Code Red-approved sweeteners

There’s so many sweeteners out there, all claiming to be “healthy,” and safe to consume if you’re avoiding sugar, aren’t there?

It’s no wonder we’re confused about what’s actually okay, and what isn’t!

But never fear, because I’ve got a few simple tips to help you avoid the most common sweetener pitfalls.

First of all, if a sweetener causes a spike in insulin, then it doesn’t matter how “healthy” the packaging claims it is. Why?

Because you cannot lose weight in the presence of insulin.

Even “organic” and “natural” sweeteners like coconut sugar and honey will spike insulin, which makes them a no-go in weight loss mode.

Plus, sugar hides on ingredient labels under dozens of other names, including high fructose corn syrup and maltodextrin.

Next we have the artificial sweeteners, like aspartame, which, because they’re chemicals, may trigger inflammation, and result in side effects like headaches or dizziness.

Sugars that are both natural AND do not spike insulin, like stevia and monk fruit, are often lumped together with artificial sweeteners like aspartame, which is incredibly misleading.

(Stevia’s made from a plant, and monk fruit comes from an herb.)

I used to let my Rebels consume Splenda, but the more research I see about it, the less comfortable I am recommending it, so Splenda is out.
That means stevia and monk fruit are, at this time, the only two Code Red-approved sweeteners.

For more info on why stevia and monk fruit are Code Red-approved, and where you can find them, check out my video below.