Don’t be jealous of what someone has if you’re not willing to do what they did to get it

It’s safe to say we’ve all felt jealous of someone else at some point.
It could be for ANY reason. They have a nicer car, they have more money, they have a family that seems “more sane”…
And maybe even, they don’t have a weight problem and we do.
Some stuff you’re jealous of won’t ever change. Meaning, the people you’re biologically related to are the people you’re biologically related to. Nothing you can do about that.
When it comes to stuff you’re jealous about and you CAN change, like your weight: let me ask you this: Are you willing to do what they did to lose your weight and keep it off?
Watch my video below to hear why being jealous of outcomes you aren’t willing to put the work in to get sets you up for a life of resentment, failure, and self-sabotage…AND what you can do instead.