What Is This Episode About…
❌ Quitting On Your Goals ❌
It makes my blood boil that people can have these amazing goals and they quit before reaching them. ?
It’s not OK to stop in the middle of the process of achieving your goal. It’s just not. Not only are you letting yourself down, but you are letting down those around you.
No one has ever achieved great things and accomplished big goals by settling for mediocrity and accepting average, so why would you do this?
Episode 16 of Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle is all about why quitting before you achieve your goals is just flat out not acceptable.
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When Was It Released…
This episode was released July 10, 2019
Episode Transcript…
The Transcript Is Auto Generated And May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors
I’m Cristy Code Red and you’re listening to Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle, where we believe food pulls the power to heal or poison, and we believe our society has been misled regarding proper nutrition and weight loss. You’re in the right place if you’re looking for some straight up truth because I’m here to shed light on the lies and brainwashing that has taken place over the past five decades. Thanks so much for listening.
00:27 All right, you guys, welcome back to another episode of Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle, I am Cristy Code Red and I’m excited to be here with you guys. I really am. I love doing this. I’m getting used to this. This is fun. I hope you guys are liking it too, man. I’m just fired up. You know this comes up once in a while and when it does I just get like, oh, I get angry and upset. This really gets my blood boiling and that is stopping short of your goal. People who stopped short of their goal. People who quit before reaching their goal. Even saying those words. I mean, I’m like, I could feel myself. Like I just, that gives me so much anxiety. I can’t believe that people freaking do this. This is ridiculous. I learned of this, you know, when I was in this networking kind of a group in Boise that would be with these other women. They would have these side hustles in these businesses and stuff. They would have these big dreams and big goals. All these things they want to accomplish and they like dream of private Jets and personal shoppers.
01:35 Then I would see them like a year later and they were no further along. They hadn’t accomplished anything. They set out to do all these things when we were masterminding. When I talked to them last time, they had all these big plans and they were like, you know, they were out there. Just write down their goals and you know, it had a plan and executing their plan. They were fired up. Then when I see them a year later, they haven’t made any progress and I just could not wrap my head around that. How do you look at yourself in the mirror now, this is where my mom would step in and all our moms would step in. She’d say stop being so harsh, Cristy. So, I might get some pushback from this podcast and people just saying, you know what, you just so mean. Well, whatever.
02:15 This my podcast, I’m going to say what I want and this is the way I am. Yeah, this is probably a little bit harsh. I get that we’re all different. We’re all made different. I get that we’re all wired different, but don’t tell me that you have a freaking goal in your business. Or in your weight loss or an athletic goal or a sales goal or a goal to get a certain GPA and then just freaking don’t do it like didn’t give up. Like don’t freaking do it. Are you kidding me? Like you sit there and you put that out there. It’s not like, I failed again. No, no, no. I’m not saying that. I say failing is when you give up. I’m not saying that my problem is not that you didn’t make a certain amount of progress. My problem is that you didn’t make any freaking progress.
03:06 My problem is that you stopped even trying. That’s my problem. My problem is that you just gave up. I can’t do that. I can’t wrap my head around that. I can’t believe you’re back to being a Walmart greeter when you had these big, and there’s nothing wrong with Walmart greeters. Believe me, I just, please don’t send me a nasty email. You’re back to being what you said you wanted to get out of. You said out loud. You posted it online. You said to everybody, look, I’m going to do this. I’m going to reach this. I want to do this, and then you freaking didn’t even try. You didn’t make any progress. You didn’t even make a baby step. You didn’t make any effort towards getting to that goal. That’s what I’ve got a problem with. That’s what I’ve got an issue with. I’ve got an issue with people who’d in our weight loss.
03:55 Oh my gosh. See, here’s what happens. Stopping short of your goal. Here’s what happens. As people work their way through their weight loss journey and worked at, you know, getting to the weight loss goal. A lot of people saw some people. Let me not say it. I don’t want to say a lot of people because that makes it looks like two thirds. I’m not going to say two thirds of people. Let’s just say some people, some people, we’ll bring it back down to one third. The way my brain works, some people will, I mean they’re just grinding, right? They’re doing the grind every day. They’re weighing their food. They’re measuring like if you’re in our custom program, you got a lot of pressure on you. I put a lot of pressure on you. Nobody gets weight off people better than Code Red, and I’ve always said that.
