Here’s when “organic” matters, and when it doesn’t

On the Code Red Lifestyle™, I don’t require you to eat organic.

I support you if you want to, of course, especially if you can get your meat and produce from a farmer’s market or local farmer (or even shipped to you from a family-owned farm).

But outside of that, whether or not it’s worth it to eat organic depends on how you go about it.

Here’s when eating organic isn’t helpful:

1) You’re eating a diet of mostly processed junk food and/or sugary foods, and buying “organic” junk food. Just because a food label says something is organic, or especially, all-natural, doesn’t mean it’s true. It also doesn’t mean it’s healthy, even if it’s slightly less unhealthy.

(A poison that’s slightly less poisonous is still poison!)

2) You’re eating a diet of mostly processed junk food and/or sugary foods, and throwing in an occasional organic veggie or piece of fruit. Whether or not your strawberries are organic in this situation isn’t going to make a difference.

To be clear, it won’t hurt anything, but if you’re living on processed foods, organic strawberries aren’t gonna have an impact. It’d be like adding an iodine tablet to a contaminated lake and expecting it to clear up the whole lake. It won’t!

Here’s when eating organic IS helpful:

When your diet is mostly clean (as in 90% of the time, or more). That’s when switching to higher-quality meat and produce can really make an impact on your wellbeing! You’ve created a cleaner “environment,” so at that point it only makes sense to keep making it cleaner.

See, what you’ve gotta understand about organic is that it’s not a quick fix.

I know that’s not easy to hear. Most people are obsessed with finding the quick fix.

And when you think about it from an evolutionary standpoint, it makes sense.

The less effort something takes, the less energy you have to expend, which means you have more energy left to work on other things.

But when you go out of your way to seek out only quick fixes that may briefly work, and ignore the less sexy, but more effective, way to get something done (like lose weight and improve your wellness) AND keep the result, it gets you into a lot of trouble. Why?

Because sometimes there is no quick fix. Sometimes you’ve just gotta do the “hard thing.”

Homegrown, TRULY organic food is not a quick fix.

You can’t add an organic strawberry to your meal once in a while and offset the ongoing punishment inflicted by daily feasts of pizza, soda, cookies, chips, and other junk.

Again, introducing organic food isn’t gonna hurt you, but it’s just one piece of the puzzle.

And it’s not gonna “save” you if you’re still doing what’s hurting you, any more than putting a Band-Aid over a cut isn’t going to do much if you keep reopening the cut.

Organic foods, just like supplements, can be PART of a healthy lifestyle.

But they are NOT a quick fix to an UNhealthy lifestyle!

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