Down 112 pounds and feels better than she thought possible

After high school is when Caryn slowly began gaining weight.
For years she didn’t think much about it.
But then, at age 37, with her 40th birthday not that far off anymore, Caryn DID start thinking about it.
At 267.9 pounds., she was “eating out 3 meals a day and drinking Diet Coke like water,” in her words, and her weight gain was showing no signs of slowing down.
Deciding it was long past time to do something about her weight, Caryn joined Code Red because a friend of hers lost 60 pounds on the lifestyle.
➡️ Caryn joined, too, and lost 112 pounds with Code Red.
➡️ Plus, she told me she feels AMAZING. “I never knew life could feel this good. No more pain. No more fatigue. No more FAT!” she told me.
If you’re considering Code Red, but aren’t sure whether it’s for you, here’s what Caryn would like you to know:
“If you want to change your life in ways you never knew you could, Code Red is for you! The food tastes great, you won’t miss the poison, and you will feel amazing! Best of all it’s so simple to follow and anyone can do it!”
(By poison, Caryn means foods, like sugar, that feed into obesity and disease.)
On Code Red, we have a path for everyone who’s as fed up with gimmicks and useless magic pills as they are with circling the weight loss mountain.
The fastest of those paths is a personalized Home Study nutrition program, because it’s written for YOU.
See what you get with a Home Study program and request yours at
Take your life back!