04:36 I’ve always stood behind it. That is true, but it comes with a price. I mean, you have got to do the program the way I have it written for you. You’ve got to do the program the way that I say to do. You’ve got to follow every single rule, every single second of every single day until that weight is all gone. Then I’ll teach you how to stay at maintenance. I get that doing the grind day in and day out, especially when you have like a hundred or over a hundred to lose. I mean it is a long grind. It is a year of day in and day out. No screwing up. I get that and man, it gets tiring. Man, it gets old and it does. I want to recognize that. I get it. I get that you’re just like, oh my goodness, day in and day out.
05:23 But you gotta ask yourself, well, what’s the alternative? People are like, I’m just so sick. I’m just so tired of losing weight. Well, what are you going to do? Go back to being fat? What are you going to do? What’s your alternative to go back to eating Ho-Hos and Oreos, drinking a half a case of Diet Coke every day? You’re going to go back to drinking that bottle of wine every night? Feeling like crap, looking like crap, sleeping like crap, having no confidence, having no clothes that fit because that’s what your fate is. If you stop and go back to your old ways, that’s what you’re looking at. That’s what’s going to happen in your future if you quit this game. So that’s what I say to people. I’m fat. I’ll say, well, what’s your alternative? What do you want to do?
06:05 A lot of people that I just encountered online, here just a few minutes ago. In fact, one of the coaches just sent me a message. I’m like, can you help me with this situation? This girl is wanting to quit early. She’s 25 pounds from goal. She’s lost 65 pounds, and hey, that’s freaking awesome. Like I’m really super happy to hear this. Super happy, lost 65 pounds. Let’s see, February, March, April, May, June, four months. So, she’s doing great and she thinks she’s done. She wants to be done losing weight. I’m done. She’s done 25 pounds before her goal. I just think you are selling yourself short. I think that you are. There’s no one. I think you’re absolutely selling yourself short. Here are some of the things I say, well, I don’t want to look like a skeleton. Well, first of all, you’re not.
06:50 Okay. I’m looking at the person, I’m looking at a picture of her. I’m looking at people and they’re like, I just don’t want to look. I, you know, and then they think they’re going to be too skinny. Well, that’s borrowing trouble. Okay? You got a long way to go before you look too skinny. I’m here to tell you, Janet, you know Martha, Nancy, I’m not calling people. I’m just throwing names out like John Chris does. Karen, I love when he does that. You gotta believe me. I mean, of course you look good where you are because you’re making awesome progress. But I’m here to tell you you’re gather way to lose and you’re far from looking like a skeleton. Okay? You’re far from looking too skinny. All right? Don’t, you’re borrowing trouble for crying out loud. That’s what that is. That’s when like people, when they say, I don’t want to lose too much weight because I don’t want to have too much loose skin.
07:32 Really? You’d rather be heavy? You’d rather have hypertension, high cholesterol beyond diabetic medications, have sleep apnea, have thyroid issues? All these things that a lot of them come with obesity. You’d rather have all of those things, than loose skin? Oh, for crying out loud. Like Madonna said, I’d rather be lean and have a face lift than be fat and have no wrinkles. Alright, you’re borrowing trouble. Let’s worry about your loose skin later and that’s what I’m saying to these people who are cutting themselves short. They’re falling short. They’re stopping short of their goal because they don’t want to look too skinny. You’re 25 pounds for being even close to where you need to be and you’re worried about looking too skinny. Oh, believe me, you’re fine. I mean, no, you’re fine. It’s going to take a lot for somebody to beat you skinny. Another thing that stops people when it comes to their weight loss goals and stopped some short is their spouse. Their spouse is starting to say, like, I don’t want you to be.
08:31 Especially with girls, you know, the guys and it’s really too bad as some husbands say this to their wives. Like I don’t want my wife to be too thin. I don’t want my wife to be too thin, but this is a healthy weight. The weight that she’s going for is a healthy weight for her. It’s not too thin, it’s the right amount of weight. Guys do realize that it is not okay and it’s not healthy to carry excess body fat. There’s no use for white adipose tissue. There’s no use for white fat. The brown fat is the metabolically active fat that we want. The brown fat’s good, the white fat is not, and we have too much of that fat, honest. So most of us do. It’s not okay. That’s being a detriment to our health. When you husbands, say that your wives I don’t want you to get, you then and get kind of like gives her dirty looks and you’re kind of disgusted with her when she’s losing weight. Guys, you got to quit that crap because your wife is getting down to a healthy weight.
09:26 If she’s on my program, if your wife is on my program, believe me, I’m taking great care of her. I’m not going to let her get down too thin. I’m not gonna let anything happen to her, believe me. If she comes to me and she says, Cristy, hey listen, you have my weight. Set it at 140 right now. I’m sitting at 145 and I feel good. I’m looking good. I feel strong. All my clothes fit. I think I’d like to stop right here. Do you honestly think I’m going to argue with her? Yeah. Hey Karen, I support you want you present, but I don’t support someone stopping short of their goal. Someone who clearly has a lot more weight to lose and they’re like, I’m done. I’m done. Because they don’t want to look too thin. It just, that’s ridiculous. A lot of times they’re tired to lose weight.
10:08 A lot of times they get pushed back from their spouse because their spouse doesn’t want them to lose a lot more weight because they don’t want to, you know, like I like your boobs the way they are or whatever their spouses say. I think that’s really rotten guys. When you do that to your wives, and a lot of people, the reason that they want to stop short of their goal is they see how far they’ve come. They’re like, look at how well I’ve done. This is good enough. That burns me too when I hear that, well, this is good enough. What? Since when did we become a society of being just okay with good enough? When did that become okay? When did we start accepting mediocrity? When did we start accepting average? When do we start letting ourselves off the freaking hook?
10:51 When did we start doing that? That’s not okay, ever. But I’ve lost 65 pounds. I think that’s great. But you’re not done yet. But I look so much better than I did. Yes, you do. Yes you do and you’re getting healthier all the time. But you’re still carrying too much weight for your frame. But I’ve lost two thirds of my weight. Yes, you have. But that doesn’t give you a free ticket to stop. This whole accepting mediocrity is just not okay. And that’s what I view it as. I view somebody stopping two thirds of the way and not getting that last one third. I view that as mediocrity. I do, and again, you might be like, God, Cristy, you know, why don’t you just celebrate? Oh, I do celebrate. I do celebrate her losing or I’m keep referring to this one person, but this is like a ton of, we have a ton of people like this.
11:41 We go through this every day. I do celebrate. We should celebrate every step of the way we do. We celebrate, we wrap our arms around you. We love you. We send you an engraved glass trophy when you lose a hundred pounds on the custom program. Like we go to great lengths to send you an autographed photo when you hit goal. We send you a letter. We call you on the phone. There’s so many things that we do. But I’m not going to stand here and let you off the hook, let you think that stopping with still a third of the way to go is okay. That’s not okay and I’m not going to give into this. Since when did we think it was okay to stop short of our goal? I got a problem with that. I mean I’ve got a problem with people who put out these claims that they’re going to hit this goal and then they make zero progress and then I have a problem with people who are making great progress and then they just stop and they just give up.
12:32 I’m done, I’m done. You’re done. You don’t want to see how far you can go. You don’t want to see what your potential is. What if one of my certified coaches would have stopped and they never reached their goal. Then they never took the leader test to become a leader and then they never excelled as a leader. Then they never were invited to become a certified coach and then they never went on to make. Some of my coaches are making five figures a month coaching hundreds of people for Code Red. What if they never would have done that? Because Code Red has changed our lives in so many ways. Not just money that they’re making, but all the lives that they’re changing. Being able to work from home. Being able to coach, doing something they love more than anything. Being able to have meet and greets. Being able to stand proud and say, yeah, I work for Code Red.
13:19 It’s an awesome company. I’m changing lives every day. I’m helping promote a healthy lifestyle. What if they would’ve stopped short of their goal and they never got to that level? Then that and then that and, and that and that. I think you are selling yourself short when you don’t even see what you can do. You don’t even see you stop. You don’t even see what’s on the other side for you. What’s in store for you. You know, if you’re listening to me right now and you’re a kid, I say, kid, I don’t know. I don’t know how young of viewers I have here. You know what? If you’re a kid, I can say to you right now, listen to me. Look in my eyes, listen to me. There’s absolutely nothing you can’t do. There’s nothing you can’t do. It all boils down to you, putting your mind to it and all boils down.
14:02 You just deciding and they freaking doing it. Stop letting other people stop you from doing it. Stop letting your parents, some parents actually do. They say negative things to your kids, you know. If you’re listening right now and you’re a kid, you’ve got a parent that’s a jerk to you and just feed negative into you, you got to turn a deaf ear to that. How about all the great people freaking, Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team. Can you even wrap your head around that? What you’ve have done, if you would’ve just stopped. That could be you stopping short of your goal is absolutely not okay. You hear me? All of you guys listening to me right now, stopping short of your goal is not okay. Not seeing it through to the end is not okay. Seeing it through the end is your only option.
14:48 Wrap your brain around that and just accept it. No, I’m going to see this through end. If it takes me another year, if it takes me five years, that is just a matter of not I’m going to do this. No, I’m going to do it. No matter what comes your way. No matter what anybody says. No matter what oppositions are in your way. No matter what things have come upon you and uncontrollable circumstances. Those kinds of things that rained down, rained down. I say give it your best shot. Is that all you got? You don’t want. Many times I’ve been kicked in the teeth and knocked down, knocked down, knocked down. I never stayed down. I never stayed down. I got back up and said, alright, well, I’ve got another broken nose to heal from, but when it’s healed, I’m going to keep going.
15:32 All right. Well, I just had $36,000 stolen from me by a con artists that I was in a relationship with. Okay? I’m starting from scratch with really bad credit now, no money and a job as a personal trainer at a horrible gym working in making like 13 bucks an hour. Absolutely hated it. Having a car that overheated had no place to live. How to live in someone else’s guesthouse. Thank the Lord that He was generous enough to let me sleep there or I would have been homeless. What would have happened? No, no. That didn’t stop me and it’s not going to stop. You either do. We don’t stop short of our goals code Red Rebels. If you’re listening in, if you’re a Rebel, don’t you dare come at me with that bull crap attitude. You came to me because I’m the best. You came to me because you were sick of being the way that you were.
16:16 You came to me because you want to lose this weight once and for all. So you trust me enough to write a custom program for you. Now, I expect you to be 100% compliant and I expect you to do it. I expect you to lose your weight each week. I expect you to participate in the group. I expect you to stay in touch with me. I expect you to interact and I expect you to reach your goal because this kind of expectation of yourself is going to trickle over into other areas of your life. It’s gonna cause you to aspire higher in your marriage, in your job, and your housework, in your yard work, in your parenting, in the way that you walk your dog, and the way that you take care of your body. If you start exercising in your relationship with your mother in law and the way that you interact with the church members, the way that you interact with the other parents PTA, the way that you walk up the bleachers at your kid’s soccer game, every area of your life is affected.
17:15 You will start expecting more of yourself right now. You’re relying on me. You’re gathering your strength from me, I think that’s great. That’s fine. You don’t believe you can do it. Whatever. I don’t care. I believe you can do it and I expect you to do it. Then once you do it, you’re going to be like, crap, I can’t believe it. Now, what else can I do? Exactly. There’s no limit to what you can do. Stopping short of your goal is not an option. You understand me? Look at my face, look into my eyes, listen to my voice right now and realize that this is what I want from my Rebels. I can help you get you to your goal. But understand that this is what you’re going to get. So, if that’s not okay with you, please don’t waste my time. Don’t waste the coach’s time, but this is what you want.
17:57 If you’re sick of accepting mediocrity from yourself and you are ready to step up, contact me. Let me know. Let’s go. You know, look, let’s not let another holiday past where you are always falling short. Let’s not let another birthday, another anniversary, another freaking Christmas, another summer where you got a t shirt and shorts on at the waterpark because you’re so embarrassed about the way you look. Alright, let’s go. Let’s do this. You’re serious about doing it. Let’s do this because I do not accept people who fall short of their goals, as is not an option. Being in Code Red Rebel, understand that and that’s not an option for you in the other areas of your life. Do you understand me? Alright. Thank you for watching. Thank you for listening. I’ll see you guys on the next episode.
18:46 Thanks for listening to this episode of Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle. If you’re not subscribed already, please be sure to do that right now. If you enjoyed this episode, I would love it you could do me a quick favor and rate and review this podcast, that would be just so helpful. Speaking of health, let me know if I can help you, go to coderedlifestyle.com, check out my programs and see what we can do for you. Until next time.