Does a clean diet fix ALL health problems?

The short answer is: No.

And legally, I cannot “promise” that a clean diet will even improve your health problems.

(As an aside: Go to the Success Stories category here on my website and read the stories from people who’ve done Code Red, then decide for yourself what impact a clean diet, water, and sleep can have on your physical wellness.)

What I CAN do is point out the obvious:

Food is our body’s fuel, just like it is for every other living being on the planet.

If a living creature eats something that’s not good for it, it gets sick…even DIES…either right away, or down the road, depending on how long it takes for what it ingested to start affecting its health.

If your dog eats enough chocolate, the chocolate will make it sick and kill it.

If your cat licks up enough anti-freeze, the anti-freeze will make it sick and kill it.

When it comes to our living bodies, what we ingest works the same way.

What you put in your body either hurts it or helps it.

Sometimes, how it’s hurting you is obvious, like when it starts storing fat, or you notice your joints aching after you eat wheat.

Other times, it’s not as obvious, because the harm hasn’t yet manifested with physical symptoms…just like you may not realize your house has a termite infestation until your master bedroom closet caves in under your foot.

Food is your body’s fuel, because you’re a living organism. Living organisms are affected by what they consume, and you are no exception.

Eighty-eight percent of disease is preventable. So no, what you eat doesn’t eliminate (or prevent) every single form of disease…but since eighty-eight percent of disease is preventable, odds are excellent that a clean diet may, at the bare minimum, positively impact any wellness-related problems you’re experiencing.

If you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired, and you haven’t done real food, water, and sleep the way we do it on Code Red, then really, what do you have to lose that you’re not already in danger of losing?

Better yet, what do you have to GAIN if Code Red actually helps you finally feel better (as well as drop some unwanted fat)?

Have you created your free Code Red Lifestyle™ network account yet?

If not, here’s how to get your account!

1) On your computer, create your account at

2) If you want the network on a mobile device, go to the App Store or Google Play Store and search for Code Red Lifestyle.