Does Code Red demonize fruit?

When people get a look at the Code Red foods to eat/foods to avoid in weight loss mode, they assume everything on the “avoid” side is “bad,” and I get questions like, “Why is fruit bad??” or “Why are peas bad??”

I get why people do it. We’re conditioned to see things as good or bad. If a food doesn’t help you lose weight, it must automatically be “bad,” right?

No, that’s not accurate, and in this post, I’m gonna set the record straight.

The foods on the foods to avoid side of the Code Red foods list are there for one reason: Because they interfere with weight loss in most people.

By interfere, it could be they’re HUGE inflammation triggers that actually cause obesity and feed into disease.

It could also just mean they slow or stall weight loss in most people.

That’s the case with fruit, and a few other things on the foods to avoid side of the list. They’re not “bad.” It’s that eating them will slow or stall your weight loss.

“But Cristy, fruit has nutrients and fiber!!”

Yes. But so do meat, vegetables, nuts, eggs, seeds, seafood, and dietary fat.

While whole fruit does have nutrients, it’s higher in sugar. Yeah, it’s a natural sugar, but it’s still a sugar.

Natural sugar or not, it spikes more insulin, and you cannot lose weight in the presence of insulin.

Code Red’s weight loss mode – which includes eating foods that barely spike insulin (all food requires some) and eliminating foods that are highly inflammatory for most people – is strategically designed to get your weight off as quickly, and also as safely, as possible.

To do that, I take you off certain foods – including some that are otherwise healthy, but slow or stall weight loss – so we can get your weight off sooner rather than later.

Seriously, aren’t you ready to be done losing weight?

“Does that mean I can’t ever eat fruit again??”

Stop saying “can’t.” You can eat whatever you want. You’re CHOOSING to eat a certain way so you can take your life back. Got it?

To answer your question: Yes. In maintenance you can strategically reintroduce foods like fruit to see how you do in terms of your weight, and how you feel.

You’re not avoiding fruit forever. You’re temporarily avoiding it so you’re not losing weight forever.