brains.


Cari:               29:33 And let me do it now. Okay, yeah, I’ll do it.


Cristy:             29:37 I’ll wait right here.


Cari:               29:38 Hold on, hold on.


Cristy:             29:39 She’s texting me right now. Let’s see who she says. That’s just terrible gossiping like Lord Chris thought that was who it was.


Cari:               29:48 Yeah, I mean that’s a great indicator. A person who on the outside looks great because of what they stepped their leg into and what three numbers on a scale say, but I can tell you I’m healthier. I have more indicators of health, of good health, and just because your echo is having right fit Cristy, he hears me talking. He thinks he wants to be out. For those of you listening, Echo is my French bulldog and he thinks that if I’m sitting at this desk talking to aunt Cristy, if he needs to be up on my lap, and I’ve pushed him down about 87 times because I’m like, “We’re doing a podcast. We’re doing a podcast. Mommy’s busy. I’m trying to talk to the accountant.”


Cristy:             30:24 No, that’s right. Yeah, right, right.


Cristy:             30:28 Well, you know, think this is a great place to wrap up here. I mean, I really hope this really helps release you guys from the, the trap of the scale. Keep it in perspective. It is one of many ways to measure good health and progress. Yes. Keep it in perspective guys.


Cari:               30:44 Oh you guys, it is so true and I want you, whether the scale is being good to you or not and it should be heading down. I want you to always think about how your life has changed and indicators that you’re experiencing every single day of good health. I just want you to keep it in mind. We want you to be aware of it. We want you to be able to be thinking outside of what society is telling us is important. Although you still got to see the scale go down, but please keep in mind all the other awesome things that are happening in your life because you’ve taken your life back.


Cristy:             31:16 If you do the grind, the scale is gonna just come with you. Just understand that it’s one of many ways and we love you guys. We love you. Oh, we care about you. We want you with us. We want you individually in our tribe. We want you on the Code Red lifestyle. 10Poundtakedown.Com is where you can go to get started. The number, yup, one zero, we just care about each and everyone, every one of you. Thank you for joining us on Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle. Guys, leave us a rating and review. Maybe we’ll read yours out on the air and give you a shout-out. We appreciate you, Cari. Have a good rest of your day guys. We’ll talk to you soon. Thanks, everybody. Bye.


Cristy:             31:53 Thanks so much for listening to Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle. If you’re a Code Red Rebel and you haven’t already downloaded your free Code Red Lifestyle on the go guide, then now is your time to get a copy. This guide will teach you how to stay Code Red-approved, even with your crazy life schedule. To get a copy right now, all you need to do is open your podcast app, go to this episode show notes, and click the link to get your Code Red- approved on the go guide. So I will see you on the next episode of Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle.