Suffer from arthritis? So did this 64-year-old grandmother…until…

“It’s just part of getting older.”

That’s what 64-year-old grandmother, Carole, believed about the excruciating, constant pain in her hands and fingers.

And at 40 pounds overweight, Carole assumed she was stuck being the “squishy grandma” for the rest of her life.

But then Carole experienced the jaw-dropping power of real food, water, and sleep to lose all 40 of those pounds on the Code Red Lifestyle…despite believing that, “at her age,” it was never going to happen.

And wait ’til you hear what effect the Code Red Lifestyle had on her arthritis.

Watch our interview below!

Are you ready to take your life back from obesity, sickness, and misery? Are you ready to love being photographed, always find cute clothes that fit whenever you shop, and feel proud of yourself?

Then join my next 10 Pound Takedown Challenge at For less than the price of a family dinner out, you can experience the Code Red Lifestyle’s life-transforming results for yourself. Get started now at