Does body positivity mean you should love yourself no matter what?

The short answer is that yes, ideally, you love and value yourself whether or not you’re carrying extra body fat.

No one should be devalued or mistreated just because they’re not at a healthy weight.

At the same time, I think it’s important to understand that carrying extra body fat is about more than body positivity.

We shouldn’t all be expected to look like airbrushed fitness models. That’s not realistic.

AND, obesity comes with health risks. It’s hard on your joints.

It’s often a side effect of overeating to try and cope with abuse.

If you’re sick as well as overweight, you may feel crappy even if you love yourself.

Losing the extra body fat, along with a cleaner diet that properly fuels your body, is a way to feel better and make everyday parts of life easier.

It’s easier to chase after your grandkids, pick them up, get up from your recliner, get in and out of your car, put groceries away, and cross the street when you’re not hauling 100 extra pounds of body fat everywhere you go.

All that’s also easier when your joints don’t ache from carrying around more body fat than they were designed to carry on a day to day basis.

Yes, I want you to love yourself.

I also want you to live the fullest, most wonderful life you possibly can. We only get one, and I don’t want you to wake up one day and feel like you’ve wasted it.

If you feel like you’re living the fullest, most wonderful life that you possibly can, you’re happy, AND happen to have a weight problem, aches, pains, brain fog, bloating, and disease (all of a which a cleaner diet may improve or eliminate), then cool.

If you DON’T feel like you’re living a happy, amazing life, I’m not saying losing weight will magically fix everything.

What I AM saying is that when you feel good because your body’s healthy, and able to do what you want it to do, then everything is easier.

It’s easier to get around when you’re not in pain.

It’s easier to get around when you can focus.

It’s easier to enjoy your life when you’ve got the energy and mobility to enjoy it.

How you live your life is your call.

Yes, love yourself regardless of how you look.

AND yes, if less weight and fewer physical wellness problems would make life more enjoyable for you, it’s okay to get the weight off, too.

You can love yourself and want to feel better physically, too.

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