There’s only so much any of us can have on our plates, and sometimes you’ve gotta say “no” to stuff in order to stay sane.
But the commitments you do decide to keep, you KEEP to the absolute best of your ability.
That’s why one of my favorite sayings is, “Commitment doesn’t care how you feel.”
Deciding to lose your weight and keep it off is a commitment to yourself.
And each time you break that commitment, you’re sending a message to yourself that you can’t be trusted. It’s SO destructive to your sense of worth, and it’s got to stop.
I know you want the weight gone. I know you want it to stay gone.
But when you believe you aren’t motivated enough to turn down the donut or say no thanks to the pizza, you’re more likely to cave.
If you really want the weight gone, and to find freedom from pain and other issues that your diet may be contributing to, then you’re gonna have to find and sustain your motivation. No one else – not even me – can “force” you to stay motivated.
What I can do is give you some tips for finding your motivation, and keeping it.
Check them out by watching my video below.