A lot of people new to the Code Red Lifestyle™ spend a lot of time and energy on what I call workarounds.
I see two types: Food workarounds, and mindset workarounds.
A food workaround is when, instead of focusing on the Foods to Eat list and keeping their meals nice and simple, someone dedicates themselves to recreating their “favorite foods” (usually desserts) in a way that’s Code Red-approved.
Mindset workarounds involve cheating, or ignoring my simple rules for consistent weight loss, and then explaining why you “couldn’t” follow the Code Red Lifestyle as instructed.
So why are these things a problem?
Let’s start with the food workaround, since its flaws are less obvious.
Food workarounds are attempts to cling to an old way that didn’t work. It keeps people dwelling on what they’re giving up instead of the wonderful new things they’re about to gain.
Mindset workarounds are people letting themselves off the hook for messing up, and then giving themselves permission to keep messing up.
Look, I’m not a fan of people beating themselves up over a mistake for all of eternity.
But forgiveness is completely different than giving yourself permission to mess up over and over, which is what mindset workarounds lead to. They are simply you talking yourself out of succeeding.
I come down pretty hard on workarounds, because, after coaching thousands of people all over the world, I see how damaging they are to success.
People who succeed on the Code Red Lifestyle (and in other areas of their life) either don’t do workarounds in the first place, or are willing to let them go as they learn the ropes.
People who don’t, on the other hand, stay trapped in a vicious workaround cycle. They “try,” they mess up, they make an excuse. Not just once, not just twice – over and over.
Letting go of workarounds and focusing on what you can do (instead of clinging to those destructive old ways and constantly bringing up what you tell yourself you “can’t” do) is the fastest road to success…in weight loss, and in life.