A comment I sometimes hear from people NEW to the Code Red Lifestyle™ is that they are “doing everything right,” and are either not losing weight, not losing weight as fast as “they thought they would,” or in some cases, they’re gaining weight (they say).
Let’s take a look at what’s usually going on.
First of all, when people NEW to Code Red say they’re “doing everything” right, they rarely are, even when they think they are.
Sometimes it’s because they are following Code Red AND doing whatever the heck they want.
Or they’re following “their version” of Code Red.
There’s no YOUR version of Code Red. You’re either following the program, or you’re not. It’s very black and white.
Plus, no weight loss program works if you don’t follow 100% of the rules 100% of the time. Thinking you can bootstrap Code Red with whatever else you decide you wanna do isn’t gonna work.
But other times, not doing everything right is an honest mistake.
You THINK you’re following all the rules, but you’re drinking your gallon of water between 5 PM and 11 PM, then you’re up all night peeing.
If you’re up all night peeing, instead of asleep all night, then you’re not gonna lose weight. Sleep is the #1 rule in weight loss, and it’s what you’ve gotta fix first.
Another common example of accidentally NOT doing everything right is thinking that lying in bed counts as sleeping.
If you go to bed at 10 PM, lie there for two hours tossing and turning or screwing around on your device, finally fall asleep at midnight, and get up at 5 AM, you didn’t get seven hours of sleep. You got five.
Sleep is sleep. Lying in bed watching Netflix or looking at Instagram is not sleep.
Sometimes people aren’t losing weight because they’re constipated (changing your diet can influence that kind of thing).
Sometimes it’s because you figure “just one bite” between meals “won’t hurt.”
Well, guess what? That counts as being sloppy with your food, and it is NOT “doing everything right.”
The top three reasons for a stall on Code Red are lack of sleep, lack of water, and being sloppy with your food.
For Code Red to work, it’s 100% of the foods and rules 100% of the time.
Not sometimes.
Not most of the time.
Not “I’m doing EVERYTHING right…oh, except I’m not sleeping.”
None of that counts as “doing everything right.”
If your weight loss is stalled on Code Red, revisit the foods to eat/to avoid and simple rules.
Ninety-nine percent of the time, your answer is there.
Another SUPER important thing I want you to remember is that even when you really are “doing everything right,” your weight probably will not drop every single day.
If you aren’t managing your stress, your weight loss may stall.
If you’re scared of dropping any lower, your weight loss may stall. (That’s right – your mind can stall your weight loss, and cause you to sabotage yourself in ways you aren’t even seeing.)
Your body may just have its own pattern of doing nothing one day, then dropping the next.
Losing weight is not a straight line. Your weight zigs up, stays the same, and zigs down.
The goal is for it to zig down more than it stays the same or zigs up. When it does that, you get it all off.
Ask ANYONE who’s lost all their weight on Code Red, and they’ll tell you the same thing.
Obsessing about “doing everything right” – and driving yourself crazy in the process – does not serve you, is not serving you, and will not serve you.
What WILL serve you is controlling what you can control: How well you follow the program.
Follow 100% of the rules 100% of the time, and even if your weight doesn’t drop every single day – or goes up sometimes instead of down – it will come off.
“Okay Cristy, but is there anything I can do to speed up the process?”
The best thing you can do to SAFELY get your weight off faster is invest in a Home Study program.
A Home Study program with Code Red includes:
Individualized Plan Written Just For You
No More Guessing When It Comes To Your Optimal Weight Loss
Onboarding Call With Cristy “Code Red” Nickel (to get your questions answered)
Tools To Set You Up For Success In Your Weight Loss Journey
The Home Study Program is available in the Code Red network here: https://app.coderedlife.com/plans/162097. Just set up your free Code Red network account to see and purchase it.
(Your Code Red network account also gets you access to tips, videos, and more; plus the the ability to join programs, including the Home Study program.)
You can also purchase coaching with your Home Study program, to get real-time help and support in a group setting within the Code Red network, which I highly recommend. If you’re a do-it-yourself type who doesn’t need support and community to be successful, then you can skip the coaching component.
One last thing – and I REALLY want you to hear me on this…
It takes time to learn a new way of doing things. You may have glanced at the foods and rules list once, started following them, and legitimately believe you’re “doing everything right.” A lot of people do that.
I challenge you to revisit the foods list and simple rules, and – WITHOUT beating yourself up – stay open to the possibility you may be missing something…because odds are, you are. Especially if you’ve only looked at the foods and rules list a couple of times.
If you’ve ever read a book, or watched a movie or TV show, more than once, and picked up stuff you missed the first time, you know what I mean.
Make the foods and simple rules as much a part of you as breathing, before you assume you’re “doing everything right.”
And consider investing in a Home Study program, to get your customized numbers, so you get safely get the weight off faster.